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Package incus-client

Container hypervisor based on LXC - Client


Incus offers a REST API to remotely manage containers over the network,
using an image based work-flow and with support for live migration.

This package contains the command line client.

Version: 6.2

See also: incus, incus-agent, incus-tools.

General Commands

incus Command line client for Incus
incus.admin Manage incus daemon
incus.admin.cluster Low-level cluster administration commands
incus.admin.init Configure the daemon
incus.admin.recover Recover missing instances and volumes from existing and unknown storage pools
incus.admin.shutdown Tell the daemon to shutdown all instances and exit
incus.admin.sql Execute a SQL query against the local or global database
incus.admin.waitready Wait for the daemon to be ready to process requests
incus.alias Manage command aliases
incus.alias.add Add new aliases
incus.alias.list List aliases
incus.alias.remove Remove aliases
incus.alias.rename Rename aliases
incus.cluster Manage cluster members
incus.cluster.add Request a join token for adding a cluster member
incus.cluster.edit Edit cluster member configurations as YAML
incus.cluster.enable Enable clustering on a single non-clustered server
incus.cluster.evacuate Evacuate cluster member
incus.cluster.get Get values for cluster member configuration keys
incus.cluster.group Manage cluster groups
incus.cluster.group.add Add member to group
incus.cluster.group.assign Assign sets of groups to cluster members
incus.cluster.group.create Create a cluster group
incus.cluster.group.delete Delete a cluster group
incus.cluster.group.edit Edit a cluster group
incus.cluster.group.list List all the cluster groups
incus.cluster.group.remove Remove member from group
incus.cluster.group.rename Rename a cluster group
incus.cluster.group.show Show cluster group configurations
incus.cluster.info Show useful information about a cluster member
incus.cluster.list List all the cluster members
incus.cluster.list-tokens List all active cluster member join tokens
incus.cluster.remove Remove a member from the cluster
incus.cluster.rename Rename a cluster member
incus.cluster.restore Restore cluster member
incus.cluster.revoke-token Revoke cluster member join token
incus.cluster.role Manage cluster roles
incus.cluster.role.add Add roles to a cluster member
incus.cluster.role.remove Remove roles from a cluster member
incus.cluster.set Set a cluster member's configuration keys
incus.cluster.show Show details of a cluster member
incus.cluster.unset Unset a cluster member's configuration keys
incus.cluster.update-certificate Update cluster certificate
incus.config Manage instance and server configuration options
incus.config.device Manage devices
incus.config.device.add Add instance devices
incus.config.device.get Get values for device configuration keys
incus.config.device.list List instance devices
incus.config.device.override Copy profile inherited devices and override configuration keys
incus.config.device.remove Remove instance devices
incus.config.device.set Set device configuration keys
incus.config.device.show Show full device configuration
incus.config.device.unset Unset device configuration keys
incus.config.edit Edit instance or server configurations as YAML
incus.config.get Get values for instance or server configuration keys
incus.config.metadata Manage instance metadata files
incus.config.metadata.edit Edit instance metadata files
incus.config.metadata.show Show instance metadata files
incus.config.set Set instance or server configuration keys
incus.config.show Show instance or server configurations
incus.config.template Manage instance file templates
incus.config.template.create Create new instance file templates
incus.config.template.delete Delete instance file templates
incus.config.template.edit Edit instance file templates
incus.config.template.list List instance file templates
incus.config.template.show Show content of instance file templates
incus.config.trust Manage trusted clients
incus.config.trust.add Add new trusted client
incus.config.trust.add-certificate Add new trusted client certificate
incus.config.trust.edit Edit trust configurations as YAML
incus.config.trust.list List trusted clients
incus.config.trust.list-tokens List all active certificate add tokens
incus.config.trust.remove Remove trusted client
incus.config.trust.revoke-token Revoke certificate add token
incus.config.trust.show Show trust configurations
incus.config.unset Unset instance or server configuration keys
incus.console Attach to instance consoles
