Library Functions
C++Intro | Introduction to the GNU libstdc++ man pages |
SGIextensions | SGI |
abi::__forced_unwind | Thrown as part of forced unwinding. |
std::::condition_variable_any | condition_variable_any |
std::::error_category | std::error_category |
std::_Base_bitset | std::_Base_bitset< _Nw > |
std::_Bind | Type of the function object returned from bind(). |
std::_Bind_result | Type of the function object returned from bind<R>(). |
std::_Deque_base | std::_Deque_base< _Tp, _Alloc > |
std::_Deque_iterator | A deque::iterator. |
std::_Function_base | Base class of all polymorphic function object wrappers. |
std::_Fwd_list_base | Base class for forward_list. |
std::_Fwd_list_const_iterator | A forward_list::const_iterator. |
std::_Fwd_list_iterator | A forward_list::iterator. |
std::_Fwd_list_node | A helper node class for forward_list. This is just a linked list with uninitialized storage for a data value in each node. There is a sorting utility method. |
std::_Fwd_list_node_base | A helper basic node class for forward_list. |
std::_List_base | See bits/stl_deque.h's _Deque_base for an explanation. |
std::_List_const_iterator | A list::const_iterator. |
std::_List_iterator | A list::iterator. |
std::_List_node | An actual node in the list. |
std::_Not_fn | Generalized negator. |
std::_Placeholder | The type of placeholder objects defined by libstdc++. |
std::_Temporary_buffer | std::_Temporary_buffer< _ForwardIterator, _Tp > |
std::_Vector_base | See bits/stl_deque.h's _Deque_base for an explanation. |
std::__basic_future | Common implementation for future and shared_future. |
std::__codecvt_abstract_base | Common base for codecvt functions. |
std::__ctype_abstract_base | Common base for ctype facet. |
std::__cxx11_collate | Facet for localized string comparison. |
std::__cxx11_collate_byname | class collate_byname []. |
std::__debug | GNU debug code, replaces standard behavior with debug behavior. |
std::__debug::bitset | Class std::bitset with additional safety/checking/debug instrumentation. |
std::__debug::deque | Class std::deque with safety/checking/debug instrumentation. |
std::__debug::forward_list | Class std::forward_list with safety/checking/debug instrumentation. |
std::__debug::list | Class std::list with safety/checking/debug instrumentation. |
std::__debug::map | Class std::map with safety/checking/debug instrumentation. |
std::__debug::multimap | Class std::multimap with safety/checking/debug instrumentation. |
std::__debug::multiset | Class std::multiset with safety/checking/debug instrumentation. |
std::__debug::set | Class std::set with safety/checking/debug instrumentation. |
std::__debug::unordered_map | Class std::unordered_map with safety/checking/debug instrumentation. |
std::__debug::unordered_multimap | Class std::unordered_multimap with safety/checking/debug instrumentation. |
std::__debug::unordered_multiset | Class std::unordered_multiset with safety/checking/debug instrumentation. |
std::__debug::unordered_set | Class std::unordered_set with safety/checking/debug instrumentation. |
std::__debug::vector | Class std::vector with safety/checking/debug instrumentation. |
std::__detail | Implementation details not part of the namespace std interface. |
std::__detail::_BracketMatcher | Matches a character range (bracket expression) |
std::__detail::_Compiler | Builds an NFA from an input iterator range. |
std::__detail::_Executor | Takes a regex and an input string and does the matching. |
std::__detail::_List_node_base | Common part of a node in the list. |
std::__detail::_List_node_header | The list node header. |
std::__detail::_Quoted_string | Struct for delimited strings. |
std::__detail::_Scanner | Scans an input range for regex tokens. |
std::__detail::_StateSeq | Describes a sequence of one or more _State, its current start and end(s). This structure contains fragments of an NFA during construction. |
std::__fwdlist__Iterator | A forward_list iterator when the allocator uses fancy pointers. |
std::__fwdlist__Node | A helper node class for forward_list. |
std::__fwdlist__Node_base | The node-base type for allocators that use fancy pointers. |
