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Package uhd

Universal Hardware Driver for Ettus Research products


The UHD is the universal hardware driver for Ettus Research products.
The goal of the UHD is to provide a host driver and API for current and
future Ettus Research products. It can be used standalone without GNU Radio.


General Commands

uhd_cal_rx_iq_balance Generate RX IQ Balance Calibration Table for a UHD Device
uhd_cal_tx_dc_offset Generate TX DC Offset Calibration Table for a UHD Device
uhd_cal_tx_iq_balance Generate TX IQ Balance Calibration Table for a UHD Device
uhd_config_info USRP Hardware Driver Build Configuration Info
uhd_find_devices USRP Hardware Driver Discovery Utility
uhd_image_loader UHD Image Loader
uhd_images_downloader USRP Hardware Driver firmware/FPGA downloader
uhd_usrp_probe USRP Hardware Driver Peripheral Report Utility
usrp2_card_burner USRP N-Series FPGA/Firmware Burner
usrp_n2xx_simple_net_burner USRP N-Series FPGA/Firmware Burner
usrpctl USRP Hardware Driver Peripheral Configuration Tool