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Package libnvme-doc

Reference manual for libnvme


This package contains the reference manual for libnvme.

Version: 1.9

System Calls

nbft_control NBFT Table — Control Descriptor (Figure 8)
nbft_control_flags Control Descriptor Flags
nbft_desc_type NBFT Elements — Descriptor Types (Figure 5)
nbft_discovery Discovery Descriptor (Figure 24)
nbft_discovery_flags Discovery Descriptor Flags
nbft_header NBFT Table — Header (Figure 8)
nbft_heap_obj NBFT Header Driver Signature
nbft_hfi Host Fabric Interface (HFI) Descriptor (Figure 11)
nbft_hfi_flags HFI Descriptor Flags
nbft_hfi_info_tcp HFI Transport Info Descriptor — NVMe/TCP (Figure 13)
nbft_hfi_info_tcp_flags HFI Transport Flags
nbft_host Host Descriptor (Figure 9)
nbft_host_flags Host Flags
nbft_info The parsed NBFT table data.
nbft_info_discovery Discovery Descriptor
nbft_info_hfi Host Fabric Interface (HFI) Descriptor
nbft_info_hfi_info_tcp HFI Transport Info Descriptor — NVMe/TCP
nbft_info_host Host Descriptor
nbft_info_nid_type Namespace Identifier Type (NIDT)
nbft_info_primary_admin_host_flag Primary Administrative Host Descriptor Flags
nbft_info_security Security Profile Descriptor
nbft_info_subsystem_ns Subsystem Namespace (SSNS) info
nbft_security Security Profile Descriptor (Figure 21)
nbft_security_flags Security Profile Descriptor Flags (Figure 22)
nbft_security_secret_type Security Profile Descriptor Secret Type
nbft_ssns Subsystem Namespace (SSNS) Descriptor (Figure 15)
nbft_ssns_ext_info Subsystem and Namespace Extended Information Descriptor (Figure 19)
nbft_ssns_ext_info_flags Subsystem and Namespace Extended Information Descriptor Flags
nbft_ssns_flags Subsystem and Namespace Specific Flags Field (Figure 16)
nbft_ssns_trflags SSNS Transport Specific Flags Field (Figure 17)
nbft_trtype NBFT Interface Transport Types (Figure 7)
nvme_acq This field indicates the admin completion queue base address
nvme_admin_opcode Known NVMe admin opcodes
nvme_admin_passthru Submit an nvme passthrough command
nvme_admin_passthru64 Submit a 64-bit nvme passthrough command
nvme_ae_info_css_nvm Asynchronous Event Information — I/O Command Specific Status
nvme_ae_info_error Asynchronous Event Information — Error Status
nvme_ae_info_notice Asynchronous Event Information — Notice
nvme_ae_info_smart Asynchronous Event Information — SMART / Health Status
nvme_ae_type Asynchronous Event Type
nvme_aggregate_endurance_group_event Endurance Group Event Aggregate
nvme_aggregate_predictable_lat_event Predictable Latency Event Aggregate Log Page
nvme_ana_group_desc ANA Group Descriptor
nvme_ana_log Asymmetric Namespace Access Log
nvme_ana_state ANA Group Descriptor — Asymmetric Namespace Access State
nvme_apst_entry Autonomous Power State Transition
nvme_aqa This field indicates the admin queue attributes
nvme_asq This field indicates the admin submission queue base address
nvme_boot_partition Boot Partition Log
nvme_boot_partition_info This field indicates the boot partition information
nvme_bpinfo This field indicates the boot partition information
nvme_bpmbl This field indicates the boot partition memory buffer location
nvme_bprsel This field indicates the boot partition read select
nvme_cap This field indicates the controller capabilities register
nvme_capacity_config_desc Capacity Configuration structure definitions
nvme_capacity_mgmt Capacity management command
nvme_cc This field indicates the controller configuration
nvme_change_ns_event Change Namespace Event Data
nvme_channel_config_desc Channel Configuration Descriptor
nvme_cmb_size Calculate size of the controller memory buffer
nvme_cmbebs This field indicates the controller memory buffer elasticity buffer size
nvme_cmbloc This field indicates the controller memory buffer location
nvme_cmbmsc This field indicates the controller memory buffer memory space control
nvme_cmbsts This field indicates the controller memory buffer status
nvme_cmbswtp This field indicates the controller memory buffer sustained write throughput
nvme_cmbsz This field indicates the controller memory buffer size
nvme_cmd_effects Commands Supported and Effects
nvme_cmd_effects_log Commands Supported and Effects Log
nvme_cmd_format_mset Format NVM — Metadata Settings
nvme_cmd_format_pi Format NVM — Protection Information
nvme_cmd_format_pil Format NVM — Protection Information Location
nvme_cmd_format_ses Format NVM — Secure Erase Settings
nvme_cmd_get_log_lid Get Log Page -Log Page Identifiers
nvme_cmd_get_log_telemetry_host_lsp Telemetry Host-Initiated log specific field
nvme_cmic This field indicates the controller multi-path I/O and NS sharing capabilities
nvme_compare Submit an nvme user compare command
nvme_connect_err nvme connect error codes
nvme_constants A place to stash various constant nvme values
nvme_copy Copy command
nvme_copy_range Copy — Source Range Entries Descriptor Format
nvme_copy_range_f1 Copy — Source Range Entries Descriptor Format 1h
nvme_copy_range_f2 Copy — Source Range Entries Descriptor Format 2h
nvme_copy_range_f3 Copy — Source Range Entries Descriptor Format 3h
nvme_copy_range_sopt NVMe Copy Range Source Options
nvme_create_ctrl Allocate an unconnected NVMe controller
nvme_create_root Initialize root object
nvme_crto This field indicates the controller ready timeouts
nvme_csi Defined command set indicators
nvme_csts This field indicates the controller status register
nvme_ctrl_config_match Check if ctrl @c matches config params
nvme_ctrl_find Locate an existing controller
nvme_ctrl_first_ns Start namespace iterator
nvme_ctrl_first_path Start path iterator
nvme_ctrl_for_each_ns Traverse namespaces
nvme_ctrl_for_each_ns_safe Traverse namespaces
nvme_ctrl_for_each_path Traverse paths
nvme_ctrl_for_each_path_safe Traverse paths
nvme_ctrl_get_address Address string of a controller
nvme_ctrl_get_config Fabrics configuration of a controller
nvme_ctrl_get_dhchap_host_key Return host key
nvme_ctrl_get_dhchap_key Return controller key
nvme_ctrl_get_fd Get associated file descriptor
nvme_ctrl_get_firmware Firmware string of a controller
nvme_ctrl_get_host_iface Host interface name of a controller
nvme_ctrl_get_host_traddr Host transport address of a controller
nvme_ctrl_get_model Model of a controller
nvme_ctrl_get_name sysfs name of a controller
nvme_ctrl_get_numa_node NUMA node of a controller
nvme_ctrl_get_phy_slot PCI physical slot number of a controller
nvme_ctrl_get_queue_count Queue count of a controller
nvme_ctrl_get_serial Serial number of a controller
nvme_ctrl_get_sqsize SQ size of a controller
nvme_ctrl_get_src_addr Extract src_addr from the c->address string