std::__is_fast_hash | std::__is_fast_hash< _Hash > |
std::__is_location_invariant | std::__is_location_invariant< _Tp > |
std::__new_allocator | An allocator that uses global new, as per C++03 [20.4.1]. |
std::__numeric_limits_base | Part of std::numeric_limits. |
std::__parallel | GNU parallel code, replaces standard behavior with parallel behavior. |
std::__parallel::_CRandNumber | Functor wrapper for std::rand(). |
std::add_const | add_const |
std::add_cv | add_cv |
std::add_lvalue_reference | add_lvalue_reference |
std::add_pointer | add_pointer |
std::add_rvalue_reference | add_rvalue_reference |
std::add_volatile | add_volatile |
std::aligned_storage | Aligned storage. |
std::aligned_union | Provide aligned storage for types. |
std::alignment_of | alignment_of |
std::allocator | The standard allocator, as per C++03 [20.4.1]. |
std::allocator_traits | Uniform interface to all allocator types. |
std::array | A standard container for storing a fixed size sequence of elements. |
std::atomic | Generic atomic type, primary class template. |
std::atomic_flag | atomic_flag |
std::auto_ptr | A simple smart pointer providing strict ownership semantics. |
std::auto_ptr_ref | std::auto_ptr_ref< _Tp1 > |
std::back_insert_iterator | Turns assignment into insertion. |
std::bad_alloc | Exception possibly thrown by new. |
std::bad_cast | Thrown during incorrect typecasting. |
std::bad_exception | std::bad_exception |
std::bad_function_call | Exception class thrown when class template function's operator() is called with an empty target. |
std::bad_typeid | Thrown when a NULL pointer in a typeid expression is used. |
std::bad_weak_ptr | Exception possibly thrown by shared_ptr. |
std::basic_filebuf | The actual work of input and output (for files). |
std::basic_fstream | Controlling input and output for files. |
std::basic_ifstream | Controlling input for files. |
std::basic_ios | Template class basic_ios, virtual base class for all stream classes. |
std::basic_iostream | Template class basic_iostream. |
std::basic_istream | Template class basic_istream. |
std::basic_istream_sentry | Performs setup work for input streams. |
std::basic_istringstream | Controlling input for std::string. |
std::basic_ofstream | Controlling output for files. |
std::basic_ostream | Template class basic_ostream. |
std::basic_ostream_sentry | Performs setup work for output streams. |
std::basic_ostringstream | Controlling output for std::string. |
std::basic_regex | A regular expression. |
std::basic_streambuf | The actual work of input and output (interface). |
std::basic_string | Managing sequences of characters and character-like objects. |
std::basic_string_view | A non-owning reference to a string. |
std::basic_stringbuf | The actual work of input and output (for std::string). |
std::basic_stringstream | Controlling input and output for std::string. |
std::bernoulli_distribution | A Bernoulli random number distribution. |
std::bernoulli_distribution::param_type | std::bernoulli_distribution::param_type |
std::bidirectional_iterator_tag | Bidirectional iterators support a superset of forward iterator operations. |
std::binary_function | std::binary_function< _Arg1, _Arg2, _Result > |
std::binary_negate | One of the negation functors. |
std::binder1st | One of the binder functors. |
std::binder2nd | One of the binder functors. |
std::binomial_distribution | A discrete binomial random number distribution. |
std::binomial_distribution::param_type | std::binomial_distribution< _IntType >::param_type |
std::bitset | The bitset class represents a fixed-size sequence of bits. |
std::bitset_reference | std::bitset< _Nb >::reference |
std::cauchy_distribution | A cauchy_distribution random number distribution. |
std::cauchy_distribution::param_type | std::cauchy_distribution< _RealType >::param_type |
std::char_traits | Basis for explicit traits specializations. |
std::chi_squared_distribution | A chi_squared_distribution random number distribution. |
std::chi_squared_distribution::param_type | std::chi_squared_distribution< _RealType >::param_type |
