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Package xmltv

A set of utilities to manage your TV viewing


XMLTV is a set of utilities to manage your TV viewing. They work with
TV listings stored in the XMLTV format, which is based on XML. The
idea is to separate out the backend (getting the listings) from the
frontend (displaying them for the user), and to implement useful
operations like picking out your favourite programmes as filters that
read and write XML documents.

Version: 1.3.0

See also: xmltv-grabbers, xmltv-gui.

General Commands

tv_augment Augment XMLTV listings files with automatic and user-defined rules.
tv_augment_tz Convert floating time to explicit time.
tv_cat Concatenate XMLTV listings files.
tv_count Count (and print) the number of channels and programmes in an XMLTV file.
tv_extractinfo_ar read Spanish (Argentinean) language listings and extract info from programme descriptions.
tv_extractinfo_en read English-language listings and extract info from programme descriptions.
tv_find_grabbers Find all XMLTV grabbers that are installed on the system.
tv_grep Filter programmes and channels from an XMLTV listings file.
tv_imdb Augment XMLTV listings files with imdb.com data.
tv_merge Merge (combine) two XMLTV files.
tv_remove_some_overlapping Remove some overlapping programmes from XMLTV data.
tv_sort Sort XMLTV listings files by date, and add stop times.
tv_split Split XMLTV listings into separate files by date and channel.
tv_tmdb Augment XMLTV listings files with themoviedb.org data.
tv_to_latex Convert XMLTV listings to LaTeX source.
tv_to_potatoe Convert XMLTV listings to potatoe format.
tv_to_text Convert XMLTV listings to text.
tv_validate_file Validate that a file contains valid xmltv data.
tv_validate_grabber Validate that an xmltv grabber works correctly