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Package SoQt-devel

Development files for SoQt


Development package for SoQt.

Version: 1.6.0

Library Functions

SoQt The SoQt class takes care of Qt initialization and event dispatching.
SoQtComponent The SoQtComponent class is the base class for all GUI components.
SoQtConstrainedViewer The SoQtConstrainedViewer class is the superclass for viewers with constrains on the viewpoint.
SoQtCursor The SoQtCursor class is used to set cursors for GUI components.
SoQtCursor_CustomCursor The SoQtCursor::CustomCursor class is used to specify bitmap data for SoQtCursor custom cursors.
SoQtDevice The SoQtDevice class is the base class for the translation devices.
SoQtExaminerViewer The SoQtExaminerViewer class is a 3D-model examination viewer.
SoQtFlyViewer The SoQtFlyViewer class implements controls for moving the camera in a 'flying' motion.
SoQtFullViewer The SoQtFullViewer class adds some user interface components to the viewer canvas.
SoQtGLWidget The SoQtGLWidget class manages OpenGL contexts.
SoQtKeyboard The SoQtKeyboard class is the keyboard input device abstraction.
SoQtMouse The SoQtMouse class is the mouse input device abstraction.
SoQtObject The SoQtObject class is the common superclass for all SoQt component classes.
SoQtPlaneViewer The SoQtPlaneViewer class is for examining 3D models by moving the camera in orthogonal planes.
SoQtRenderArea The SoQtRenderArea class adds scene graph handling and event management.
SoQtViewer The SoQtViewer class is the top level base viewer class.
components Qt Components
devices Qt Device Classes
misc Miscellaneous Classes
viewers Qt Viewer Components