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Package oggvideotools

Toolbox for manipulating Ogg video files


A toolbox for manipulating Ogg video files, which usually consist of a
video stream (Theora) and an audio stream (Vorbis). It includes a
number of handy command line tools for manipulating these video files,
such as for splitting the different streams.

Version: 0.9.1

General Commands

mkThumbs script to create thumbnails from an ogg video file
oggCat concatenates two or more ogg files
oggCut extracts parts of an ogg file (.ogv, .ogg and .oga)
oggDump prints out information of ogg video files (.ogv, .ogg or oga)
oggJoin multiplexes ogg streams (.ogv, .ogg or oga)
oggLength gives the length of an ogg video/audio file
oggSilence creates a silence period in vorbis format
oggSlideshow creates slideshows from pictures
oggSplit demultiplexes ogv files
oggThumb creates thumbnails from an ogg video file
oggTranscode transcodes ogg files in multiple ways