
Linux man pages

Matches for “apt”

apt(8) command-line interface
apt.conf(5) Configuration file for APT

Top 20 Full-Text Search Results for “apt”

apt-get(8) APT package handling utility -- command-line interface
apt_preferences(5) Preference control file for APT
sources.list(5) List of configured APT data sources
apt-cache(8) query the APT cache
debconf-apt-progress(1) install packages using debconf to display a progress bar
apt-key(8) Deprecated APT key management utility
apt-secure(8) Archive authentication support for APT
apt-ftparchive(1) Utility to generate index files
apt-transport-mirror(1) APT transport for more automated mirror selection
apt-cudf(1) CUDF solver integration for APT
calcurse(1) terminal-based organizer for interactive and command line use
apt_auth.conf(5) Login configuration file for APT sources and proxies
apt-cdrom(8) APT CD-ROM management utility
ch-image(1) Build and manage images; completely unprivileged
pbuilder(8) personal package builder
apt-transport-http(1) APT transport for downloading via the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
cdist-type__apt_key(7) Manage the list of keys used by apt
apt-patterns(7) Syntax and semantics of apt search patterns
apt-mark(8) show, set and unset various settings for a package

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