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Package volpack

Portable library for fast volume rendering


VolPack is a portable library of fast volume rendering algorithms that
produce high-quality images.

Version: 1.0c7

Library Functions

LinearAlgebra linear algebra routines
VolPack introduction to VolPack, a library for volume rendering
vpBoxFilter initialize a filter weight table
vpBruteForceRender render using a simple brute-force method
vpClassifyScalars create a preclassified volume from scalar data
vpClassifyScanline incrementally create a preclassified volume from scanlines of scalar data
vpClassifyVolume create/destroy a preclassified volume for fast rendering
vpCreateContext create/destroy a rendering context
vpCreateMinMaxOctree create/destroy a min-max octree for optimized rendering
vpCurrentMatrix choose the current transformation matrix
vpEnable enable or disable options
vpExtract extract one field from a rectangular region of a volume
vpGetError retrieve error codes
vpGetImage get a field of the intermediate image
vpGetLight get lighting properties
vpGetMaterial get material properties
vpGetMatrix retrieve the contents of a transformation matrix
vpGetTimer interval timer facility
vpGeti get the value of an option
vpIdentityMatrix load the identity matrix into the current transformation matrix
vpLoadRawVolume load volume data structures from a file
vpMultMatrix multiply the current transformation matrix by another matrix
vpNormalIndex encode/decode a surface normal vector
vpOctreeMask compute a mask representing one level of a min-max octree
vpRamp initialize an array with a piecewise-linear ramp
vpRenderRawVolume render a volume
vpResample resample an array
vpRotate multiply the current transformation matrix by a rotation matrix
vpScale multiply the current transformation matrix by a scaling matrix
vpScanlineNormals compute surface normal vectors and gradient magnitudes for a scanline
vpSetCallback define a callback function
vpSetClassifierTable specify an opacity transfer function
vpSetClientData define a client data pointer
vpSetDebug enable/disable debugging options
vpSetDepthCueing set depth cueing parameters
vpSetFilter define a resampling filter
vpSetImage specify an image array
vpSetLight set lighting properties
vpSetLookupShader specify shading lookup tables
vpSetMaterial set material properties
vpSetMatrix load a matrix into the current transformation matrix
vpSetRawVoxels specify an array of volume data
vpSetShadowLookupShader specify shading lookup tables for rendering shadows
vpSetVolumeSize define the dimensions of a volume
vpSetVoxelField define the size and location of a voxel field
vpSetVoxelSize define the size of a voxel
vpSeti set the value of an option
vpShadeTable compute the contents of the shading lookup table
vpStoreRawVolume store volume data structures to a file
vpTracePixel print a trace of the voxels composited into a pixel
vpTranslate multiply the current transformation matrix by a translation matrix
vpTranspose transpose a volume
vpVolumeNormals compute surface normal vectors and gradient magnitudes for a volume
vpWindow multiply the projection matrix by a perspective or orthographic matrix
vpWindowPHIGS multiply the projection matrix by a PHIGS viewing matrix