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openchangepfadmin - Man Page

Exchange users and Public Folder administration tool


openchangepfadmin [-?] [-?|--help] [--usage] [-f|--database PATH] [-p|--profile PROFILE]
    [-P|--password PASSWORD] [--apassword=PASSWORD] [--adesc=DESCRIPTION] [--acomment=COMMENT]
    [--afullname=NAME] [--list] [--mkdir] [--rmdir] [--comment=COMMENT] [--dirclass=CLASS]
    [--adduser=USERNAME] [--rmuser=USERNAME] [--addright=RIGHT] [--rmright] [--modright=RIGHT]
    [--debuglevel=LEVEL] [--dump-data] [--folder=FOLDER] [--username=USERNAME]


openchangepfadmin is a administrative command line tool designed to facilitate user management related operations (create, delete, modify) on a remote Exchange server and manage public folder store and permissions.



Create a Exchange user with the username specified by USERNAME


Delete the Exchange user account specified by USERNAME


List Public Folder hierarchy (IPM_SUBTREE)


Create a folder in the Public Folder store


Delete a folder in the Public Folder store


Add permission and roles for a user on a Public Folder directory.


Modify permissions and roles for a user on a Public Folder directory


Delete permissions and roles for a specific user



Set the MAPI profile database. If no database is specified, then openchangeclient tries to load the default one: $HOME/.openchange/profiles.ldb


Set the profile to use. If a profile is not specified, and one of the profiles has been set as the default in the profile database (for example, using mapiprofile -S), then that default profile will be used.


Set the password for the profile to use. This can be omitted if the password is stored in the profile.


Define the password to set for the user specified with --adduser. If no password is explicitely supplied, openchangepfadmin will arbitrary set a random one.


This command can only be used with --adduser and specifies a description for this account


This command can only be used with --adduser and specifies a comment for this account.


This command can only be used with --adduser and specifies the user full name for this account.


This command can only be used with --mkdir and specifies a comment for the folder.


This command can only be used with --mkdir and specifies the container class of the directory we want to create. Possible values are: IPF.Appointment, IPF.Contact, IPF.Journal, IPF.Note, IPF.StickyNote, IPF.Task, IPF.Post


This command can only be used with --addright, --modright and --rmright. Specify the folder where permissions and roles have to be changed.


This command can only be used with --addright, --modright and --rmright. Specify the username we want to change permissions and roles for.


Dump the hex data. This is only required for debugging or educational purposes.

--debuglevel LEVEL

Set the debug level.


Creating user

openchangepfadmin --adduser=linuxowner --apassword=linuxowner   \
                    --adesc="Linux Owner Test account"          \
		    --afullname="Linux Owner"
    mapiadmin_user_add       : MAPI_E_SUCCESS (0x0)
username: linuxowner
password: linuxowner

Creates a user account with username and password set to linuxowner.

Deleting user:

openchangepfadmin --rmuser=linuxowner
    mapiadmin_user_del       : MAPI_E_SUCCESS (0x0)

Create Public Folder:

openchangepfadmin --mkdir --folder=public_events --dirclass=IPF.Appointment

Creates a folder in the Public Folder store named public_events with a container class set to Appointment. This folder will display calendar items.

Delete Public Folder:

openchangepfadmin --rmdir --folder=public_events

List Public Folder hierarchy:

openchangepfadmin --list

Add Permission:

openchangepfadmin --username=linuxowner --folder=public_events \
Permission RoleOwner added for linuxowner on folder public_events

Modify Permission

openchangepfadmin --username=Anonymous --folder=public_events \
Permission changed to RoleNone for Anonymous on folder appointment

Note that you can only change permissions for a user already listed in the ACL table.


Permissions and Roles possible values are:

See Also

AddUserPermission, ModifyUserPermission, RemoveUserPermission


Julien Kerihuel <j.kerihuel at openchange dot org>


2013-01-24 OpenChange 2.0 QUADRANT OpenChange Users' Manual