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managesieve — managesieve Documentation

A pure Python application (the interactive sieveshell) for remotely managing Sieve scripts. For developers it includes a Python module implementing the ManageSieve client protocol (RFC 5804).

Download & Installation

Instructions for Windows Users

  1. managesieve requires Python. If you don't have Python installed already, download and install Python 3.6 from https://python.org/download/3.6/

    During installation, make sure to check "Include into PATH".

  2. If you already have Python installed, please check that your Python directory (normally C:Python36 for python 3.6) and the Python Scripts directory (normally :file`C:Python36Scripts`) are in the system path. If not, just add them in My Computer ‣ Properties ‣ Advanced ‣ Environment Variables to the Path system variable.
  3. Install managesieve by running

    pip install managesieve

    Then run the console command managesieve --help to get detailed help.

    If the command pip is unknown to you system, please refer to the pip homepage for help.

Instructions for GNU/Linux and other Operating Systems

Most current GNU/Linux distributions provide packages for managesieve. Simply search your distribution's software catalog.

Also many vendors provide Python, and some even provide managesieve. Please check your vendor's software repository.

If your distribution or vendor does not provide a current version of managesieve please read on.

If your vendor does not provide python please download Python 3.6 from https://www.python.org/download/ and follow the installation instructions there.

If you distribution or vendor missed providing pip, alongside python, please check your vendor's or distribution's software repository for a package called pip or python-pip. If this is not provided, please refer to the pip homepage for help.

Then continue with Installing managesieve using pip below.

Installing managesieve using pip

After installing Python (and optionally PyPDF2), just run:

sudo pip install managesieve

to install managesieve for all users. For installing managesieve for yourself only, run:

pip install --user managesieve

If your system does not have network access download managesieve from https://pypi.org/project/managesieve/, and run

sudo pip install managesieve-*.tar.gz


pip install --user managesieve-*.tar.gz


If you like managesieve, please consider supporting me in some way.

Bank transfers

While PayPal donations are still very much appreciated PayPal takes a large cut and has rather questionable business practices.

If you have the ability to make SEPA bank transfers at a low cost (for example if you live within the EU) please contact Hartmut to ask for his bank details. I trust in the power of free and open source software and thus made the entire source code publicly available for every one to use. However, it takes a lot of time to develop the software and manage the community. And I still need to make my living.

So, if you like the software, please consider donating, especially if your organization benefits from this project.

Thank you!

[image: QR-Code for Bitcoin address] [image] Bitcoin address.UNINDENT


0.7.1 (2021-03-11)

Author: Hartmut Goebel, Thanks to Wouter Bolsterlee.

  • Actually raise debug-only exceptions instead of jsut returning them.
  • Fix invalid string-escape in docstring.
  • Some minor clean-up.
  • Some minor clean-up.

0.7 (2021-03-05)

Author: Hartmut Goebel

  • For get and put expand ~ and ~user constructions in filename . For put, if script-name is not given, the file's basename is used.
  • Fix error when constructing debug error message.

0.6 (2018-06-27)

Author: Hartmut Goebel

  • Add support for Python 3. Minimum required Python version is now Python 2.7.
  • Homepage is now hosted at https://managesieve.readthedocs.io/
  • Documentation is extended and includes API documentation.
  • Security fix: No longer leak environment variable SIEVE_PASSWORD when displaying usage help.
  • Per default enforce secure transport. Suggested by Jan Zerebecki.
  • Add possibility to use username/password from the .netrc file. The order is: command line options -> environment variables -> .netrc file -> ask user. Thanks to Grégoire Détrez.
  • Fail if TLS is requested, but server doesn't support TLS. Suggested by Jan Zerebecki.
  • Rework and enhance test-suite. Thanks to Matěj Cepl for nudging to proper pytest integration.
  • Lots if internal cleanup.

Version 0.5 (2013-03-24)

Author: Hartmut Goebel

  • Changed default port for the MANAGESIEVE protocol to 4190 as proposed by RFC 5804. Thanks to Guido Berhoerster for submitting the patch.
  • Added option --port. Thanks to Damien Aumaitre for submitting the patch and to Guido Berhoerster for an enhancement.
  • Added option --verbose for controlling debug output in managesieve. May be given several times to increase verbosity.
  • Switched to Python standard logging system. This introduces a minor interface change: MANAGESIEVE.debug and global Debug are gone. See source for information about debugging log levels.

Version 0.4.2 (2010-01-06)

Author: Hartmut Goebel

  • Use ssl.wrap_socket() instead of deprecated socket.ssl(). Thanks to Guido Berhoerster for submitting the patch.

