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abrt-action-analyze-java - Man Page

Calculate and save UUID & DUPHASH and determine the level of usability for reporting of a Java stack trace.


abrt-action-analyze-java [-v] [-d DIR] [-o] [-f FILE]


The tool reads the file named backtrace from a problem data directory, processes it and generates a universally unique identifier (UUID). Then it saves this data as new element uuid. It also checks whether the stack trace contains a remote address in any of its frames and if so it creates not-reportable element whose contents explains why the stack trace should not be reported into a bug tracking system.

Integration with ABRT events

abrt-action-analyze-java can be used to generate the UUID & DUPHAS of a newly saved Java stack trace.

EVENT=post-create analyzer=Java   abrt-action-analyze-java


-d DIR

Path to a problem directory. The tool reads the backtrace from stdin when neither this option nor -f is provided.


Path to a stack trace. The tool reads the backtrace from stdin when neither this option nor -d is provided.


Print the result to stdout.


Be more verbose. Can be given multiple times.



01/19/2014 abrt-java-connector ABRT Manual