
Linux man pages

Matches for “grep”

grep(1p) search a file for a pattern
grep(1) print lines that match patterns

Top 20 Full-Text Search Results for “grep”

parallel_alternatives(7) Alternatives to GNU parallel
perlretut(1) Perl regular expressions tutorial
git-grep(1) Print lines matching a pattern
ack(1) grep-like text finder
mount_namespaces(7) overview of Linux mount namespaces
zsh-lovers(1) tips, tricks and examples for the Z shell
perlop(1) Perl operators and precedence
exiv2(1) Image metadata manipulation tool
joe(1) Joe´s Own Editor
flawfinder(1) lexically find potential security flaws ("hits") in source code
mlr(1) like awk, sed, cut, join, and sort for name-indexed data such as CSV and tabular JSON.
std::regex_constants(3) ISO C++ 2011 namespace for options and flags used with std::regex.
xzgrep(1) search compressed files for a regular expression
pcre2grep(1) a grep with Perl-compatible regular expressions.
xml_grep(1) grep XML files looking for specific elements
bzgrep(1) search possibly bzip2 compressed files for a regular expression
ugrep(1) file pattern searcher
perltidy(1) a perl script indenter and reformatter
makedefs(6) NetHack miscellaneous build-time functions

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