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qdisable - Man Page

disable input to a pbs destination


qdisable destination ...


The qdisable command directs that a destination should no longer accept batch jobs. If the command is accepted, the destination will no longer accept Queue Job requests which specified the disabled queue.  Jobs which already reside in the queue will continue to be processed.  This allows a queue to be "drained."

In order to execute qdisable, the user must have PBS Operation or Manager privilege.


The qdisable command accepts one or more destination operands.  The operands are one of three forms:


If queue is specified, the request is to disable that queue at the default server. If the @server form is given, the request is to disable all the queues at that server. If a full destination identifier, queue@server, is given, the request is to disable the named queue at the named server.

Standard Error

The qdisable command will write a diagnostic message to standard error for each error occurrence.

Exit Status

Upon successful processing of all the operands presented to the qdisable command, the exit status will be a value of zero.

If the qdisable command fails to process any operand, the command exits with a value greater than zero.

See Also

pbs_server(8B), qmgr(1B), and qenable(8B)

Referenced By


Local PBS