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Package libXt-devel

X.Org X11 libXt development package


Version: 1.3.0

Library Functions

MenuPopdown alias for XtPopdown
MenuPopup alias for XtPopup
XtAddActions register an action table
XtAddCallback add and remove callback procedures
XtAddCallbacks alias for XtAddCallback
XtAddConverter alias for XtAppAddConverter
XtAddEventHandler add and remove event handlers
XtAddExposureToRegion merge exposure events into a region
XtAddGrab redirect user input to a modal widget
XtAddInput register input, timeout, and workprocs
XtAddRawEventHandler alias for XtAddEventHandler
XtAddTimeOut alias for XtAddInput
XtAddWorkProc alias for XtAddInput
XtAllocateGC obtain a shareable GC with modifiable fields
XtAppAddActionHook register an action hook procedure
XtAppAddActions register an action table
XtAppAddBlockHook register a block hook procedure
XtAppAddConverter register resource converter
XtAppAddInput register and remove an input source
XtAppAddSignal register and remove a signal source
XtAppAddTimeOut register and remove timeouts
XtAppAddWorkProc Add and remove background processing procedures
XtAppCreateShell create top-level widget instance
XtAppError low-level error handlers
XtAppErrorMsg high-level error handlers
XtAppGetErrorDatabase obtain error database
XtAppGetErrorDatabaseText alias for XtAppGetErrorDatabase
XtAppGetExitFlag alias for XtAppSetExitFlag
XtAppGetSelectionTimeout set and obtain selection timeout values
XtAppInitialize initialize, open, or close a display
XtAppLock lock and unlock application context
XtAppMainLoop alias for XtAppNextEvent
XtAppNextEvent query and process events and input
XtAppPeekEvent alias for XtAppNextEvent
XtAppPending alias for XtAppNextEvent
XtAppProcessEvent alias for XtAppNextEvent
XtAppReleaseCacheRefs decrement reference counts for resources
XtAppSetErrorHandler alias for XtAppError
XtAppSetErrorMsgHandler alias for XtAppErrorMsg
XtAppSetExitFlag thread support functions
XtAppSetFallbackResources set fallback resources
XtAppSetSelectionTimeout alias for XtAppGetSelectionTimeout
XtAppSetTypeConverter register resource converter
XtAppSetWarningHandler alias for XtAppError
XtAppSetWarningMsgHandler alias for XtAppErrorMsg
XtAppUnlock alias for XtAppLock
XtAppWarning alias for XtAppError
XtAppWarningMsg alias for XtAppErrorMsg
XtAsprintf alias for XtMalloc
XtAugmentTranslations alias for XtParseTranslationTable
XtBuildEventMask retrieve a widget's event mask
XtCallAcceptFocus calla widget's accept_focus procedure
XtCallActionProc invoke an action procedure directly
XtCallCallbackList alias for XtCallCallbacks
XtCallCallbacks process callbacks
XtCallConverter alias for XtConvertAndStore
XtCallbackExclusive alias for XtPopup
XtCallbackNone alias for XtPopup
XtCallbackNonexclusive alias for XtPopup
XtCallbackPopdown alias for XtPopdown
XtCalloc alias for XtMalloc
XtCancelSelectionRequest alias for XtCreateSelectionRequest
XtChangeManagedSet alias for XtManageChildren
XtCheckSubclass alias for XtClass
XtClass obtain and verify a widget's class
XtCloseDisplay alias for XtDisplayInitialize
XtConfigureWidget move and resize widgets
XtConvert invoke resource converters
XtConvertAndStore invoke resource converters
XtConvertCase alias for XtSetKeyTranslator
XtCreateApplicationContext create, destroy, and obtain an application context
XtCreateApplicationShell create top-level widget instance
XtCreateManagedWidget alias for XtCreateWidget
XtCreatePopupShell create a popup shell
XtCreateSelectionRequest bundle multiple selection conversion requests into a single request using MULTIPLE target
XtCreateWidget create and destroy widgets
XtCreateWindow window creation convenience function
XtDatabase alias for XtDisplayInitialize
XtDestroyApplicationContext alias for XtCreateApplicationContext
XtDestroyWidget alias for XtCreateWidget
XtDirectConvert alias for XtConvert
XtDisownSelection alias for XtOwnSelection
XtDispatchEvent alias for XtAppNextEvent
XtDispatchEventToWidget alias for XtInsertEventTypeHandler
XtDisplay obtain window information about a widget