std::chrono | ISO C++ 2011 namespace for date and time utilities. |
std::chrono::::steady_clock | Monotonic clock. |
std::chrono::::system_clock | System clock. |
std::chrono::duration | chrono::duration represents a distance between two points in time |
std::chrono::duration_values | duration_values |
std::chrono::gps_clock | std::chrono::gps_clock |
std::chrono::hh_mm_ss | std::chrono::hh_mm_ss< _Duration > |
std::chrono::tai_clock | std::chrono::tai_clock |
std::chrono::time_point | chrono::time_point represents a point in time as measured by a clock |
std::chrono::treat_as_floating_point | std::chrono::treat_as_floating_point< _Rep > |
std::chrono::tzdb_list | std::chrono::tzdb_list |
std::chrono::tzdb_list::const_iterator | std::chrono::tzdb_list::const_iterator |
std::chrono::utc_clock | std::chrono::utc_clock |
std::codecvt | Primary class template codecvt. |
std::codecvt_base | Empty base class for codecvt facet []. |
std::codecvt_byname | class codecvt_byname []. |
std::common_iterator | An iterator/sentinel adaptor for representing a non-common range. |
std::common_type | common_type |
std::compare_three_way_result | [cmp.result], result of three-way comparison |
std::complex | std::complex< _Tp > |
std::condition_variable | condition_variable |
std::conditional | Define a member typedef type to one of two argument types. |
std::contiguous_iterator_tag | Contiguous iterators point to objects stored contiguously in memory. |
std::counted_iterator | An iterator adaptor that keeps track of the distance to the end. |
std::ctype | Primary class template ctype facet. |
std::ctype_base | Base class for ctype. |
std::ctype_byname | class ctype_byname []. |
std::decay | decay |
std::decimal | ISO/IEC TR 24733 Decimal floating-point arithmetic. |
std::decimal::decimal128 | 3.2.4 Class decimal128. |
std::decimal::decimal32 | 3.2.2 Class decimal32. |
std::decimal::decimal64 | 3.2.3 Class decimal64. |
std::default_delete | std::default_delete< _Tp > |
std::deque | A standard container using fixed-size memory allocation and constant-time manipulation of elements at either end. |
std::discard_block_engine | std::discard_block_engine< _RandomNumberEngine, __p, __r > |
std::discrete_distribution | A discrete_distribution random number distribution. |
std::discrete_distribution::param_type | std::discrete_distribution< _IntType >::param_type |
std::divides | One of the math functors. |
std::domain_error | std::domain_error |
std::enable_if | Define a member typedef type only if a boolean constant is true. |
std::enable_shared_from_this | Base class allowing use of the member function shared_from_this. |
std::encoding_state | Extension to use iconv for dealing with character encodings. |
std::equal_to | One of the comparison functors. |
std::error_code | std::error_code |
std::error_condition | std::error_condition |
std::exception | Base class for all library exceptions. |
std::exception_ptr | An opaque pointer to an arbitrary exception. |
std::experimental | Namespace for features defined in ISO Technical Specifications. |
std::experimental::any | A type-safe container of any type. |
std::experimental::bad_any_cast | Exception class thrown by a failed any_cast. |
std::experimental::bad_optional_access | Exception class thrown when a disengaged optional object is dereferenced. |
std::experimental::basic_string_view | A non-owning reference to a string. |
std::experimental::filesystem::basic_string_view | A non-owning reference to a string. |
std::experimental::filesystem::filesystem_error | Exception type thrown by the Filesystem TS library. |
std::experimental::filesystem::path | A filesystem path. |
std::experimental::filesystem::path::iterator | An iterator for the components of a path. |
std::experimental::filesystem::space_info | Information about free space on a disk. |
std::experimental::optional | Class template for optional values. |
std::experimental::ostream_joiner | Output iterator that inserts a delimiter between elements. |
std::experimental::propagate_const | Const-propagating wrapper. |
std::exponential_distribution | An exponential continuous distribution for random numbers. |
