Package votca

Versatile Object-oriented Toolkit for Coarse-graining Applications

VOTCA is a software package which focuses on the analysis of molecular
dynamics data, the development of systematic coarse-graining techniques as
well as methods used for simulating microscopic charge (and exciton) transport
in disordered semiconductors.

Version: 2024.2

General Commands

csg_boltzmann Part of the VOTCA package
csg_call Part of the VOTCA package
csg_density Part of the VOTCA package
csg_dlptopol Part of the VOTCA package
csg_dump Part of the VOTCA package
csg_fmatch Part of the VOTCA package
csg_gmxtopol Part of the VOTCA package
csg_imc_solve Part of the VOTCA package
csg_inverse Part of the VOTCA package
csg_map Part of the VOTCA package
csg_property Part of the VOTCA package
csg_resample Part of the VOTCA package
csg_reupdate Part of the VOTCA package
csg_stat Part of the VOTCA package
votca_property Part of the VOTCA package
xtp_basisset Part of the VOTCA package
xtp_map Part of the VOTCA package
xtp_modify_jobfile Part of the VOTCA package
xtp_parallel Part of the VOTCA package
xtp_qmmm2qm Part of the VOTCA package
xtp_run Part of the VOTCA package
xtp_tools Part of the VOTCA package
xtp_update_mapfile Part of the VOTCA package


votca-csg The VOTCA coarse-graining engine
votca-tools The basic tools library of the VOTCA package