nvme_ctrl_get_state Running state of a controller
nvme_ctrl_get_subsysnqn Subsystem NQN of a controller
nvme_ctrl_get_subsystem Parent subsystem of a controller
nvme_ctrl_get_sysfs_dir sysfs directory of a controller
nvme_ctrl_get_traddr Transport address of a controller
nvme_ctrl_get_transport Transport type of a controller
nvme_ctrl_get_trsvcid Transport service identifier of a controller
nvme_ctrl_identify Issues an 'identify controller' command
nvme_ctrl_is_discovered Returns the value of the 'discovered' flag
nvme_ctrl_is_discovery_ctrl Check the 'discovery_ctrl' flag
nvme_ctrl_is_persistent Returns the value of the 'persistent' flag
nvme_ctrl_is_unique_discovery_ctrl Check the 'unique_discovery_ctrl' flag
nvme_ctrl_list Controller List
nvme_ctrl_metadata_type Controller Metadata Element Types
nvme_ctrl_next_ns Next namespace iterator
nvme_ctrl_next_path Next path iterator
nvme_ctrl_release_fd Close fd and clear fd from controller object
nvme_ctrl_reset Initiate a controller reset
nvme_ctrl_set_dhchap_host_key Set host key
nvme_ctrl_set_dhchap_key Set controller key
nvme_ctrl_set_discovered Set the 'discovered' flag
nvme_ctrl_set_discovery_ctrl Set the 'discovery_ctrl' flag
nvme_ctrl_set_persistent Set the 'persistent' flag
nvme_ctrl_set_unique_discovery_ctrl Set the 'unique_discovery_ctrl' flag
nvme_ctrls_filter Filter for controllers
nvme_data_tfr Data transfer direction of the command
nvme_default_host Initializes the default host
nvme_describe_key_serial Return key description
nvme_dev_self_test Start or abort a self test
nvme_directive_dtype Directive Types
nvme_directive_receive_doper Directive Receive Directive Operation
nvme_directive_recv Receive directive specific data
nvme_directive_recv_identify_parameters Directive receive identifier parameters
nvme_directive_recv_stream_allocate Directive receive stream allocate
nvme_directive_recv_stream_parameters Directive receive stream parameters
nvme_directive_recv_stream_status Directive receive stream status
nvme_directive_send Send directive command
nvme_directive_send_doper Directive Send Directive Operation
nvme_directive_send_id_endir Directive Send Enable Directive
nvme_directive_send_identify_endir Enable Directive
nvme_directive_send_stream_release_identifier Directive Send Stream release
nvme_directive_send_stream_release_resource Directive Send Stream release resources
nvme_directive_types Directives Supported or Enabled
nvme_disconnect_ctrl Disconnect a controller
nvme_dsm Send an nvme data set management command
nvme_dsm_attributes Dataset Management attributes
nvme_dsm_range Dataset Management — Range Definition
nvme_dst_stc Action taken by the Device Self-test command
nvme_dump_config Print the JSON configuration
nvme_dump_tree Dump internal object tree
nvme_eg_critical_warning_flags Endurance Group Information Log — Critical Warning
nvme_eg_event_aggregate_log Endurance Group Event Aggregate
nvme_end_grp_chan_desc Endurance Group Channel Configuration Descriptor
nvme_end_grp_config_desc Endurance Group Configuration Descriptor
nvme_endurance_group_log Endurance Group Information Log
nvme_eom_lane_desc EOM Lane Descriptor
nvme_eom_optional_data EOM Optional Data Present Fields (Deprecated)
nvme_eom_optional_data_present EOM Optional Data Present Fields
nvme_errno_to_string Returns string describing nvme connect failures
nvme_error_log_page Error Information Log Entry (Log Identifier 01h)
nvme_export_tls_key Export a TLS key
nvme_fabrics_config Defines all linux nvme fabrics initiator options
nvme_fctype Fabrics Command Types
nvme_fdp_config_desc FDP Configuration Descriptor
nvme_fdp_config_fdpa FDP Attributes
nvme_fdp_config_log FDP Configurations Log Page
nvme_fdp_event FDP Event
nvme_fdp_event_flags FDP Event Flags
nvme_fdp_event_realloc Media Reallocated Event Type Specific Information
nvme_fdp_event_realloc_flags Media Reallocated Event Type Specific Flags
nvme_fdp_event_type FDP Event Types
nvme_fdp_events_log FDP Events Log Page
nvme_fdp_reclaim_unit_handle_status Get reclaim unit handle status
nvme_fdp_reclaim_unit_handle_update Update a list of reclaim unit handles
nvme_fdp_ruh_desc Reclaim Unit Handle Descriptor
nvme_fdp_ruh_status Reclaim Unit Handle Status
nvme_fdp_ruh_status_desc Reclaim Unit Handle Status Descriptor
nvme_fdp_ruh_type Reclaim Unit Handle Type
nvme_fdp_ruha Reclaim Unit Handle Attributes
nvme_fdp_ruhu_desc Reclaim Unit Handle Usage Descriptor
nvme_fdp_ruhu_log Reclaim Unit Handle Usage Log Page
nvme_fdp_stats_log FDP Statistics Log Page
nvme_fdp_supported_event_attributes Supported FDP Event Attributes
nvme_fdp_supported_event_desc Supported FDP Event Descriptor
nvme_feat Features Access Shifts/Masks values
nvme_feat_auto_pst Autonomous Power State Transition
nvme_feat_fdp_events_cdw11 FDP Events Feature Command Dword 11
nvme_feat_host_behavior Host Behavior Support — Data Structure
nvme_feat_nswpcfg_state Write Protection — Write Protection State
nvme_feat_plm_window_select Predictable Latency Per NVM Set Log
nvme_feat_resv_notify_flags Reservation Notification Configuration
nvme_feat_tmpthresh_thsel Temperature Threshold — Threshold Type Select
nvme_features_async_event_config_flags Asynchronous Event Configuration configuration flags
nvme_features_id Features — Feature Identifiers
nvme_fid_supported_effects FID Supported and Effects Data Structure definitions
nvme_fid_supported_effects_log Feature Identifiers Supported and Effects
nvme_firmware_slot Firmware Slot Information Log
nvme_first_host Start host iterator
nvme_first_subsystem Start subsystem iterator
nvme_flbas This field indicates the formatted LBA size
nvme_flush Send an nvme flush command
nvme_for_each_host Traverse host list
nvme_for_each_host_safe Traverse host list
nvme_for_each_subsystem Traverse subsystems
nvme_for_each_subsystem_safe Traverse subsystems
nvme_format_nvm Format nvme namespace(s)
nvme_format_nvm_compln_event Format NVM Completion Event Data
nvme_format_nvm_start_event Format NVM Start Event Data
nvme_free_ctrl Free controller
nvme_free_host Free nvme_host_t object
nvme_free_ns Free a namespace object
nvme_free_subsystem Free a subsystem
nvme_free_tree Free root object
nvme_fw_commit Commit firmware using the specified action
nvme_fw_commit_ca Firmware Commit — Commit Action
nvme_fw_commit_event Firmware Commit Event Data
nvme_fw_download Download part or all of a firmware image to the controller
nvme_fw_download_seq Firmware download sequence
nvme_gen_dhchap_key DH-HMAC-CHAP key generation
nvme_generate_tls_key_identity Generate the TLS key identity