std::exponential_distribution::param_type | std::exponential_distribution< _RealType >::param_type |
std::extent | extent |
std::extreme_value_distribution | A extreme_value_distribution random number distribution. |
std::extreme_value_distribution::param_type | std::extreme_value_distribution< _RealType >::param_type |
std::filebuf | alias for std::basic_filebuf |
std::filesystem | ISO C++ 2017 namespace for File System library. |
std::filesystem::directory_entry | The value type used by directory iterators. |
std::filesystem::directory_iterator | Iterator type for traversing the entries in a single directory. |
std::filesystem::file_status | Information about a file's type and permissions. |
std::filesystem::filesystem_error | Exception type thrown by the Filesystem library. |
std::filesystem::path | A filesystem path. |
std::filesystem::path::iterator | An iterator for the components of a path. |
std::filesystem::recursive_directory_iterator | Iterator type for recursively traversing a directory hierarchy. |
std::filesystem::space_info | Information about free space on a disk. |
std::fisher_f_distribution | A fisher_f_distribution random number distribution. |
std::fisher_f_distribution::param_type | std::fisher_f_distribution< _RealType >::param_type |
std::forward_iterator_tag | Forward iterators support a superset of input iterator operations. |
std::forward_list | A standard container with linear time access to elements, and fixed time insertion/deletion at any point in the sequence. |
std::fpos | Class representing stream positions. |
std::from_chars_result | Result type of std::from_chars. |
std::front_insert_iterator | Turns assignment into insertion. |
std::fstream | alias for std::basic_fstream |
std::future | Primary template for future. |
std::future_error | Exception type thrown by futures. |
std::gamma_distribution | A gamma continuous distribution for random numbers. |
std::gamma_distribution::param_type | std::gamma_distribution< _RealType >::param_type |
std::geometric_distribution | A discrete geometric random number distribution. |
std::geometric_distribution::param_type | std::geometric_distribution< _IntType >::param_type |
std::greater | One of the comparison functors. |
std::greater_equal | One of the comparison functors. |
std::gslice | Class defining multi-dimensional subset of an array. |
std::gslice_array | Reference to multi-dimensional subset of an array. |
std::has_virtual_destructor | has_virtual_destructor |
std::hash | Primary class template hash. |
std::identity | [func.identity] The identity function. |
std::ifstream | alias for std::basic_ifstream |
std::independent_bits_engine | std::independent_bits_engine< _RandomNumberEngine, __w, _UIntType > |
std::indirect_array | Reference to arbitrary subset of an array. |
std::initializer_list | initializer_list |
std::input_iterator_tag | Marking input iterators. |
std::insert_iterator | Turns assignment into insertion. |
std::integer_sequence | Class template integer_sequence. |
std::integral_constant | integral_constant |
std::invalid_argument | std::invalid_argument |
std::ios | alias for std::basic_ios |
std::ios_base | The base of the I/O class hierarchy. |
std::iostream | alias for std::basic_iostream |
std::is_abstract | is_abstract |
std::is_arithmetic | is_arithmetic |
std::is_array | is_array |
std::is_assignable | is_assignable |
std::is_base_of | is_base_of |
std::is_bind_expression | Trait that identifies a bind expression. |
std::is_class | is_class |
std::is_compound | is_compound |
std::is_const | is_const |
std::is_constructible | is_constructible |
std::is_copy_assignable | is_copy_assignable |
std::is_copy_constructible | is_copy_constructible |
std::is_default_constructible | is_default_constructible |
std::is_destructible | is_destructible |
std::is_empty | is_empty |
std::is_enum | is_enum |
std::is_error_code_enum | is_error_code_enum |
std::is_error_condition_enum | is_error_condition_enum |
std::is_floating_point | is_floating_point |
std::is_function | is_function |
std::is_fundamental | is_fundamental |
std::is_integral | is_integral |