Version 0.4.1 (2009-10-08)

Author: Hartmut Goebel

  • fixed short read (thanks to paurkedal for submitting the patch)

Version 0.4 (2008-10-13)

Author: Hartmut Goebel

  • now work with Python 2.3 and later
  • added support for TLS (STARTTLS), special thanks to Gregory Boyce for fixing some corner cases here
  • added support for PLAIN authentication
  • use optparse if available instead of optik.
  • API change: login() no longer uses the LOGIN authentication mechanism, but has become a  convenience function. It uses the best mechanism available for authenticating the user.
  • Bugfixes:

    • If a capability had no values (like 'STARTTLS'), parsing capabilities failed. Fixed.
    • removed dependency on some imaplib's private functions
    • fixed typo: self.supports_tls

Thanks to Tomas 'Skitta' Lindroos, Lorenzo Boccaccia, Alain Spineux, darkness and Gregory Boyce for sending patches.

  • added support for different authentication mechanisms
  • added option --start-tls
  • more verbose output when server says "BYE" (prints out referrals etc.)
  • automatic cmd_quit() when server says "BYE"
  • several minor bugfixes and enhancements

Version 0.3

Author: Hartmut Goebel

  • MANAGESIEVE.authenticate() now only returns a OK/NO/BYE result like any command not asking data from the server
  • added 'edit', which may create scripts, too. (posix only)
  • now prints out the server capabilities, thus the user knows what the server is capable of (and which Sieve-Commands may be used).
  • fixed some minor bugs

Version 0.2

Author: Hartmut Goebel <h.goebel@crazy-compilers.com>

  • renamed to 'managesieve'
  • added sieveshell
  • major overhaul
  • added support for HAVESPACE, CAPABILITY
  • added unittest testsuite (covers most cases)

Version 0.1

Author: Ulrich Eck <ueck at net-labs.de>


The source of managesieve is maintained at GitLab. Patches and pull-requests are hearty welcome.

Historical Note: managesieve was hosted at origo.ethz.ch, which closed in May 2012. Then managesieve was hosted on gitorious.org, which was closed in May 2015 and merged into gitlab.

Module Documentation


ManageSieve (RFC 5804) client module for remotely managing Sieve Scripts.

All Sieve commands are supported by methods of the same name (in lower-case). All arguments to commands are converted to strings, except for authenticate().

class managesieve.MANAGESIEVE(host='', port=4190, use_tls=False, keyfile=None, certfile=None)

Sieve client class.

Instantiate with: MANAGESIEVE(host [, port])

  • host -- host's name (default: localhost)
  • port -- port number (default: standard Sieve port).
  • use_tls -- switch to TLS automatically, fail if the server doesn't support STARTTLS
  • keyfile -- keyfile to use for TLS (optional)
  • certfile -- certfile to use for TLS (optional)
exception abort

Service errors - close and retry

authenticate(mechanism, *authobjects)

Authenticate to the server.

  • mechanism (str) -- authentication mechanism to use
  • authobjects -- authentication data for this mechanism

response (OK, NO, BYE)


Issue a CAPABILITY command and return the result.

As a side-effect, on succes these attributes are (re)set:

  • capabilities (list of strings)
  • loginmechs (list of strings)
  • implementation (string)
  • supports_tls (boolean)

tuple(response, capabilities) -- If response is OK, capabilities is a list of strings.


Delete a scripts at the server.


scriptname (str) -- name of script to be deleted


response (OK, NO, BYE)

exception error

Logical errors - debug required


Get a script from the server.


scriptname (str) -- name of script to be retrieved


tuple(response, str) -- if response is OK, str is the script content.

havespace(scriptname, size)

Query the server for available space.

  • scriptname (str) -- name of script to XXX
  • size (int) -- XXX

response (OK, NO, BYE)


Get a list of scripts on the server.


tuple(response, [data]) -- if response is OK, data is a list of (scriptname, active) tuples.

login(auth, user, password)

Authenticate to the Sieve server using the best mechanism available.


response (OK, NO, BYE)


Terminate connection to server.


response (OK, NO, BYE)

putscript(scriptname, scriptdata)

Put a script onto the server.

  • scriptname (str) -- name of script to be retrieved
  • scriptdata (str) -- script content

response (OK, NO, BYE)


Mark a script as the 'active' one.


scriptname (str) -- name of script to be marked active


response (OK, NO, BYE)

starttls(keyfile=None, certfile=None)

Puts the connection to the SIEVE server into TLS mode.

If the server supports TLS, this will encrypt the rest of the SIEVE session. If you provide the keyfile and certfile parameters, the identity of the SIEVE server and client can be checked. This, however, depends on whether the socket module really checks the certificates.


Hartmut Goebel <h.goebel@crazy-compiler.com>


Python Software Foundation License for the module, GPL v3 for sieveshell and test suite.







What is the Sieveshell?

sieveshell is a command line tool for talking to a remote mail server. Sieve scripts allow users to filter incoming email on the mail server. Typically these servers are sealed so users cannot log into them, yet users must be able to update their scripts on them. This is what sieveshell is for.

One can

sieveshell is simple yet functional and useful for user who wish to manage sieve scripts without installing a fat GUI-based mail client.

What is Managesieve?

The managesieve pure Python module is a ManageSieve (RFC 5804) client library for managing Sieve scripts on a mail server, more specific the Sieve server. For API details see the Module Documentation.


Hartmut Goebel


Jun 07, 2024 0.7