incus.copy Copy instances within or in between servers
incus.create Create instances from images
incus.delete Delete instances
incus.exec Execute commands in instances
incus.export Export instance backups
incus.file Manage files in instances
incus.file.create Create files and directories in instances
incus.file.delete Delete files in instances
incus.file.edit Edit files in instances
incus.file.mount Mount files from instances
incus.file.pull Pull files from instances
incus.file.push Push files into instances
incus.image Manage images
incus.image.alias Manage image aliases
incus.image.alias.create Create aliases for existing images
incus.image.alias.delete Delete image aliases
incus.image.alias.list List image aliases
incus.image.alias.rename Rename aliases
incus.image.copy Copy images between servers
incus.image.delete Delete images
incus.image.edit Edit image properties
incus.image.export Export and download images
incus.image.get-property Get image properties
incus.image.import Import images into the image store
incus.image.info Show useful information about images
incus.image.list List images
incus.image.refresh Refresh images
incus.image.set-property Set image properties
incus.image.show Show image properties
incus.image.unset-property Unset image properties
incus.import Import instance backups
incus.info Show instance or server information
incus.launch Create and start instances from images
incus.list List instances
incus.manpage Generate manpages for all commands
incus.monitor Monitor a local or remote server
incus.move Move instances within or in between servers
incus.network Manage and attach instances to networks
incus.network.acl Manage network ACLs
incus.network.acl.create Create new network ACLs
incus.network.acl.delete Delete network ACLs
incus.network.acl.edit Edit network ACL configurations as YAML
incus.network.acl.get Get values for network ACL configuration keys
incus.network.acl.list List available network ACLS
incus.network.acl.rename Rename network ACLs
incus.network.acl.rule Manage network ACL rules
incus.network.acl.rule.add Add rules to an ACL
incus.network.acl.rule.remove Remove rules from an ACL
incus.network.acl.set Set network ACL configuration keys
incus.network.acl.show Show network ACL configurations
incus.network.acl.show-log Show network ACL log
incus.network.acl.unset Unset network ACL configuration keys
incus.network.attach Attach network interfaces to instances
incus.network.attach-profile Attach network interfaces to profiles
incus.network.create Create new networks
incus.network.delete Delete networks
incus.network.detach Detach network interfaces from instances
incus.network.detach-profile Detach network interfaces from profiles
incus.network.edit Edit network configurations as YAML
incus.network.forward Manage network forwards
incus.network.forward.create Create new network forwards
incus.network.forward.delete Delete network forwards
incus.network.forward.edit Edit network forward configurations as YAML
incus.network.forward.get Get values for network forward configuration keys
incus.network.forward.list List available network forwards
incus.network.forward.port Manage network forward ports
incus.network.forward.port.add Add ports to a forward
incus.network.forward.port.remove Remove ports from a forward
incus.network.forward.set Set network forward keys
incus.network.forward.show Show network forward configurations
incus.network.forward.unset Unset network forward configuration keys
incus.network.get Get values for network configuration keys
incus.network.info Get runtime information on networks
incus.network.integration Manage network integrations
incus.network.integration.create Create network integrations
incus.network.integration.delete Delete network integrations
incus.network.integration.edit Edit network integration configurations as YAML
incus.network.integration.get Get values for network integration configuration keys
incus.network.integration.list List network integrations
incus.network.integration.rename Rename network integrations
incus.network.integration.set Set network integration configuration keys
incus.network.integration.show Show network integration options
incus.network.integration.unset Unset network integration configuration keys
incus.network.list List available networks
incus.network.list-allocations List network allocations in use
incus.network.list-leases List DHCP leases
incus.network.load-balancer Manage network load balancers
incus.network.load-balancer.backend Manage network load balancer backends
incus.network.load-balancer.backend.add Add backends to a load balancer
