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Package quota

System administration tools for monitoring users' disk usage


The quota package contains system administration tools for monitoring
and limiting user and or group disk usage per file system.

Version: 4.09

See also: quota-devel, quota-nld, quota-rpc, quota-warnquota.

General Commands

quota display disk usage and limits
quotasync synchronize in-kernel file system usage and limits to disk format

System Administration

convertquota convert quota from old file format to new one
edquota edit user quotas
quotacheck scan a filesystem for disk usage, create, check and repair quota files
quotaoff alias for quotaon
quotaon turn filesystem quotas on and off
quotastats Program to query quota statistics
repquota summarize quotas for a filesystem
setquota set disk quotas
xqmstats Display XFS quota manager statistics from /proc