std::is_layout_compatible | std::is_layout_compatible< _Tp, _Up > |
std::is_literal_type | std::is_literal_type< _Tp > |
std::is_lvalue_reference | is_lvalue_reference |
std::is_member_function_pointer | is_member_function_pointer |
std::is_member_object_pointer | is_member_object_pointer |
std::is_member_pointer | is_member_pointer |
std::is_move_assignable | is_move_assignable |
std::is_move_constructible | is_move_constructible |
std::is_nothrow_assignable | is_nothrow_assignable |
std::is_nothrow_constructible | is_nothrow_constructible |
std::is_nothrow_copy_assignable | is_nothrow_copy_assignable |
std::is_nothrow_copy_constructible | is_nothrow_copy_constructible |
std::is_nothrow_default_constructible | is_nothrow_default_constructible |
std::is_nothrow_destructible | is_nothrow_destructible |
std::is_nothrow_move_assignable | is_nothrow_move_assignable |
std::is_nothrow_move_constructible | is_nothrow_move_constructible |
std::is_object | is_object |
std::is_placeholder | Determines if the given type _Tp is a placeholder in a bind() expression and, if so, which placeholder it is. |
std::is_pod | std::is_pod< _Tp > |
std::is_pointer | is_pointer |
std::is_pointer_interconvertible_base_of | True if _Derived is standard-layout and has a base class of type _Base |
std::is_polymorphic | is_polymorphic |
std::is_reference | is_reference |
std::is_rvalue_reference | is_rvalue_reference |
std::is_same | is_same |
std::is_scalar | is_scalar |
std::is_signed | is_signed |
std::is_standard_layout | is_standard_layout |
std::is_trivial | std::is_trivial< _Tp > |
std::is_trivially_assignable | is_trivially_assignable |
std::is_trivially_constructible | is_trivially_constructible |
std::is_trivially_copy_assignable | is_trivially_copy_assignable |
std::is_trivially_copy_constructible | is_trivially_copy_constructible |
std::is_trivially_copyable | is_trivially_copyable |
std::is_trivially_default_constructible | is_trivially_default_constructible |
std::is_trivially_destructible | is_trivially_destructible |
std::is_trivially_move_assignable | is_trivially_move_assignable |
std::is_trivially_move_constructible | is_trivially_move_constructible |
std::is_union | is_union |
std::is_unsigned | is_unsigned |
std::is_void | is_void |
std::is_volatile | is_volatile |
std::istream | alias for std::basic_istream |
std::istream_iterator | Provides input iterator semantics for streams. |
std::istreambuf_iterator | Provides input iterator semantics for streambufs. |
std::istringstream | alias for std::basic_istringstream |
std::iterator | Common iterator class. |
std::iterator_traits | Traits class for iterators. |
std::length_error | std::length_error |
std::less | One of the comparison functors. |
std::less_equal | One of the comparison functors. |
std::linear_congruential_engine | A model of a linear congruential random number generator. |
std::list | A standard container with linear time access to elements, and fixed time insertion/deletion at any point in the sequence. |
std::literals | ISO C++ inline namespace for literal suffixes. |
std::literals::chrono_literals | std::literals::chrono_literals |
std::locale | Container class for localization functionality. |
std::locale_facet | Localization functionality base class. |
std::locale_id | Facet ID class. |
std::lock_guard | A simple scoped lock type. |
std::logic_error | One of two subclasses of exception. |
std::logical_and | One of the Boolean operations functors. |
std::logical_not | One of the Boolean operations functors. |
std::logical_or | One of the Boolean operations functors. |
std::lognormal_distribution | A lognormal_distribution random number distribution. |
std::lognormal_distribution::param_type | std::lognormal_distribution< _RealType >::param_type |
std::make_signed | make_signed |
std::make_unsigned | make_unsigned |
std::map | A standard container made up of (key,value) pairs, which can be retrieved based on a key, in logarithmic time. |
std::mask_array | Reference to selected subset of an array. |
std::match_results | The results of a match or search operation. |
