Package python3-nifti-mrs

Software tools for the NIfTI-MRS data format

This package contains python-based tools for representing, validating, and
manipulating the NIfTI-MRS format. NIfTI-MRS is a standardized format for
storing Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy data.

These tools are used extensively in the spec2nii format conversion program and
the FSL-MRS analysis software. However, this library can also be used as a
stand-alone set of tools.

If you use these tools please cite: Clarke, WT, Bell, TK, Emir, UE, et al.
NIfTI-MRS: A standard data format for magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Magn
Reson Med. 2022; 88: 2358- 2370. doi:10.1002/mrm.29418

Version: 1.3.0

General Commands

mrs_tools mrs_tools – NIfTI-MRS (Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy) tools
mrs_tools-conjugate mrs_tools conjugate – Conjugate data to correct phase/frequency convention in a NIfTI-MRS file
mrs_tools-info mrs_tools info – Information about the NIfTI-MRS file
mrs_tools-merge mrs_tools merge – Merge NIfTI-MRS along higher dimensions
mrs_tools-reorder mrs_tools reorder – Reorder higher dimensions of NIfTI-MRS
mrs_tools-reshape mrs_tools reshape – Reorder higher dimensions of NIfTI-MRS
mrs_tools-split mrs_tools split – Split NIfTI-MRS along higher dimensions
mrs_tools-vis mrs_tools vis – Quick visualisation of a NIfTI-MRS file or FSL-MRS basis set