incus.network.load-balancer.backend.remove Remove backends from a load balancer
incus.network.load-balancer.create Create new network load balancers
incus.network.load-balancer.delete Delete network load balancers
incus.network.load-balancer.edit Edit network load balancer configurations as YAML
incus.network.load-balancer.get Get values for network load balancer configuration keys
incus.network.load-balancer.list List available network load balancers
incus.network.load-balancer.port Manage network load balancer ports
incus.network.load-balancer.port.add Add ports to a load balancer
incus.network.load-balancer.port.remove Remove ports from a load balancer
incus.network.load-balancer.set Set network load balancer keys
incus.network.load-balancer.show Show network load balancer configurations
incus.network.load-balancer.unset Unset network load balancer configuration keys
incus.network.peer Manage network peerings
incus.network.peer.create Create new network peering
incus.network.peer.delete Delete network peerings
incus.network.peer.edit Edit network peer configurations as YAML
incus.network.peer.get Get values for network peer configuration keys
incus.network.peer.list List available network peers
incus.network.peer.set Set network peer keys
incus.network.peer.show Show network peer configurations
incus.network.peer.unset Unset network peer configuration keys
incus.network.rename Rename networks
incus.network.set Set network configuration keys
incus.network.show Show network configurations
incus.network.unset Unset network configuration keys
incus.network.zone Manage network zones
incus.network.zone.create Create new network zones
incus.network.zone.delete Delete network zones
incus.network.zone.edit Edit network zone configurations as YAML
incus.network.zone.get Get values for network zone configuration keys
incus.network.zone.list List available network zoneS
incus.network.zone.record Manage network zone records
incus.network.zone.record.create Create new network zone record
incus.network.zone.record.delete Delete network zone record
incus.network.zone.record.edit Edit network zone record configurations as YAML
incus.network.zone.record.entry Manage network zone record entries
incus.network.zone.record.entry.add Add a network zone record entry
incus.network.zone.record.entry.remove Remove a network zone record entry
incus.network.zone.record.get Get values for network zone record configuration keys
incus.network.zone.record.list List available network zone records
incus.network.zone.record.set Set network zone record configuration keys
incus.network.zone.record.show Show network zone record configuration
incus.network.zone.record.unset Unset network zone record configuration keys
incus.network.zone.set Set network zone configuration keys
incus.network.zone.show Show network zone configurations
incus.network.zone.unset Unset network zone configuration keys
incus.operation List, show and delete background operations
incus.operation.delete Delete a background operation (will attempt to cancel)
incus.operation.list List background operations
incus.operation.show Show details on a background operation
incus.pause Pause instances
incus.profile Manage profiles
incus.profile.add Add profiles to instances
incus.profile.assign Assign sets of profiles to instances
incus.profile.copy Copy profiles
incus.profile.create Create profiles
incus.profile.delete Delete profiles
incus.profile.device Manage devices
incus.profile.device.add Add instance devices
incus.profile.device.get Get values for device configuration keys
incus.profile.device.list List instance devices
incus.profile.device.remove Remove instance devices
incus.profile.device.set Set device configuration keys
incus.profile.device.show Show full device configuration
incus.profile.device.unset Unset device configuration keys
incus.profile.edit Edit profile configurations as YAML
incus.profile.get Get values for profile configuration keys
incus.profile.list List profiles
incus.profile.remove Remove profiles from instances
incus.profile.rename Rename profiles
incus.profile.set Set profile configuration keys
incus.profile.show Show profile configurations
incus.profile.unset Unset profile configuration keys
incus.project Manage projects
incus.project.create Create projects
incus.project.delete Delete projects
incus.project.edit Edit project configurations as YAML
incus.project.get Get values for project configuration keys
incus.project.info Get a summary of resource allocations
incus.project.list List projects
incus.project.rename Rename projects
incus.project.set Set project configuration keys
