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arcemiestest - Man Page

perform simple operations on EMI ES service


The arcemiestest command performs simple operations on server with EMI Execution Service (ES) interface  and is meant for testing interoperability of ARC EMI ES client implementation and  corresponding service. Please see description of EMI ES at http://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/EMI/EmiExecutionService for detailed information about functionality of the service.


arcemiestest command URL [arguments]


sstat URL

takes URL of service implementing ResourceInfo capability, retrieves service description

submit URL filename

takes URL of service implementing ActivityCreation capability and file containing ADL activity  description, sublits activity to service

stat URL ID

takes URL of service implementing ActivityManagement capability and identifier of activity  as returned by submit command, retireves state of activity


takes URL of service implementing ActivityManagement capability and identifier of activity  as returned by submit command, retirieves extended description of the activity


takes URL of service implementing ActivityManagement capability and identifier of activity  as returned by submit command, removes the activity from the service


takes URL of service implementing ActivityManagement capability and identifier of activity  as returned by submit command, cancels execution of the activity at the service


takes URL of service implementing ActivityInfo capability, retrieves identifiers of  available activities


takes URL of service implementing ResourceInfo capability, retrieves full and partial service descriptions and validates results.



The schema of GLUE2 service description is used to validate response from service.

Environment Variables


The location of the user's Grid proxy file. Shouldn't be set unless the proxy is in a non-standard location.


The location where ARC is installed can be specified by this variable. If not specified the install location will be determined from the path to the command being executed, and if this fails a WARNING will be given stating the location which will be used.


arcemiestest ivalidate https://testbed.eu-emi.eu/emies


ARC software is developed by the NorduGrid Collaboration  (http://www.nordugrid.org), please consult the AUTHORS file distributed with  ARC. Please report bugs and feature requests to http://bugzilla.nordugrid.org

See Also

arcproxy(1), arcinfo(1), arcsub(1), arcstat(1)


2024-07-08 NorduGrid ARC 6.20.1 NorduGrid Users Manual