std::mersenne_twister_engine | std::mersenne_twister_engine< _UIntType, __w, __n, __m, __r, __a, __u, __d, __s, __b, __t, __c, __l, __f > |
std::messages | Primary class template messages. |
std::messages_base | Messages facet base class providing catalog typedef. |
std::messages_byname | class messages_byname []. |
std::minus | One of the math functors. |
std::modulus | One of the math functors. |
std::money_base | Money format ordering data. |
std::money_get | Primary class template money_get. |
std::money_put | Primary class template money_put. |
std::moneypunct | Primary class template moneypunct. |
std::moneypunct_byname | class moneypunct_byname []. |
std::move_iterator | An iterator adaptor that yields an rvalue reference. |
std::move_sentinel | A sentinel adaptor for use with std::move_iterator. |
std::multimap | A standard container made up of (key,value) pairs, which can be retrieved based on a key, in logarithmic time. |
std::multiplies | One of the math functors. |
std::multiset | A standard container made up of elements, which can be retrieved in logarithmic time. |
std::mutex | std::mutex |
std::negate | One of the math functors. |
std::negative_binomial_distribution | A negative_binomial_distribution random number distribution. |
std::negative_binomial_distribution::param_type | std::negative_binomial_distribution< _IntType >::param_type |
std::nested_exception | std::nested_exception |
std::normal_distribution | A normal continuous distribution for random numbers. |
std::normal_distribution::param_type | std::normal_distribution< _RealType >::param_type |
std::not_equal_to | One of the comparison functors. |
std::num_get | Primary class template num_get. |
std::num_put | Primary class template num_put. |
std::numeric_limits | Properties of fundamental types. |
std::numpunct | Primary class template numpunct. |
std::numpunct_byname | class numpunct_byname []. |
std::ofstream | alias for std::basic_ofstream |
std::once_flag | Flag type used by std::call_once. |
std::ostream | alias for std::basic_ostream |
std::ostream_iterator | Provides output iterator semantics for streams. |
std::ostreambuf_iterator | Provides output iterator semantics for streambufs. |
std::ostringstream | alias for std::basic_ostringstream |
std::out_of_range | std::out_of_range |
std::output_iterator_tag | Marking output iterators. |
std::overflow_error | std::overflow_error |
std::owner_less | Primary template owner_less. |
std::pair | Struct holding two objects of arbitrary type. |
std::piecewise_constant_distribution | A piecewise_constant_distribution random number distribution. |
std::piecewise_constant_distribution::param_type | std::piecewise_constant_distribution< _RealType >::param_type |
std::piecewise_linear_distribution | A piecewise_linear_distribution random number distribution. |
std::piecewise_linear_distribution::param_type | std::piecewise_linear_distribution< _RealType >::param_type |
std::placeholders | ISO C++ 2011 namespace for std::bind placeholders. |
std::plus | One of the math functors. |
std::pmr_memory_resource | Class memory_resource |
std::pmr_monotonic_buffer_resource | A memory resource that allocates from a fixed-size buffer. |
std::pmr_polymorphic_allocator | Class template polymorphic_allocator. |
std::pmr_pool_options | Parameters for tuning a pool resource's behaviour. |
std::pmr_unsynchronized_pool_resource | A non-thread-safe memory resource that manages pools of fixed-size blocks. |
std::pointer_to_binary_function | One of the adaptors for function pointers. |
std::pointer_to_unary_function | One of the adaptors for function pointers. |
std::pointer_traits | Uniform interface to all pointer-like types. |
std::poisson_distribution | A discrete Poisson random number distribution. |
std::poisson_distribution::param_type | std::poisson_distribution< _IntType >::param_type |
std::priority_queue | A standard container automatically sorting its contents. |
std::promise | Primary template for promise. |
std::queue | A standard container giving FIFO behavior. |
std::random_access_iterator_tag | Random-access iterators support a superset of bidirectional iterator operations. |