XtDisplayInitialize initialize, open, or close a display
XtDisplayOfObject alias for XtDisplay
XtDisplayStringConversionWarning issue a conversion warning message
XtDisplayToApplicationContext obtain an application context
XtError low-level error handlers
XtErrorMsg high-level error handlers
XtFindFile search for a file using substitutions in the path list
XtFree alias for XtMalloc
XtGetActionKeysym obtain corresponding keysym
XtGetActionList obtain class action list
XtGetApplicationNameAndClass retrieve application name and class
XtGetApplicationResources obtain application resources
XtGetClassExtension locate a class extension record
XtGetConstraintResourceList alias for XtGetResourceList
XtGetDisplays retrieve a list of displays associated with an application context
XtGetErrorDatabase obtain error database
XtGetErrorDatabaseText alias for XtGetErrorDatabase
XtGetGC obtain and destroy a shareable GC
XtGetKeyboardFocusWidget extension event handling
XtGetKeysymTable query keysyms and keycodes
XtGetMultiClickTime alias for XtSetMultiClickTime
XtGetResourceList obtain resource list
XtGetSelectionParameters retrieve target parameters for a selection request with a single target
XtGetSelectionRequest retrieve the event that triggered the XtConvertSelectionProc
XtGetSelectionTimeout set and obtain selection timeout values
XtGetSelectionValue obtain selection values
XtGetSelectionValueIncremental obtain selection values
XtGetSelectionValues alias for XtGetSelectionValue
XtGetSelectionValuesIncremental alias for XtGetSelectionValueIncremental
XtGetSubresources obtain subresources
XtGetSubvalues alias for XtSetValues
XtGetValues alias for XtSetValues
XtGrabButton alias for XtGrabKey
XtGrabKey manage grabs
XtGrabKeyboard alias for XtGrabKey
XtGrabPointer alias for XtGrabKey
XtHasCallbacks alias for XtCallCallbacks
XtHooksOfDisplay external agent access points
XtInitialize initialize
XtInitializeWidgetClass initialize a widget class
XtInsertEventHandler alias for XtAddEventHandler
XtInsertEventTypeHandler extension event handling
XtInsertRawEventHandler alias for XtAddEventHandler
XtInstallAccelerators alias for XtParseAcceleratorTable
XtInstallAllAccelerators alias for XtParseAcceleratorTable
XtIsApplicationShell alias for XtClass
XtIsComposite alias for XtClass
XtIsConstraint alias for XtClass
XtIsManaged alias for XtManageChildren
XtIsObject alias for XtClass
XtIsOverrideShell alias for XtClass
XtIsRealized alias for XtRealizeWidget
XtIsRectObj alias for XtClass
XtIsSensitive alias for XtSetSensitive
XtIsSessionShell alias for XtClass
XtIsShell alias for XtClass
XtIsSubclass alias for XtClass
XtIsTopLevelShell alias for XtClass
XtIsTransientShell alias for XtClass
XtIsVendorShell alias for XtClass
XtIsWMShell alias for XtClass
XtIsWidget alias for XtClass
XtKeysymToKeycodeList alias for XtGetKeysymTable
XtLastEventProcessed last event, last timestamp processed
XtLastTimestampProcessed alias for XtLastEventProcessed
XtMainLoop alias for XtNextEvent
XtMakeGeometryRequest make geometry manager request
XtMakeResizeRequest alias for XtMakeGeometryRequest
XtMalloc memory management functions
XtManageChild alias for XtManageChildren
XtManageChildren manage and unmanage children
XtMapWidget map and unmap widgets
XtMergeArgLists alias for XtSetArg
XtMoveWidget alias for XtConfigureWidget
XtName obtain widget's name
XtNameToWidget translating strings to widgets or widgets to windows
XtNew alias for XtMalloc
XtNewString alias for XtMalloc
XtNextEvent query and process events and input
XtNoticeSignal alias for XtAppAddSignal
XtNumber alias for XtOffset
XtOffset determine the byte offset or number of array elements
XtOffsetOf alias for XtOffset
XtOpenApplication initialize, open, or close a display
XtOpenDisplay alias for XtDisplayInitialize
XtOverrideTranslations alias for XtParseTranslationTable
XtOwnSelection set selection owner
XtOwnSelectionIncremental alias for XtOwnSelection
XtParent obtain widget's parent widget id
XtParseAcceleratorTable managing accelerator tables
XtParseTranslationTable manage translation tables
XtPeekEvent alias for XtNextEvent
XtPending alias for XtNextEvent