incus.project.show Show project options
incus.project.switch Switch the current project
incus.project.unset Unset project configuration keys
incus.publish Publish instances as images
incus.query Send a raw query to the server
incus.rebuild Rebuild instances
incus.remote Manage the list of remote servers
incus.remote.add Add new remote servers
incus.remote.generate-certificate Generate the client certificate
incus.remote.get-default Show the default remote
incus.remote.list List the available remotes
incus.remote.proxy Run a local API proxy
incus.remote.remove Remove remotes
incus.remote.rename Rename remotes
incus.remote.set-url Set the URL for the remote
incus.remote.switch Switch the default remote
incus.rename Rename instances
incus.restart Restart instances
incus.resume Resume instances
incus.snapshot Manage instance snapshots
incus.snapshot.create Create instance snapshot
incus.snapshot.delete Delete instance snapshots
incus.snapshot.list List instance snapshots
incus.snapshot.rename Rename instance snapshots
incus.snapshot.restore Restore instance snapshots
incus.snapshot.show Show instance snapshot configuration
incus.start Start instances
incus.stop Stop instances
incus.storage Manage storage pools and volumes
incus.storage.bucket Manage storage buckets
incus.storage.bucket.create Create new custom storage buckets
incus.storage.bucket.delete Delete storage buckets
incus.storage.bucket.edit Edit storage bucket configurations as YAML
incus.storage.bucket.export Export storage bucket
incus.storage.bucket.get Get values for storage bucket configuration keys
incus.storage.bucket.import Import storage bucket
incus.storage.bucket.key Manage storage bucket keys
incus.storage.bucket.key.create Create key for a storage bucket
incus.storage.bucket.key.delete Delete key from a storage bucket
incus.storage.bucket.key.edit Edit storage bucket key as YAML
incus.storage.bucket.key.list List storage bucket keys
incus.storage.bucket.key.show Show storage bucket key configurations
incus.storage.bucket.list List storage buckets
incus.storage.bucket.set Set storage bucket configuration keys
incus.storage.bucket.show Show storage bucket configurations
incus.storage.bucket.unset Unset storage bucket configuration keys
incus.storage.create Create storage pools
incus.storage.delete Delete storage pools
incus.storage.edit Edit storage pool configurations as YAML
incus.storage.get Get values for storage pool configuration keys
incus.storage.info Show useful information about storage pools
incus.storage.list List available storage pools
incus.storage.set Set storage pool configuration keys
incus.storage.show Show storage pool configurations and resources
incus.storage.unset Unset storage pool configuration keys
incus.storage.volume Manage storage volumes
incus.storage.volume.attach Attach new storage volumes to instances
incus.storage.volume.attach-profile Attach new storage volumes to profiles
incus.storage.volume.copy Copy storage volumes
incus.storage.volume.create Create new custom storage volumes
incus.storage.volume.delete Delete storage volumes
incus.storage.volume.detach Detach storage volumes from instances
incus.storage.volume.detach-profile Detach storage volumes from profiles
incus.storage.volume.edit Edit storage volume configurations as YAML
incus.storage.volume.export Export custom storage volume
incus.storage.volume.get Get values for storage volume configuration keys
incus.storage.volume.import Import custom storage volumes
incus.storage.volume.info Show storage volume state information
incus.storage.volume.list List storage volumes
incus.storage.volume.move Move storage volumes between pools
incus.storage.volume.rename Rename storage volumes
incus.storage.volume.set Set storage volume configuration keys
incus.storage.volume.show Show storage volume configurations
incus.storage.volume.snapshot Manage storage volume snapshots
incus.storage.volume.snapshot.create Snapshot storage volumes
incus.storage.volume.snapshot.delete Delete storage volume snapshots
incus.storage.volume.snapshot.list List storage volume snapshots
incus.storage.volume.snapshot.rename Rename storage volume snapshots
incus.storage.volume.snapshot.restore Restore storage volume snapshots
incus.storage.volume.snapshot.show Show storage volume configurations
incus.storage.volume.unset Unset storage volume configuration keys
incus.top Display resource usage info per instance
incus.version Show local and remote versions
incus.warning Manage warnings
incus.warning.acknowledge Acknowledge warning
incus.warning.delete Delete warning
incus.warning.list List warnings
incus.warning.show Show warning