nvme_get_ana_log_len Retrieve size of the current ANA log
nvme_get_attr Read sysfs attribute
nvme_get_ctrl_attr Read controller sysfs attribute
nvme_get_ctrl_telemetry Get controller telemetry log
nvme_get_directive_receive_length Get directive receive length
nvme_get_discovery_args Arguments for nvmf_get_discovery_wargs()
nvme_get_feature_length Retreive the command payload length for a specific feature identifier
nvme_get_feature_length2 Retreive the command payload length for a specific feature identifier
nvme_get_features Retrieve a feature attribute
nvme_get_features_arbitration Get arbitration feature
nvme_get_features_async_event Get asynchronous event feature
nvme_get_features_auto_pst Get autonomous power state feature
nvme_get_features_data Helper function for @nvme_get_features()
nvme_get_features_endurance_event_cfg Get endurance event config feature
nvme_get_features_err_recovery Get error recovery feature
nvme_get_features_err_recovery2 Get error recovery feature
nvme_get_features_hctm Get thermal management feature
nvme_get_features_host_behavior Get host behavior feature
nvme_get_features_host_id Get host id feature
nvme_get_features_host_mem_buf Get host memory buffer feature
nvme_get_features_host_mem_buf2 Get host memory buffer feature
nvme_get_features_iocs_profile Get IOCS profile feature
nvme_get_features_irq_coalesce Get IRQ coalesce feature
nvme_get_features_irq_config Get IRQ config feature
nvme_get_features_kato Get keep alive timeout feature
nvme_get_features_lba_range Get LBA range feature
nvme_get_features_lba_range2 Get LBA range feature
nvme_get_features_lba_sts_interval Get LBA status information feature
nvme_get_features_nopsc Get non-operational power state feature
nvme_get_features_num_queues Get number of queues feature
nvme_get_features_plm_config Get predictable latency feature
nvme_get_features_plm_window Get window select feature
nvme_get_features_power_mgmt Get power management feature
nvme_get_features_resv_mask Get reservation mask feature
nvme_get_features_resv_mask2 Get reservation mask feature
nvme_get_features_resv_persist Get reservation persist feature
nvme_get_features_resv_persist2 Get reservation persist feature
nvme_get_features_rrl Get read recovery level feature
nvme_get_features_sanitize Get sanitize feature
nvme_get_features_sel Get Features — Select
nvme_get_features_simple Helper function for @nvme_get_features()
nvme_get_features_sw_progress Get software progress feature
nvme_get_features_temp_thresh Get temperature threshold feature
nvme_get_features_timestamp Get timestamp feature
nvme_get_features_volatile_wc Get volatile write cache feature
nvme_get_features_write_atomic Get write atomic feature
nvme_get_features_write_protect Get write protect feature
nvme_get_host_telemetry Get host telemetry log
nvme_get_lba_status Retrieve information on possibly unrecoverable LBAs
nvme_get_lba_status_log Retrieve the LBA Status log page
nvme_get_log NVMe Admin Get Log command
nvme_get_log_ana Retrieve Asymmetric Namespace Access log page
nvme_get_log_ana_groups Retrieve Asymmetric Namespace Access groups only log page
nvme_get_log_boot_partition Retrieve Boot Partition
nvme_get_log_changed_ns_list Retrieve namespace changed list
nvme_get_log_cmd_effects Retrieve nvme command effects log
nvme_get_log_create_telemetry_host Create host telemetry log
nvme_get_log_device_self_test Retrieve the device self test log
nvme_get_log_discovery Retrieve Discovery log page
nvme_get_log_endurance_group Get Endurance Group log
nvme_get_log_endurance_grp_evt Retrieve Rotational Media Information
nvme_get_log_error Retrieve nvme error log
nvme_get_log_fdp_configurations Get list of Flexible Data Placement configurations
nvme_get_log_fdp_events Get Flexible Data Placement events
nvme_get_log_fdp_stats Get Flexible Data Placement statistics
nvme_get_log_fid_supported_effects Retrieve Feature Identifiers Supported and Effects
nvme_get_log_fw_slot Retrieves the controller firmware log
nvme_get_log_lba_status Retrieve LBA Status
nvme_get_log_media_unit_stat Retrieve Media Unit Status
nvme_get_log_mi_cmd_supported_effects displays the MI Commands Supported by the controller
nvme_get_log_page Get log page data
nvme_get_log_persistent_event Retrieve Persistent Event Log
nvme_get_log_phy_rx_eom Retrieve Physical Interface Receiver Eye Opening Measurement Log
nvme_get_log_predictable_lat_event Retrieve Predictable Latency Event Aggregate Log Page
nvme_get_log_predictable_lat_nvmset Predictable Latency Per NVM Set
nvme_get_log_reclaim_unit_handle_usage Get reclaim unit handle usage
nvme_get_log_reservation Retrieve Reservation Notification
nvme_get_log_sanitize Retrieve Sanitize Status
nvme_get_log_smart Retrieve nvme smart log
nvme_get_log_support_cap_config_list Retrieve Supported Capacity Configuration List
nvme_get_log_supported_log_pages Retrieve nmve supported log pages
nvme_get_log_telemetry_ctrl Get Telemetry Controller-Initiated log page
nvme_get_log_telemetry_host Get Telemetry Host-Initiated log page
nvme_get_log_zns_changed_zones Retrieve list of zones that have changed
nvme_get_logging_level Get current logging level
nvme_get_logical_block_size Retrieve block size
nvme_get_new_host_telemetry Get new host telemetry log
nvme_get_ns_attr Read namespace sysfs attribute
nvme_get_nsid Retrieve the NSID from a namespace file descriptor
nvme_get_path_attr Read path sysfs attribute
nvme_get_property Get a controller property
nvme_get_subsys_attr Read subsystem sysfs attribute
nvme_get_telemetry_log Get specified telemetry log
nvme_get_telemetry_max Get telemetry limits
nvme_hmac_alg HMAC algorithm
nvme_host_behavior_support Enable Advanced Command
nvme_host_get_dhchap_key Return host key
nvme_host_get_hostid Host ID of an nvme_host_t object
nvme_host_get_hostnqn Host NQN of an nvme_host_t object
nvme_host_get_hostsymname Get the host's symbolic name
nvme_host_get_root Returns nvme_root_t object
nvme_host_is_pdc_enabled Is Persistenct Discovery Controller enabled
nvme_host_mem_buf_attrs Host Memory Buffer — Attributes Data Structure
nvme_host_metadata Host Metadata Data Structure
nvme_host_release_fds Close all opened file descriptors under host
nvme_host_set_dhchap_key set host key
nvme_host_set_hostsymname Set the host's symbolic name
nvme_host_set_pdc_enabled Set Persistent Discovery Controller flag
nvme_id_ctrl Identify Controller data structure
nvme_id_ctrl_anacap This field indicates the capabilities associated with Asymmetric Namespace Access Reporting.
nvme_id_ctrl_apsta Flags indicating the attributes of the autonomous power state transition feature.
