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genwqe_gzip - Man Page

IBM Hardware Accelerator Tool.


genwqe_gzip [OPTION]... [FILE]...


Compress or uncompress FILEs (by default, compress FILES in-place).

Mandatory arguments to long options are mandatory for short options too.

-c,  --stdout

write on standard output, keep original files unchanged

-d,  --decompress


-f,  --force

force overwrite of output file and compress links

-h,  --help

give this help

-l,  --list

list compressed file contents

-L,  --license

display software license

-N,  --name

save or restore the original name and time stamp

-q,  --quiet

suppress all warnings

-S,  --suffix=SUF

use suffix SUF on compressed files

-v,  --verbose

verbose mode

-V,  --version

display version number

-1,  --fast

compress faster

-9,  --best

compress better

Special options for testing and debugging

-A, --accelerator-type=GENWQE|CAPI CAPI is only available for System p

-B, --card=<card_no> -1 is for automatic card selection

-X, --cpu <cpu>

force to run on CPU <cpu>

-s, --software

force to use software compression/decompression

-i, --i_bufsize

input buffer size (128 KiB)

-o, --o_bufsize

output buffer size (128 KiB)

-N, --name=NAME

write NAME into gzip header

-C, --comment=CM

write CM into gzip header

-E, --extra=EXTRA write EXTRA (file) into gzip header

With no FILE, or when FILE is -, read standard input.

NOTE: Not all options are supported in this limited version! Suggestions or patches are welcome!

Reporting Bugs

Report bugs via https://github.com/ibm-genwqe/genwqe-user.

Code: zlibVersion()=1.3.0.zlib-ng Header: ZLIB_VERSION=1.3.0.zlib-ng consistent

Called with

ARGV[0]: "./genwqe_gzip"
ARGV[1]: "-h"


January 2024 genwqe_gzip 4.0.20