nauty-dretog - Man Page
read graphs in dreadnaut format
dretog [-n#o#sghq] [infile [outfile]]
Read graphs in dreadnaut format.
- -o#
Label vertices starting at # (default 0). This can be overridden in the input.
- -n#
Set the initial graph order to # (no default). This can be overridden in the input.
- -g
Use graph6 format (default for undirected graphs).
- -z
Use digraph6 format (default for directed graphs).
- -s
Use sparse6 format.
- -h
- -q
Suppress auxiliary output.
Input consists of a sequence of dreadnaut commands restricted to:
- n=#
set number of vertices (no default) The = is optional.
- $=#
set label of first vertex (default 0) The = is optional.
- d
indicate graph will be directed
- $$
return origin to initial value (see -o#)
- ".." and !..\n
comments to ignore
- g
specify graph to follow (as dreadnaut format) Can be omitted if first character of graph is a digit or ';'.
- q
exit (optional)