nvme_id_ctrl_avscc Flags indicating the configuration settings for Admin Vendor Specific command handling.
nvme_id_ctrl_cmic Controller Multipath IO and Namespace Sharing Capabilities of the controller and NVM subsystem.
nvme_id_ctrl_cntrltype Controller types
nvme_id_ctrl_cqes Defines the required and maximum Completion Queue entry size when using the NVM Command Set.
nvme_id_ctrl_ctratt Controller attributes
nvme_id_ctrl_dctype Discovery Controller types
nvme_id_ctrl_dsto Flags indicating the optional Device Self-test command or operation behaviors supported by the controller or NVM subsystem.
nvme_id_ctrl_fcatt This field indicates attributes of the controller that are specific to NVMe over Fabrics.
nvme_id_ctrl_fna This field indicates attributes for the Format NVM command.
nvme_id_ctrl_frmw Flags and values indicates capabilities regarding firmware updates from &struct nvme_id_ctrl.frmw.
nvme_id_ctrl_fuses This field indicates the fused operations that the controller supports.
nvme_id_ctrl_hctm Flags indicate the attributes of the host controlled thermal management feature
nvme_id_ctrl_lpa Flags indicating optional attributes for log pages that are accessed via the Get Log Page command.
nvme_id_ctrl_mec Flags indicating the capabilities of the Management Endpoint in the Controller, &struct nvme_id_ctrl.mec.
nvme_id_ctrl_nvm I/O Command Set Specific Identify Controller data structure
nvme_id_ctrl_nvmsr This field reports information associated with the NVM Subsystem, see &struct nvme_id_ctrl.nvmsr.
nvme_id_ctrl_nvscc This field indicates the configuration settings for NVM Vendor Specific command handling.
nvme_id_ctrl_nwpc This field indicates the optional namespace write protection capabilities supported by the controller.
nvme_id_ctrl_oacs Flags indicating the optional Admin commands and features supported by the controller, see &struct nvme_id_ctrl.oacs.
nvme_id_ctrl_oaes Optional Asynchronous Events Supported
nvme_id_ctrl_ofcs Indicate whether the controller supports optional fabric commands.
nvme_id_ctrl_oncs This field indicates the optional NVM commands and features supported by the controller.
nvme_id_ctrl_rpmbs This field indicates if the controller supports one or more Replay Protected Memory Blocks, from &struct nvme_id_ctrl.rpmbs.
nvme_id_ctrl_sanicap Indicates attributes for sanitize operations.
nvme_id_ctrl_sgls This field indicates if SGLs are supported for the NVM Command Set and the particular SGL types supported.
nvme_id_ctrl_sqes Defines the required and maximum Submission Queue entry size when using the NVM Command Set.
nvme_id_ctrl_vwc Volatile write cache
nvme_id_ctrl_vwci This field indicates information about remaining number of times that VPD contents are able to be updated using the VPD Write command, see &struct…
nvme_id_directives Identify Directive — Return Parameters Data Structure
nvme_id_domain_attr Domain Attributes Entry
nvme_id_domain_list Domain List
nvme_id_endurance_group_list Endurance Group List
nvme_id_independent_id_ns Identify — I/O Command Set Independent Identify Namespace Data Structure
nvme_id_iocs NVMe Identify IO Command Set data structure
nvme_id_ns Identify Namespace data structure
nvme_id_ns_attr Specifies attributes of the namespace.
nvme_id_ns_dlfeat This field indicates information about features that affect deallocating logical blocks for this namespace.
nvme_id_ns_dpc This field indicates the capabilities for the end-to-end data protection feature.
nvme_id_ns_dps This field indicates the Type settings for the end-to-end data protection feature.
nvme_id_ns_flbas This field indicates the LBA data size & metadata size combination that the namespace has been formatted with
nvme_id_ns_granularity_desc Namespace Granularity Descriptor
nvme_id_ns_granularity_list Namespace Granularity List
nvme_id_ns_mc This field indicates the capabilities for metadata.
nvme_id_ns_nmic This field specifies multi-path I/O and namespace sharing capabilities of the namespace.
nvme_id_ns_rescap This field indicates the reservation capabilities of the namespace.
nvme_id_nsfeat This field defines features of the namespace.
nvme_id_nvmset_list NVM set list
nvme_id_psd Power Management data structure
nvme_id_uuid Identifier Association
nvme_id_uuid_list UUID list
nvme_id_uuid_list_entry UUID List Entry
nvme_identify Send the NVMe Identify command
nvme_identify_active_ns_list Retrieves active namespaces id list
nvme_identify_active_ns_list_csi Active namespace ID list associated with a specified I/O command set
nvme_identify_allocated_ns Same as nvme_identify_ns, but only for allocated namespaces
nvme_identify_allocated_ns_list Retrieves allocated namespace id list
nvme_identify_allocated_ns_list_csi Allocated namespace ID list associated with a specified I/O command set
nvme_identify_cns Identify — CNS Values
nvme_identify_ctrl Retrieves nvme identify controller
nvme_identify_ctrl_csi I/O command set specific Identify Controller data
nvme_identify_ctrl_list Retrieves identify controller list
nvme_identify_domain_list Domain list data
nvme_identify_endurance_group_list Endurance group list data
nvme_identify_independent_identify_ns I/O command set independent Identify namespace data
nvme_identify_iocs I/O command set data structure
nvme_identify_iocs_ns_csi_user_data_format Identify I/O command set namespace data structure
nvme_identify_ns Retrieves nvme identify namespace
nvme_identify_ns_csi I/O command set specific identify namespace data
nvme_identify_ns_csi_user_data_format Identify namespace user data format
nvme_identify_ns_descs Retrieves namespace descriptor list
nvme_identify_ns_granularity Retrieves namespace granularity identification
nvme_identify_nsid_ctrl_list Retrieves controller list attached to an nsid
nvme_identify_nvmset_list Retrieves NVM Set List
nvme_identify_primary_ctrl Retrieve NVMe Primary Controller identification
nvme_identify_secondary_ctrl_list Retrieves secondary controller list
nvme_identify_uuid Retrieves device's UUIDs
nvme_import_tls_key Import a TLS key
nvme_init_copy_range Constructs a copy range structure
nvme_init_copy_range_f1 Constructs a copy range f1 structure
nvme_init_copy_range_f2 Constructs a copy range f2 structure
nvme_init_copy_range_f3 Constructs a copy range f3 structure
nvme_init_ctrl Initialize nvme_ctrl_t object for an existing controller.
nvme_init_ctrl_list Initialize an nvme_ctrl_list structure from an array.
nvme_init_dsm_range Constructs a data set range structure
nvme_init_logging Initialize logging
nvme_insert_tls_key Derive and insert TLS key
nvme_insert_tls_key_versioned Derive and insert TLS key
nvme_io Submit an nvme user I/O command
nvme_io_control_flags I/O control flags
nvme_io_dsm_flags Dataset Management flags
nvme_io_mgmt_recv I/O Management Receive command
nvme_io_mgmt_recv_mo I/O Management Receive — Management Operation
nvme_io_mgmt_send I/O Management Send command
nvme_io_mgmt_send_mo I/O Management Send — Management Operation
nvme_io_opcode Opcodes for I/O Commands
nvme_io_passthru Submit an nvme io passthrough command
nvme_io_passthru64 Submit an nvme io passthrough command
nvme_is_64bit_reg Checks if offset of the controller register is a know 64bit value.
