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qmove - Man Page

move pbs batch job


qmove destination job_identifier ...


To move a job is to remove the job from the queue in which it  resides and instantiate the job in another queue.  The qmove command issues a Move Job batch request to the batch server that currently owns each job specified by job_identifier.

A job in the Running , Transiting , or Exiting state cannot be moved.


The first operand is the new destinationfor
See the PBS ERS section , "Destination Identifiers".

If the destination operand describes only a queue, then qmove will move jobs into the queue of the specified name at the job's current server.

If the destination operand describes only a batch server, then qmove will move jobs into the default queue at that batch server.

If the destination operand describes both a queue and a batch server, then qmove will move the jobs into the specified queue at the specified server.

All following operands are job_identifiers which specify the jobs to be moved to the new destination. The qmove command accepts one or more job_identifier operands of the form:

Standard Error

The qmove command will write a diagnostic messages to standard error for each error occurrence.

Exit Status

Upon successful processing of all the operands presented to the qmove command, the exit status will be a value of zero.

If the qmove command fails to process any operand, the command exits with a value greater than zero.

See Also

qsub(1B), pbs_movejob(3B)


Local PBS