XtPopdown unmap a pop-up
XtPopup map a pop-up
XtPopupSpringLoaded alias for XtPopup
XtProcessEvent alias for XtNextEvent
XtProcessLock lock and unlock process
XtProcessUnlock alias for XtProcessLock
XtQueryGeometry query the preferred geometry of a child widget
XtRealizeWidget realize and unrealize widgets
XtRealloc alias for XtMalloc
XtRegisterCaseConverter alias for XtSetKeyTranslator
XtRegisterDrawable register a drawable with the Intrinsics event dispatcher
XtRegisterExtensionSelector alias for XtInsertEventTypeHandler
XtRegisterGrabAction register button and key grabs
XtReleaseGC alias for XtGetGC
XtReleasePropertyAtom alias for XtReservePropertyAtom
XtRemoveActionHook alias for XtAppAddActionHook
XtRemoveAllCallbacks alias for XtAddCallback
XtRemoveBlockHook alias for XtAppAddBlockHook
XtRemoveCallback alias for XtAddCallback
XtRemoveCallbacks alias for XtAddCallback
XtRemoveEventHandler alias for XtAddEventHandler
XtRemoveEventTypeHandler alias for XtInsertEventTypeHandler
XtRemoveGrab alias for XtAddGrab
XtRemoveInput alias for XtAppAddInput
XtRemoveRawEventHandler alias for XtAddEventHandler
XtRemoveSignal alias for XtAppAddSignal
XtRemoveTimeOut alias for XtAppAddTimeOut
XtRemoveWorkProc alias for XtAppAddWorkProc
XtReservePropertyAtom maintain a cache of property atoms
XtResizeWidget alias for XtConfigureWidget
XtResolvePathname search for a file using standard substitution
XtScreen alias for XtDisplay
XtScreenDatabase alias for XtDisplayInitialize
XtScreenOfObject alias for XtDisplay
XtSendSelectionRequest alias for XtCreateSelectionRequest
XtSessionGetToken token management for checkpointing
XtSessionReturnToken alias for XtSessionGetToken
XtSetArg set and merge ArgLists
XtSetErrorHandler alias for XtError
XtSetErrorMsgHandler alias for XtErrorMsg
XtSetEventDispatcher alias for XtInsertEventTypeHandler
XtSetKeyTranslator convert KeySym to KeyCodes
XtSetKeyboardFocus focus events on a child widget
XtSetLanguageProc set the language procedure
XtSetMappedWhenManaged alias for XtMapWidget
XtSetMultiClickTime set and get multi-click times
XtSetSelectionParameters specify target parameters for a selection request with a single target
XtSetSelectionTimeout alias for XtGetSelectionTimeout
XtSetSensitive set and check a widget's sensitivity state
XtSetSubvalues alias for XtSetValues
XtSetTypeConverter alias for XtAppSetTypeConverter
XtSetValues obtain and set widget resources
XtSetWMColormapWindows Set the value of the WM_COLORMAP_WINDOWS property
XtSetWarningHandler alias for XtError
XtSetWarningMsgHandler alias for XtErrorMsg
XtStringConversionWarning issue a conversion warning message
XtSuperclass alias for XtClass
XtToolkitInitialize alias for XtCreateApplicationContext
XtToolkitThreadInitialize initialize the toolkit for multiple threads
XtTranslateCoords translate widget coordinates
XtTranslateKeycode alias for XtSetKeyTranslator
XtUngrabButton alias for XtGrabKey
XtUngrabKey alias for XtGrabKey
XtUngrabKeyboard alias for XtGrabKey
XtUngrabPointer alias for XtGrabKey
XtUninstallTranslations alias for XtParseTranslationTable
XtUnmanageChild alias for XtManageChildren
XtUnmanageChildren alias for XtManageChildren
XtUnmapWidget alias for XtMapWidget
XtUnrealizeWidget alias for XtRealizeWidget
XtUnregisterDrawable alias for XtRegisterDrawable
XtVaAppCreateShell alias for XtAppCreateShell
XtVaAppInitialize alias for XtAppInitialize
XtVaCreateArgsList dynamically allocate a varargs list
XtVaCreateManagedWidget alias for XtCreateWidget
XtVaCreatePopupShell alias for XtCreatePopupShell
XtVaCreateWidget alias for XtCreateWidget
XtVaGetApplicationResources alias for XtGetApplicationResources
XtVaGetSubresources alias for XtGetSubresources
XtVaGetSubvalues alias for XtSetValues
XtVaGetValues alias for XtSetValues
XtVaOpenApplication alias for XtOpenApplication
XtVaSetSubvalues alias for XtSetValues
XtVaSetValues alias for XtSetValues
XtWarning alias for XtError
XtWarningMsg alias for XtErrorMsg
XtWidgetToApplicationContext alias for XtCreateApplicationContext
XtWindow alias for XtDisplay
XtWindowOfObject alias for XtDisplay
XtWindowToWidget alias for XtNameToWidget