nvme_lba_range_type LBA Range Type
nvme_lba_range_type_entry LBA Range Type — Data Structure Entry
nvme_lba_rd LBA Range Descriptor
nvme_lba_status LBA Status Descriptor List
nvme_lba_status_atype Potentially Unrecoverable LBAs
nvme_lba_status_desc LBA Status Descriptor Entry
nvme_lba_status_log LBA Status Information Log
nvme_lbaf LBA Format Data Structure
nvme_lbaf_rp This field indicates the relative performance of the LBA format indicated relative to other LBA formats supported by the controller.
nvme_lbart LBA Range Type — Data Structure Entry
nvme_lbas_ns_element LBA Status Log Namespace Element
nvme_lockdown Issue lockdown command
nvme_log_ana_lsp Asymmetric Namespace Access — Return Groups Only
nvme_log_phy_rx_eom_action Physical Interface Receiver Eye Opening Measurement Action
nvme_log_phy_rx_eom_quality Physical Interface Receiver Eye Opening Measurement Quality
nvme_lookup_ctrl Lookup nvme_ctrl_t object
nvme_lookup_host Lookup nvme_host_t object
nvme_lookup_key Lookup key serial number
nvme_lookup_keyring Lookup keyring serial number
nvme_lookup_subsystem Lookup nvme_subsystem_t object
nvme_media_unit_config_desc Media Unit Configuration Descriptor
nvme_media_unit_stat_desc Media Unit Status Descriptor
nvme_media_unit_stat_log Media Unit Status
nvme_metadata_element_desc Metadata Element Descriptor
nvme_mi_admin_admin_passthru Submit an nvme admin passthrough command
nvme_mi_admin_format_nvm Format NVMe namespace
nvme_mi_admin_fw_commit Commit firmware using the specified action
nvme_mi_admin_fw_download Download part or all of a firmware image to the controller
nvme_mi_admin_get_features_data Helper function for &nvme_mi_admin_get_features()
nvme_mi_admin_get_log Retrieve log page data from controller
nvme_mi_admin_get_log_ana Retrieve Asymmetric Namespace Access log page
nvme_mi_admin_get_log_ana_groups Retrieve Asymmetric Namespace Access groups only log page
nvme_mi_admin_get_log_boot_partition Retrieve Boot Partition
nvme_mi_admin_get_log_changed_ns_list Retrieve namespace changed list
nvme_mi_admin_get_log_cmd_effects Retrieve nvme command effects log
nvme_mi_admin_get_log_create_telemetry_host Create host telemetry log
nvme_mi_admin_get_log_device_self_test Retrieve the device self test log
nvme_mi_admin_get_log_discovery Retrieve Discovery log page
nvme_mi_admin_get_log_endurance_group Get Endurance Group log
nvme_mi_admin_get_log_endurance_grp_evt Retrieve Rotational Media Information
nvme_mi_admin_get_log_error Retrieve nvme error log
nvme_mi_admin_get_log_fid_supported_effects Retrieve Feature Identifiers Supported and Effects
nvme_mi_admin_get_log_fw_slot Retrieves the controller firmware log
nvme_mi_admin_get_log_lba_status Retrieve LBA Status
nvme_mi_admin_get_log_media_unit_stat Retrieve Media Unit Status
nvme_mi_admin_get_log_mi_cmd_supported_effects displays the MI Commands Supported by the controller
nvme_mi_admin_get_log_page Retrieve log page data from controller
nvme_mi_admin_get_log_persistent_event Retrieve Persistent Event Log
nvme_mi_admin_get_log_phy_rx_eom Retrieve Physical Interface Receiver Eye Opening Measurement Log
nvme_mi_admin_get_log_predictable_lat_event Retrieve Predictable Latency Event Aggregate Log Page
nvme_mi_admin_get_log_predictable_lat_nvmset Predictable Latency Per NVM Set
nvme_mi_admin_get_log_reservation Retrieve Reservation Notification
nvme_mi_admin_get_log_sanitize Retrieve Sanitize Status
nvme_mi_admin_get_log_simple Helper for Get Log Page functions with no NSID or RAE requirements
nvme_mi_admin_get_log_smart Retrieve nvme smart log
nvme_mi_admin_get_log_support_cap_config_list Retrieve Supported Capacity Configuration List
nvme_mi_admin_get_log_supported_log_pages Retrieve nmve supported log pages
nvme_mi_admin_get_log_telemetry_ctrl Get Telemetry Controller-Initiated log page
nvme_mi_admin_get_log_telemetry_host Get Telemetry Host-Initiated log page
nvme_mi_admin_get_log_zns_changed_zones Retrieve list of zones that have changed
nvme_mi_admin_get_nsid_log Helper for Get Log Page functions
nvme_mi_admin_identify Perform an Admin identify command.
nvme_mi_admin_identify_active_ns_list Perform an Admin identify for an active namespace list
nvme_mi_admin_identify_allocated_ns Perform an Admin identify command for an allocated namespace
nvme_mi_admin_identify_allocated_ns_list Perform an Admin identify for an allocated namespace list
nvme_mi_admin_identify_cns_nsid Perform an Admin identify command using specific CNS/NSID parameters.
nvme_mi_admin_identify_ctrl Perform an Admin identify for a controller
nvme_mi_admin_identify_ctrl_list Perform an Admin identify for a controller list.
nvme_mi_admin_identify_ns Perform an Admin identify command for a namespace
nvme_mi_admin_identify_ns_descs Perform an Admin identify Namespace Identification Descriptor list command for a namespace
nvme_mi_admin_identify_nsid_ctrl_list Perform an Admin identify for a controller list with specific namespace ID
nvme_mi_admin_identify_partial Perform an Admin identify command, and retrieve partial response data.
nvme_mi_admin_identify_primary_ctrl Perform an Admin identify for primary controller capabilities data structure.
nvme_mi_admin_identify_secondary_ctrl_list Perform an Admin identify for a secondary controller list.
nvme_mi_admin_ns_attach Attach or detach namespace to controller(s)
nvme_mi_admin_ns_attach_ctrls Attach namespace to controllers
nvme_mi_admin_ns_detach_ctrls Detach namespace from controllers
nvme_mi_admin_req_hdr Admin command request header.
nvme_mi_admin_resp_hdr Admin command response header.
nvme_mi_admin_sanitize_nvm Start a subsystem Sanitize operation
nvme_mi_admin_security_recv Perform a Security Receive command on a controller.
nvme_mi_admin_security_send Perform a Security Send command on a controller.
nvme_mi_admin_xfer Raw admin transfer interface.
nvme_mi_ccs Get State Control Primitive Success Response Fields — Control Primitive Specific Response
nvme_mi_close Close an endpoint connection and release resources, including controller objects.
nvme_mi_close_ctrl free a controller
nvme_mi_cmd_supported_effects MI Command Supported and Effects Data Structure
nvme_mi_cmd_supported_effects_log NVMe-MI Commands Supported and Effects Log
nvme_mi_config_id NVMe-MI Configuration identifier.