std::random_device | std::random_device |
std::range_error | std::range_error |
std::ranges::equal_to | ranges::equal_to function object type. |
std::ranges::greater | ranges::greater function object type. |
std::ranges::greater_equal | ranges::greater_equal function object type. |
std::ranges::less | ranges::less function object type. |
std::ranges::less_equal | ranges::less_equal function object type. |
std::ranges::not_equal_to | ranges::not_equal_to function object type. |
std::ranges::subrange | The ranges::subrange class template. |
std::ranges::view_interface | The ranges::view_interface class template. |
std::rank | rank |
std::ratio | Provides compile-time rational arithmetic. |
std::ratio_equal | ratio_equal |
std::ratio_greater | ratio_greater |
std::ratio_greater_equal | ratio_greater_equal |
std::ratio_less | ratio_less |
std::ratio_less_equal | ratio_less_equal |
std::ratio_not_equal | ratio_not_equal |
std::raw_storage_iterator | std::raw_storage_iterator< _OutputIterator, _Tp > |
std::recursive_mutex | std::recursive_mutex |
std::recursive_timed_mutex | std::recursive_timed_mutex |
std::reference_wrapper | Primary class template for reference_wrapper. |
std::regex_constants | ISO C++ 2011 namespace for options and flags used with std::regex. |
std::regex_error | A regular expression exception class. |
std::regex_iterator | std::regex_iterator< _Bi_iter, _Ch_type, _Rx_traits > |
std::regex_token_iterator | std::regex_token_iterator< _Bi_iter, _Ch_type, _Rx_traits > |
std::regex_traits | Describes aspects of a regular expression. |
std::rel_ops | The generated relational operators are sequestered here. |
std::remove_all_extents | remove_all_extents |
std::remove_const | remove_const |
std::remove_cv | remove_cv |
std::remove_extent | remove_extent |
std::remove_pointer | remove_pointer |
std::remove_reference | remove_reference |
std::remove_volatile | remove_volatile |
std::result_of | result_of |
std::reverse_iterator | std::reverse_iterator< _Iterator > |
std::runtime_error | One of two subclasses of exception. |
std::scoped_allocator_adaptor | An adaptor to recursively pass an allocator to the objects it constructs. |
std::seed_seq | The seed_seq class generates sequences of seeds for random number generators. |
std::set | A standard container made up of unique keys, which can be retrieved in logarithmic time. |
std::shared_future | Primary template for shared_future. |
std::shared_lock | shared_lock |
std::shared_ptr | A smart pointer with reference-counted copy semantics. |
std::shared_timed_mutex | The standard shared timed mutex type. |
std::shuffle_order_engine | Produces random numbers by reordering random numbers from some base engine. |
std::slice | Class defining one-dimensional subset of an array. |
std::slice_array | Reference to one-dimensional subset of an array. |
std::stack | A standard container giving FILO behavior. |
std::stop_callback | A wrapper for callbacks to be run when a stop request is made. |
std::stop_source | A type that allows a stop request to be made. |
std::stop_token | Allow testing whether a stop request has been made on a stop_source. |
std::streambuf | alias for std::basic_streambuf |
std::string | alias for std::basic_string |
std::stringbuf | alias for std::basic_stringbuf |
std::stringstream | alias for std::basic_stringstream |
std::student_t_distribution | A student_t_distribution random number distribution. |
std::student_t_distribution::param_type | std::student_t_distribution< _RealType >::param_type |
std::sub_match | std::sub_match< _BiIter > |
std::subtract_with_carry_engine | The Marsaglia-Zaman generator. |
std::system_error | An exception type that includes an error_code value. |
std::this_thread | ISO C++ 2011 namespace for interacting with the current thread. |
std::thread | std::thread |
std::thread_id | std::thread::id |
std::time_base | Time format ordering data. |
std::time_get | Primary class template time_get. |
std::time_get_byname | class time_get_byname []. |
std::time_put | Primary class template time_put. |
std::time_put_byname | class time_put_byname []. |
