Package megatools

Command line client for MEGA

Megatools is a collection of programs for accessing Mega service from a command
line of your desktop or server.

Megatools allow you to copy individual files as well as entire directory trees
to and from the cloud. You can also perform streaming downloads for example to
preview videos and audio files, without needing to download the entire file.

You can register an account using a "megareg" tool, with the benefit of having
true control of your encryption keys.

Megatools are robust and optimized for fast operation - as fast as Mega servers
allow. Memory requirements and CPU utilization are kept at minimum.

Version: 1.11.1

General Commands

megatools command line tools
megatools-copy Upload/download entire directories to/from your account
megatools-df Show total available, used, or free space in the cloud
megatools-dl download exported files and directories from
megatools-export create public links for remote files
megatools-get download files from your account
megatools-ls List files stored in the cloud
megatools-mkdir Create remote folder under your account
megatools-put upload files to your account
megatools-reg Register new account
megatools-rm Remove files and folders from your account
megatools-test Test for existence of files or folders

File Formats

megarc Configuration file for megatools