nvme_mi_config_smbus_freq SMBus/I2C frequency values
nvme_mi_create_root Create top-level MI (root) handle.
nvme_mi_csts Controller Health Data Structure (CHDS) — Controller Status (CSTS)
nvme_mi_ctrl_health_status Controller Health Data Structure (CHDS)
nvme_mi_ctrl_id get the ID of a controller
nvme_mi_cwarn Controller Health Data Structure (CHDS) — Critical Warning (CWARN)
nvme_mi_dtyp Data Structure Type field.
nvme_mi_elem Element Descriptor Types
nvme_mi_free_root Free root object.
nvme_mi_init_ctrl initialise a NVMe controller.
nvme_mi_message_type NVMe-MI message type field.
nvme_mi_mi_opcode Operation code for supported NVMe-MI commands.
nvme_mi_mi_read_mi_data_ctrl Perform a Read MI Data Structure command, retrieving controller information
nvme_mi_mi_read_mi_data_ctrl_list Perform a Read MI Data Structure command, retrieving the list of attached controllers.
nvme_mi_mi_read_mi_data_port Perform a Read MI Data Structure command, retrieving port data.
nvme_mi_mi_read_mi_data_subsys Perform a Read MI Data Structure command, retrieving subsystem data.
nvme_mi_mi_req_hdr MI request message header.
nvme_mi_mi_resp_hdr MI response message header.
nvme_mi_mi_subsystem_health_status_poll Read the Subsystem Health Data Structure from the NVM subsystem
nvme_mi_msg_hdr General MI message header.
nvme_mi_msg_resp Generic response type.
nvme_mi_nvm_ss_health_status Subsystem Management Data Structure
nvme_mi_open_mctp Create an endpoint using a MCTP connection.
nvme_mi_osc Optionally Supported Command Data Structure
nvme_mi_port_pcie PCIe Port Specific Data
nvme_mi_port_smb SMBus Port Specific Data
nvme_mi_read_ctrl_info Controller Information Data Structure
nvme_mi_read_nvm_ss_info NVM Subsystem Information Data Structure
nvme_mi_read_port_info Port Information Data Structure
nvme_mi_read_sc_list Management Endpoint Buffer Supported Command List Data Structure
nvme_mi_resp_status values for the response status field
nvme_mi_set_probe_enabled enable/disable the probe for new endpoints
nvme_mi_status_to_string return a string representation of the MI status.
nvme_mi_vpd_hdr Vital Product Data Common Header
nvme_mi_vpd_mr_common NVMe MultiRecord Area
nvme_mi_vpd_mra NVMe MultiRecord Area
nvme_mi_vpd_ppmra NVMe PCIe Port MultiRecord Area
nvme_mi_vpd_telem Vital Product Data Element Descriptor
nvme_mi_vpd_tra Vital Product Data Topology MultiRecord
nvme_namespace_attach_ctrls Attach namespace to controller(s)
nvme_namespace_detach_ctrls Detach namespace from controller(s)
nvme_namespace_filter Filter for namespaces
nvme_namespace_first_path Start path iterator
nvme_namespace_for_each_path Traverse paths
nvme_namespace_for_each_path_safe Traverse paths
nvme_namespace_next_path Next path iterator
nvme_nbft_free Free the struct nbft_info and its contents
nvme_nbft_read Read and parse contents of an ACPI NBFT table
nvme_nd_ns_fpi If a format operation is in progress, this field indicates the percentage of the namespace that remains to be formatted.
nvme_next_host Next host iterator
nvme_next_subsystem Next subsystem iterator
nvme_ns_attach Attach or detach namespace to controller(s)
nvme_ns_attach_ctrls Attach namespace to controllers
nvme_ns_attach_sel Namespace Attachment — Select
nvme_ns_compare Compare data on a namespace
nvme_ns_detach_ctrls Detach namespace from controllers
nvme_ns_flush Flush data to a namespace
nvme_ns_get_csi Command set identifier of a namespace
nvme_ns_get_ctrl &nvme_ctrl_t of a namespace
nvme_ns_get_eui64 64-bit eui of a namespace
nvme_ns_get_fd Get associated file descriptor
nvme_ns_get_firmware Firmware string of a namespace
nvme_ns_get_generic_name Returns name of generic namespace chardev.
nvme_ns_get_lba_count LBA count of a namespace
nvme_ns_get_lba_size LBA size of a namespace
nvme_ns_get_lba_util LBA utilization of a namespace
nvme_ns_get_meta_size Metadata size of a namespace
nvme_ns_get_model Model of a namespace
nvme_ns_get_name sysfs name of a namespace
nvme_ns_get_nguid 128-bit nguid of a namespace
nvme_ns_get_nsid NSID of a namespace
nvme_ns_get_serial Serial number of a namespace
nvme_ns_get_subsystem &nvme_subsystem_t of a namespace
nvme_ns_get_sysfs_dir sysfs directory of a namespace
nvme_ns_get_uuid UUID of a namespace
nvme_ns_id_desc Namespace identifier type descriptor
nvme_ns_id_desc_nidt Known namespace identifier types
nvme_ns_identify Issue an 'identify namespace' command
nvme_ns_identify_descs Issue an 'identify descriptors' command
nvme_ns_list Namespace List
nvme_ns_metadata_type Namespace Metadata Element Types
nvme_ns_mgmt Issue a Namespace management command
nvme_ns_mgmt_create Create a non attached namespace
nvme_ns_mgmt_delete Delete a non attached namespace
nvme_ns_mgmt_delete_timeout Delete a non attached namespace with timeout
nvme_ns_mgmt_host_sw_specified Namespace management Host Software Specified Fields.