std::timed_mutex | std::timed_mutex |
std::to_chars_result | Result type of std::to_chars. |
std::tr1 | ISO C++ TR1 entities toplevel namespace is std::tr1. |
std::tr1::__detail | Implementation details not part of the namespace std::tr1 interface. |
std::tr2 | Namespace for non-standard "TR2" extensions. |
std::tr2::__detail | Implementation details not part of the namespace std::tr2 interface. |
std::tr2::__dynamic_bitset_base | std::tr2::__dynamic_bitset_base< _WordT, _Alloc > |
std::tr2::__reflection_typelist | std::tr2::__reflection_typelist< _Elements > |
std::tr2::__reflection_typelist__ | Specialization for an empty typelist. |
std::tr2::bases | Sequence abstraction metafunctions for manipulating a typelist. |
std::tr2::bool_set | std::tr2::bool_set |
std::tr2::direct_bases | Enumerate all the direct base classes of a class. Form of a typelist. |
std::tr2::dynamic_bitset | The dynamic_bitset class represents a sequence of bits. |
std::tr2::dynamic_bitset_reference | std::tr2::dynamic_bitset< _WordT, _Alloc >::reference |
std::tuple | Primary class template, tuple. |
std::tuple_element | Gives the type of the ith element of a given tuple type. |
std::tuple_size | Finds the size of a given tuple type. |
std::type_index | Class type_index. |
std::type_info | Part of RTTI. |
std::unary_function | std::unary_function< _Arg, _Result > |
std::unary_negate | One of the negation functors. |
std::underflow_error | std::underflow_error |
std::underlying_type | The underlying type of an enum. |
std::uniform_int_distribution | Uniform discrete distribution for random numbers. A discrete random distribution on the range $[min, max]$ with equal probability throughout the range. |
std::uniform_int_distribution::param_type | std::uniform_int_distribution< _IntType >::param_type |
std::uniform_real_distribution | Uniform continuous distribution for random numbers. |
std::uniform_real_distribution::param_type | std::uniform_real_distribution< _RealType >::param_type |
std::unique_lock | A movable scoped lock type. |
std::unique_ptr | A move-only smart pointer that manages unique ownership of a resource. |
std::unordered_map | A standard container composed of unique keys (containing at most one of each key value) that associates values of another type with the keys. |
std::unordered_multimap | A standard container composed of equivalent keys (possibly containing multiple of each key value) that associates values of another type with the keys. |
std::unordered_multiset | A standard container composed of equivalent keys (possibly containing multiple of each key value) in which the elements' keys are the elements themselves. |
std::unordered_set | A standard container composed of unique keys (containing at most one of each key value) in which the elements' keys are the elements themselves. |
std::uses_allocator | Declare uses_allocator so it can be specialized in <queue> etc. |
std::valarray | Smart array designed to support numeric processing. |
std::vector | A standard container which offers fixed time access to individual elements in any order. |
std::wbuffer_convert | Buffer conversions. |
std::weak_ptr | A non-owning observer for a pointer owned by a shared_ptr. |
std::weibull_distribution | A weibull_distribution random number distribution. |
std::weibull_distribution::param_type | std::weibull_distribution< _RealType >::param_type |
std::wfilebuf | alias for std::basic_filebuf |
std::wfstream | alias for std::basic_fstream |
std::wifstream | alias for std::basic_ifstream |
std::wios | alias for std::basic_ios |
std::wiostream | alias for std::basic_iostream |
std::wistream | alias for std::basic_istream |
std::wistringstream | alias for std::basic_istringstream |
std::wofstream | alias for std::basic_ofstream |
std::wostream | alias for std::basic_ostream |
std::wostringstream | alias for std::basic_ostringstream |
std::wstreambuf | alias for std::basic_streambuf |
std::wstring | alias for std::basic_string |
std::wstring_convert | String conversions. |
std::wstringbuf | alias for std::basic_stringbuf |
std::wstringstream | alias for std::basic_stringstream |