Package libipt-devel

Header files and libraries for Intel Processor Trace Decoder Library

The libipt-devel package contains the header files and libraries needed to
develop programs that use the Intel Processor Trace (Intel PT) Decoder Library.

Version: 2.1.2

Library Functions

pt_alloc_encoder allocate/free an Intel(R) Processor Trace packet encoder
pt_blk_alloc_decoder allocate/free an Intel(R) Processor Trace block decoder
pt_blk_core_bus_ratio alias for pt_qry_time
pt_blk_event alias for pt_evt_next
pt_blk_free_decoder alias for pt_blk_alloc_decoder
pt_blk_get_config alias for pt_enc_get_config
pt_blk_get_image alias for pt_insn_get_image
pt_blk_get_offset get an Intel(R) Processor Trace block decoder’s current/synchronization trace buffer offset
pt_blk_get_sync_offset alias for pt_blk_get_offset
pt_blk_next iterate over blocks of traced instructions
pt_blk_set_image alias for pt_insn_get_image
pt_blk_sync_backward alias for pt_blk_sync_forward
pt_blk_sync_forward synchronize an Intel(R) Processor Trace block decoder
pt_blk_sync_set alias for pt_blk_sync_forward
pt_blk_time alias for pt_qry_time
pt_block alias for pt_blk_next
pt_config Intel(R) Processor Trace encoder/decoder configuration
pt_cpu_errata alias for pt_config
pt_enc_get_config get an Intel(R) Processor Trace encoder/decoder’s configuration
pt_enc_get_offset get/set an Intel(R) Processor Trace packet encoder’s current trace buffer offset
pt_enc_next alias for pt_packet
pt_enc_sync_set alias for pt_enc_get_offset
pt_evt_next query an Intel(R) Processor Trace decoder for an (asynchronous) event
pt_free_encoder alias for pt_alloc_encoder
pt_image_add_cached alias for pt_image_add_file
pt_image_add_file add file sections to a traced memory image descriptor
pt_image_alloc allocate/free a traced memory image descriptor
pt_image_copy alias for pt_image_add_file
pt_image_free alias for pt_image_alloc
pt_image_name alias for pt_image_alloc
pt_image_remove_by_asid alias for pt_image_remove_by_filename
pt_image_remove_by_filename remove sections from a traced memory image descriptor
pt_image_set_callback set a traced memory image read memory callback
pt_insn alias for pt_insn_next
pt_insn_alloc_decoder allocate/free an Intel(R) Processor Trace instruction flow decoder
pt_insn_core_bus_ratio alias for pt_qry_time
pt_insn_event alias for pt_evt_next
pt_insn_free_decoder alias for pt_insn_alloc_decoder
pt_insn_get_config alias for pt_enc_get_config
pt_insn_get_image get/set an Intel(R) Processor Trace instruction flow or block decoder’s traced memory image descriptor
pt_insn_get_offset get an Intel(R) Processor Trace instruction flow decoder’s current/synchronization trace buffer offset
pt_insn_get_sync_offset alias for pt_insn_get_offset
pt_insn_next iterate over traced instructions
pt_insn_set_image alias for pt_insn_get_image
pt_insn_sync_backward alias for pt_insn_sync_forward
pt_insn_sync_forward synchronize an Intel(R) Processor Trace instruction flow decoder
pt_insn_sync_set alias for pt_insn_sync_forward
pt_insn_time alias for pt_qry_time
pt_iscache_add_file add file sections to a traced memory image section cache
pt_iscache_alloc allocate/free a traced memory image section cache
pt_iscache_free alias for pt_iscache_alloc
pt_iscache_name alias for pt_iscache_alloc
pt_iscache_read read memory from a cached file section
pt_iscache_set_limit set the mapped image section cache limit
pt_library_version version information
pt_packet encode/decode an Intel(R) Processor Trace packet
pt_pkt_alloc_decoder allocate/free an Intel(R) Processor Trace packet decoder
pt_pkt_free_decoder alias for pt_pkt_alloc_decoder
pt_pkt_get_config alias for pt_enc_get_config
pt_pkt_get_offset get an Intel(R) Processor Trace packet decoder’s current/synchronization trace buffer offset
pt_pkt_get_sync_offset alias for pt_pkt_get_offset
pt_pkt_next alias for pt_packet
pt_pkt_sync_backward alias for pt_pkt_sync_forward
pt_pkt_sync_forward synchronize an Intel(R) Processor Trace packet decoder
pt_pkt_sync_set alias for pt_pkt_sync_forward
pt_qry_alloc_decoder allocate/free an Intel(R) Processor Trace query decoder
pt_qry_cond_branch query an Intel(R) Processor Trace query decoder
pt_qry_core_bus_ratio alias for pt_qry_time
pt_qry_event alias for pt_evt_next
pt_qry_free_decoder alias for pt_qry_alloc_decoder
pt_qry_get_config alias for pt_enc_get_config
pt_qry_get_offset get an Intel(R) Processor Trace query decoder’s current/synchronization trace buffer offset
pt_qry_get_sync_offset alias for pt_qry_get_offset
pt_qry_indirect_branch alias for pt_qry_cond_branch
pt_qry_sync_backward alias for pt_qry_sync_forward
pt_qry_sync_forward synchronize an Intel(R) Processor Trace query decoder
pt_qry_sync_set alias for pt_qry_sync_forward
pt_qry_time query an Intel(R) Processor Trace decoder for timing information