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sq-autocrypt-encode-sender - Man Page

Encode a certificate into an Autocrypt header


sq autocrypt encode-sender [Options] FILE


Encode a certificate into an Autocrypt header.

A certificate can be encoded and included in a header of an email message.  This command encodes the certificate, adds the senders email address (which must match the one used in the `From` header), and the senders `prefer-encrypt` state (see the Autocrypt spec for more information).

The converse operation is `sq autocrypt decode`.


Subcommand options


Set the address [default: primary userid]

-o, --output=FILE

Write to FILE or stdout if omitted

[default: -]


Set the prefer-encrypt attribute

[default: nopreference]

[possible values: nopreference, mutual]


Read from FILE or stdin if FILE is '-'

[default: -]

Global options

See sq(1) for a description of the global options.


Encodes a certificate

    sq autocrypt encode-sender juliet.pgp

Encodes a certificate with an explicit sender address

    sq autocrypt encode-sender --email juliet@example.org juliet.pgp

Encodes a certificate while indicating the willingness to encrypt

    sq autocrypt encode-sender --prefer-encrypt mutual juliet.pgp

See Also

sq(1), sq-autocrypt(1).

For the full documentation see <https://book.sequoia-pgp.org>.


0.37.0 (sequoia-openpgp 1.21.1)

Referenced By


0.37.0 Sequoia PGP