nvme_ns_mgmt_sel Namespace Management — Select
nvme_ns_read Read from a namespace
nvme_ns_release_fd Close fd and clear fd from ns object
nvme_ns_rescan Initiate a controller rescan
nvme_ns_verify Verify data on a namespace
nvme_ns_write Write to a namespace
nvme_ns_write_protect_cfg Write Protection — Write Protection State
nvme_ns_write_uncorrectable Issus a 'write uncorrectable' command
nvme_ns_write_zeros Write zeros to a namespace
nvme_nss_hw_err_event NVM Subsystem Hardware Error Event
nvme_nvm_id_ns NVME Command Set I/O Command Set Specific Identify Namespace Data Structure
nvme_nvm_id_ns_elbaf This field indicates the extended LBA format
nvme_nvm_identify_ctrl Identify controller data
nvme_nvmeset_pl_status Predictable Latency Per NVM Set Log — Status
nvme_nvmset_attr NVM Set Attributes Entry
nvme_nvmset_pl_events Predictable Latency Per NVM Set Log — Event Type
nvme_nvmset_predictable_lat_log Predictable Latency Mode — Deterministic Threshold Configuration Data
nvme_open Open an nvme controller or namespace device
nvme_passthru_cmd nvme passthrough command structure
nvme_passthru_cmd64 64-bit nvme passthrough command structure
nvme_path_get_ana_state ANA state of an nvme_path_t object
nvme_path_get_ctrl Parent controller of an nvme_path_t object
nvme_path_get_name sysfs name of an &nvme_path_t object
nvme_path_get_ns Parent namespace of an nvme_path_t object
nvme_path_get_sysfs_dir sysfs directory of an nvme_path_t object
nvme_paths_filter Filter for paths
nvme_pel_ehai This field indicates the persistent event header additional information
nvme_pel_ehai_pit Persistent Event Header Additional Information — Port Identifier Type
nvme_pel_rci This field indicates the persistent event log reporting context
nvme_pel_rci_rcpit Persistent Event Log Reporting Context — Port Identifier Type
nvme_persistent_event_entry Persistent Event
nvme_persistent_event_log Persistent Event Log
nvme_persistent_event_types Persistent event log events
nvme_pevent_log_action Persistent Event Log — Action
nvme_phy_rx_eom_log Physical Interface Receiver Eye Opening Measurement Log
nvme_phy_rx_eom_progress EOM In Progress Values
nvme_plm_config Predictable Latency Mode — Deterministic Threshold Configuration Data Structure
nvme_pmr_size Calculate size of persistent memory region elasticity buffer
nvme_pmr_throughput Calculate throughput of persistent memory buffer
nvme_pmrcap This field indicates the persistent memory region capabilities
nvme_pmrctl This field indicates the persistent memory region control
nvme_pmrebs This field indicates the persistent memory region elasticity buffer size
nvme_pmrmsc This field indicates the persistent memory region memory space control
nvme_pmrsts This field indicates the persistent memory region status
nvme_pmrswtp This field indicates the persistent memory region sustained write throughput
nvme_power_on_reset_info_list Controller Reset Information
nvme_primary_ctrl_cap Identify — Controller Capabilities Structure
nvme_psd_flags Possible flag values in nvme power state descriptor
nvme_psd_power_scale power scale occupies the upper 3 bits
nvme_psd_ps Known values for &struct nvme_psd %ips and %aps. Use with nvme_psd_power_scale() to extract the power scale field to match this enum.
nvme_psd_workload Specifies a workload hint in the Power Management Feature (see &struct nvme_psd.apw) to inform the NVM subsystem or indicate the conditions for the active power…
nvme_read Submit an nvme user read command
nvme_read_config Read NVMe JSON configuration file
nvme_read_key Read key raw data
nvme_refresh_topology Refresh nvme_root_t object contents
nvme_register_offsets controller registers for all transports. This is the layout of BAR0/1 for PCIe, and properties for fabrics.
nvme_registered_ctrl Registered Controller Data Structure
nvme_registered_ctrl_ext Registered Controller Extended Data Structure
nvme_rescan_ctrl Rescan an existing controller
nvme_resv_acquire Send an nvme reservation acquire
nvme_resv_cptpl Reservation Register — Change Persist Through Power Loss State
nvme_resv_notification_log Reservation Notification Log
nvme_resv_notify_rnlpt Reservation Notification Log — Reservation Notification Log Page Type
nvme_resv_racqa Reservation Acquire — Reservation Acquire Action
nvme_resv_register Send an nvme reservation register
nvme_resv_release Send an nvme reservation release
nvme_resv_report Send an nvme reservation report
nvme_resv_rrega Reservation Register — Reservation Register Action
nvme_resv_rrela Reservation Release — Reservation Release Action
nvme_resv_rtype Reservation Type Encoding
nvme_resv_status Reservation Status Data Structure
nvme_sanitize_compln_event Sanitize Completion Event Data
nvme_sanitize_log_page Sanitize Status (Log Identifier 81h)
nvme_sanitize_nvm Start a sanitize operation
nvme_sanitize_sanact Sanitize Action
nvme_sanitize_sstat Sanitize Status (SSTAT)
nvme_sanitize_start_event Sanitize Start Event Data
nvme_scan Scan NVMe topology
nvme_scan_ctrl Scan on a controller
nvme_scan_ctrl_namespace_paths Scan for namespace paths in a controller
nvme_scan_ctrl_namespaces Scan for namespaces in a controller
nvme_scan_ctrls Scan for controllers
nvme_scan_namespace scan namespace based on sysfs name
nvme_scan_subsystem_namespaces Scan for namespaces in a subsystem
nvme_scan_subsystems Scan for subsystems
nvme_scan_tls_keys Iterate over TLS keys in a keyring
nvme_scan_topology Scan NVMe topology and apply filter
nvme_secondary_ctrl Secondary Controller Entry
nvme_secondary_ctrl_list Secondary Controller List
nvme_security_receive Security Receive command
nvme_security_send Security Send command
nvme_self_test_log Device Self-test (Log Identifier 06h)
nvme_set_feat_event_layout This field indicates the set feature event layout
nvme_set_feature_event Set Feature Event Data
nvme_set_features Set a feature attribute
nvme_set_features_arbitration Set arbitration features
nvme_set_features_async_event Set asynchronous event feature
nvme_set_features_auto_pst Set autonomous power state feature
nvme_set_features_data Helper function for @nvme_set_features()
nvme_set_features_endurance_evt_cfg Set endurance event config feature
nvme_set_features_err_recovery Set error recovery feature
nvme_set_features_hctm Set thermal management feature
nvme_set_features_host_behavior Set host behavior feature
nvme_set_features_host_id Set enable extended host identifiers feature
nvme_set_features_iocs_profile Set I/O command set profile feature
nvme_set_features_irq_coalesce Set IRQ coalesce feature
nvme_set_features_irq_config Set IRQ config feature
nvme_set_features_lba_range Set LBA range feature
nvme_set_features_lba_sts_interval Set LBA status information feature
nvme_set_features_nopsc Set non-operational power state feature
nvme_set_features_plm_config Set predictable latency feature
nvme_set_features_plm_window Set window select feature
nvme_set_features_power_mgmt Set power management feature
nvme_set_features_resv_mask Set reservation notification mask feature
nvme_set_features_resv_mask2 Set reservation notification mask feature
nvme_set_features_resv_persist Set persist through power loss feature
nvme_set_features_resv_persist2 Set persist through power loss feature
nvme_set_features_rrl Set read recovery level feature
nvme_set_features_sanitize Set sanitize feature
nvme_set_features_simple Helper function for @nvme_set_features()
nvme_set_features_sw_progress Set pre-boot software load count feature
nvme_set_features_temp_thresh Set temperature threshold feature
nvme_set_features_timestamp Set timestamp feature
nvme_set_features_volatile_wc Set volatile write cache feature
nvme_set_features_write_atomic Set write atomic feature
nvme_set_features_write_protect Set write protect feature
nvme_set_features_write_protect2 Set write protect feature
nvme_set_keyring Link keyring for lookup
nvme_set_property Set controller property
nvme_set_root Set nvme_root_t context
nvme_smart_crit Critical Warning
nvme_smart_egcw Endurance Group Critical Warning Summary
nvme_smart_log SMART / Health Information Log (Log Identifier 02h)
nvme_st_code Self-test Code value
nvme_st_curr_op Current Device Self-Test Operation
nvme_st_result Self-test Result
nvme_st_valid_diag_info Valid Diagnostic Information
nvme_status_code Returns the NVMe Status Code
nvme_status_code_type Returns the NVMe Status Code Type
nvme_status_equals helper to check a status against a type and value
nvme_status_field Defines all parts of the nvme status field: status code, status code type, and additional flags.
