Package rhash

Great utility for computing hash sums

RHash is a console utility for calculation  and verification of magnet links
and a wide range of hash sums like  CRC32,  MD4, MD5,  SHA1, SHA256, SHA512,
SHA3,   AICH,  ED2K,  Tiger,  DC++ TTH,  BitTorrent BTIH,   GOST R 34.11-94,
RIPEMD-160, HAS-160, EDON-R, Whirlpool and Snefru.

Hash sums are used to  ensure and verify integrity  of large volumes of data
for a long-term storing or transferring.

 * Output in a predefined (SFV, BSD-like) or a user-defined format.
 * Can calculate Magnet links.
 * Updating hash files (adding hash sums of files missing in the hash file).
 * Calculates several hash sums in one pass
 * Ability to process directories recursively.
 * Portability: the program works the same on Linux, *BSD or Windows.

Version: 1.4.5

General Commands

ed2k-link alias for rhash
edonr256-hash alias for rhash
edonr512-hash alias for rhash
gost12-256-hash alias for rhash
gost12-512-hash alias for rhash
has160-hash alias for rhash
magnet-link alias for rhash
rhash calculate/check CRC32, MD5, SHA1, GOST, TTH, BTIH or other message digests.
sfv-hash alias for rhash
tiger-hash alias for rhash
tth-hash alias for rhash
whirlpool-hash alias for rhash