nvme_status_get_type extract the type from a nvme_* return value
nvme_status_get_value extract the status value from a nvme_* return value
nvme_status_result Result of the device self-test operation
nvme_status_to_errno Converts nvme return status to errno
nvme_status_to_string Returns string describing nvme return status.
nvme_status_type type encoding for NVMe return values, when represented as an int.
nvme_streams_directive_params Streams Directive — Return Parameters Data Structure
nvme_streams_directive_status Streams Directive — Get Status Data Structure
nvme_submit_admin_passthru Submit an nvme passthrough admin command
nvme_submit_admin_passthru64 Submit a 64-bit nvme passthrough admin command
nvme_submit_io_passthru Submit an nvme passthrough command
nvme_submit_io_passthru64 Submit a 64-bit nvme passthrough command
nvme_subsys_filter Filter for subsystems
nvme_subsys_type Type of the NVM subsystem.
nvme_subsystem_first_ctrl First ctrl iterator
nvme_subsystem_first_ns Start namespace iterator
nvme_subsystem_for_each_ctrl Traverse controllers
nvme_subsystem_for_each_ctrl_safe Traverse controllers
nvme_subsystem_for_each_ns Traverse namespaces
nvme_subsystem_for_each_ns_safe Traverse namespaces
nvme_subsystem_get_application Return the application string
nvme_subsystem_get_host Returns nvme_host_t object
nvme_subsystem_get_iopolicy Return the IO policy of subsytem
nvme_subsystem_get_name sysfs name of an nvme_subsystem_t object
nvme_subsystem_get_nqn Retrieve NQN from subsystem
nvme_subsystem_get_sysfs_dir sysfs directory of an nvme_subsystem_t object
nvme_subsystem_get_type Returns the type of a subsystem
nvme_subsystem_lookup_namespace lookup namespace by NSID
nvme_subsystem_next_ctrl Next ctrl iterator
nvme_subsystem_next_ns Next namespace iterator
nvme_subsystem_release_fds Close all opened fds under subsystem
nvme_subsystem_reset Initiate a subsystem reset
nvme_subsystem_set_application Set the application string
nvme_supported_cap_config_list_log Supported Capacity Configuration list log page
nvme_supported_log_pages Supported Log Pages — Log
nvme_telemetry_da Telemetry Log Data Area
nvme_telemetry_log Retrieve internal data specific to the manufacturer.
nvme_thermal_exc_event Thermal Excursion Event Data
nvme_time_stamp_change_event Timestamp Change Event
nvme_timestamp Timestamp — Data Structure for Get Features
nvme_unit Defined buffer size and write throughput granularity units
nvme_unlink_ctrl Unlink controller
nvme_update_config Update JSON configuration
nvme_update_key Update key raw data
nvme_uring_cmd nvme uring command structure
nvme_verify Send an nvme verify command
nvme_version Selector for version to be returned by @nvme_get_version
nvme_virt_mgmt_act Virtualization Management — Action
nvme_virt_mgmt_rt Virtualization Management — Resource Type
nvme_virtual_mgmt Virtualization resource management
nvme_vs This field indicates the version
nvme_write Submit an nvme user write command
nvme_write_uncorrectable Submit an nvme write uncorrectable command
nvme_write_zeros Submit an nvme write zeroes command
nvme_zns_append Append data to a zone
nvme_zns_changed_zone_log ZNS Changed Zone List log
nvme_zns_desc Zone Descriptor Data Structure
nvme_zns_id_ctrl I/O Command Set Specific Identify Controller Data Structure for the Zoned Namespace Command Set
nvme_zns_id_ns Zoned Namespace Command Set Specific Identify Namespace Data Structure
nvme_zns_identify_ctrl ZNS identify controller data
nvme_zns_identify_ns ZNS identify namespace data
nvme_zns_lbafe LBA Format Extension Data Structure
nvme_zns_mgmt_recv ZNS management receive command
nvme_zns_mgmt_send ZNS management send command
nvme_zns_recv_action Zone Management Receive — Zone Receive Action Specific Features
nvme_zns_report_options Zone Management Receive — Zone Receive Action Specific Field
nvme_zns_report_zones Return the list of zones
nvme_zns_send_action Zone Management Send — Zone Send Action
nvme_zns_za Zone Descriptor Data Structure
nvme_zns_zs Zone Descriptor Data Structure — Zone State
nvme_zns_zt Zone Descriptor Data Structure — Zone Type
nvme_zone_report Report Zones Data Structure
nvmf_add_ctrl Connect a controller and update topology
nvmf_addr_family Address Family codes for Discovery Log Page entry ADRFAM field
nvmf_adrfam_str Decode ADRFAM field
nvmf_cms_str Decode RDMA connection management service field
nvmf_connect_data Data payload for the 'connect' command
nvmf_connect_disc_entry Connect controller based on the discovery log page entry
nvmf_default_config Default values for fabrics configuration
nvmf_dim_data Discovery Information Management (DIM) — Data
nvmf_dim_entfmt Discovery Information Management Entry Format
nvmf_dim_etype Discovery Information Management Entity Type
nvmf_dim_tas Discovery Information Management Task
nvmf_disc_eflags Discovery Log Page entry flags.
nvmf_disc_log_entry Discovery Log Page entry
nvmf_discovery_log Discovery Log Page (Log Identifier 70h)
nvmf_eflags_str Decode EFLAGS field
nvmf_exat_len Return length rounded up by 4
nvmf_exattype Extended Attribute Type
nvmf_ext_attr Extended Attribute (EXAT)
nvmf_ext_die Extended Discovery Information Entry (DIE)
nvmf_get_discovery_log Return the discovery log page
nvmf_get_discovery_wargs Get the discovery log page with args
nvmf_hostid_from_file Reads the host identifier from the config default location
nvmf_hostnqn_from_file Reads the host nvm qualified name from the config default location
nvmf_hostnqn_generate Generate a machine specific host nqn
nvmf_log_discovery_lid_support Discovery log specific support
nvmf_log_discovery_lsp Discovery log specific field
nvmf_prtype_str Decode RDMA Provider type field
nvmf_qptype_str Decode RDMA QP Service type field
nvmf_rdma_cms RDMA Connection Management Service Type codes for Discovery Log Page entry TSAS RDMA_CMS field
nvmf_rdma_prtype RDMA Provider Type codes for Discovery Log Page entry TSAS RDMA_PRTYPE field
nvmf_rdma_qptype RDMA QP Service Type codes for Discovery Log Page entry TSAS RDMA_QPTYPE field
nvmf_register_ctrl Perform registration task with a DC
nvmf_sectype_str Decode SECTYPE field
nvmf_subtype_str Decode SUBTYPE field
nvmf_tcp_sectype Transport Specific Address Subtype Definition for NVMe/TCP Transport
nvmf_treq Transport Requirements codes for Discovery Log Page entry TREQ field
nvmf_treq_str Decode TREQ field
nvmf_trtype Transport Type codes for Discovery Log Page entry TRTYPE field
nvmf_trtype_str Decode TRTYPE field
nvmf_update_config Update fabrics configuration values