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Package getdata-devel

Headers required when building programs against getdata


Headers required when building a program against the GetData library.
Includes C++ and FORTRAN (77 & 95) bindings.

Version: 0.11.0

See also: getdata.

Library Functions

GD_SIZE report the size of a GetData data sample
gd_add add a field to a Dirfile
gd_add_alias add a field to a Dirfile
gd_add_bit add a field to a Dirfile
gd_add_carray alias for gd_add_bit
gd_add_clincom alias for gd_add_bit
gd_add_const alias for gd_add_bit
gd_add_cpolynom alias for gd_add_bit
gd_add_crecip alias for gd_add_bit
gd_add_divide alias for gd_add_bit
gd_add_indir alias for gd_add_bit
gd_add_lincom alias for gd_add_bit
gd_add_linterp alias for gd_add_bit
gd_add_mplex alias for gd_add_bit
gd_add_multiply alias for gd_add_bit
gd_add_phase alias for gd_add_bit
gd_add_polynom alias for gd_add_bit
gd_add_raw alias for gd_add_bit
gd_add_recip alias for gd_add_bit
gd_add_sarray alias for gd_add_bit
gd_add_sbit alias for gd_add_bit
gd_add_sindir alias for gd_add_bit
gd_add_spec add a field to a Dirfile
gd_add_string alias for gd_add_bit
gd_add_window alias for gd_add_bit
gd_alias_target determine the target of an alias defined in a Dirfile database
gd_aliases retrieve a list of aliases for a field in a Dirfile database
gd_alloc_funcs specify an alternate memory manager for GetData's use
gd_alter_affixes modify the field affixes of a fragments in a Dirfile
gd_alter_bit modify a field in a Dirfile
gd_alter_carray alias for gd_alter_bit
gd_alter_clincom alias for gd_alter_bit
gd_alter_const alias for gd_alter_bit
gd_alter_cpolynom alias for gd_alter_bit
gd_alter_crecip alias for gd_alter_bit
gd_alter_divide alias for gd_alter_bit
gd_alter_encoding modify the binary encoding of data in a Dirfile
gd_alter_endianness modify the byte sex of fields in a Dirfile
gd_alter_entry modify the metadata of a Dirfile field
gd_alter_frameoffset modify the starting frame of fields in a Dirfile
gd_alter_frameoffset64 alias for gd_frameoffset64
gd_alter_lincom alias for gd_alter_bit
gd_alter_linterp alias for gd_alter_bit
gd_alter_mplex alias for gd_alter_bit
gd_alter_multiply alias for gd_alter_bit
gd_alter_phase alias for gd_alter_bit
gd_alter_polynom alias for gd_alter_bit
gd_alter_protection modify the protection level of a Dirfile fragment
gd_alter_raw alias for gd_alter_bit
gd_alter_recip alias for gd_alter_bit
gd_alter_sbit alias for gd_alter_bit
gd_alter_spec modify a field in a Dirfile
gd_alter_window alias for gd_alter_bit
gd_array_len returns the length of a CARRAY or SARRAY field in a Dirfile
gd_bof find the start of data in a Dirfile field
gd_bof64 find the start of data in a Dirfile field, with largefile support
gd_carray_len alias for gd_array_len
gd_carrays retrieve a list of CARRAY values from a Dirfile
gd_cbopen alias for gd_open
gd_close close a Dirfile and free associated memory
gd_constants retrieve a list of constant values from a Dirfile
gd_delete remove an entry from a Dirfile
gd_desync check for a change of metadata on disk
gd_dirfile_standards change or report the current Dirfile Standards Version for a DirFile
gd_dirfilename retrieve the name of a Dirfile
gd_discard alias for gd_close
gd_encoding report the binary encoding of data in a Dirfile
gd_encoding_support determine GetData library support for data encodings
gd_endianness report the byte sex of fields in a Dirfile
gd_entry retrieve a Dirfile field's metadata
gd_entry_list list field entries in a Dirfile
gd_entry_type retrieve the type of a Dirfile field
gd_eof find the end of a Dirfile field
gd_eof64 find the end of a Dirfile field, with largefile support
gd_error report a GetData library error
gd_error_count report the number of errors encountered by the GetData library
gd_error_string alias for gd_error
gd_field_list alias for gd_entry_list
gd_field_list_by_type alias for gd_entry_list
gd_flags alter GetData operational flags
gd_flush write all pending Dirfile changes to disk or close open raw fields
gd_fragment_affixes report the field affixes of a fragment of a Dirfile database
gd_fragment_index retrieve the fragment containing a Dirfile field
gd_fragment_namespace report or change the root namespace of a fragment of a dirfile database
gd_fragmentname retrieve a Dirfile format specification fragment name
gd_framenum alias for gd_framenum_subset
gd_framenum_subset perform a reverse look-up on a monotonic dirfile field
gd_framenum_subset64 perform a reverse look-up on a monotonic Dirfile field, with largefile support.
gd_frameoffset report the starting frame of fields in a Dirfile
gd_frameoffset64 report or change the frame offset of fields in a dirfile, with largefile support
gd_free_entry_strings free strings in a GetData gd_entry_t object
gd_get_carray alias for gd_get_carray_slice
gd_get_carray_slice retrieve CONST or CARRAY data from a Dirfile database
gd_get_constant alias for gd_get_carray_slice
gd_get_sarray alias for gd_get_sarray_slice
gd_get_sarray_slice retrieve STRING or SARRAY data from a dirfile database
gd_get_string retrieve STRING or SARRAY data from a Dirfile database
gd_getdata retrieve data from a Dirfile database
gd_getdata64 retrieve data from a Dirfile database, with largefile support
gd_hidden check whether a Dirfile entry is hidden or not
gd_hide hide or unhide a Dirfile database entry
gd_include add a format specification fragment to a Dirfile
gd_include_affix alias for gd_include
gd_include_ns alias for gd_include
gd_invalid_dirfile obtain an pointer to an invalid DIRFILE object
gd_linterp_tablename retrieve the pathname of a look-up table in a Dirfile
gd_madd alias for gd_add
gd_madd_alias alias for gd_add_alias
gd_madd_bit add a field to a Dirfile
gd_madd_carray alias for gd_madd_bit
gd_madd_clincom alias for gd_madd_bit
gd_madd_const alias for gd_madd_bit
gd_madd_cpolynom alias for gd_madd_bit
gd_madd_crecip alias for gd_madd_bit
gd_madd_divide alias for gd_madd_bit
gd_madd_lincom alias for gd_madd_bit
gd_madd_linterp alias for gd_madd_bit
gd_madd_mplex alias for gd_madd_bit
gd_madd_multiply alias for gd_madd_bit
gd_madd_phase alias for gd_madd_bit
gd_madd_polynom alias for gd_madd_bit
gd_madd_recip alias for gd_madd_bit
gd_madd_sbit alias for gd_madd_bit
gd_madd_spec alias for gd_add_spec
gd_madd_string alias for gd_madd_bit
gd_madd_window alias for gd_madd_bit
gd_malter_spec alias for gd_alter_spec
gd_match_entries search the entry list of a Dirfile
gd_mcarrays alias for gd_carrays
gd_mconstants alias for gd_constants
gd_metaflush write modified Dirfile metadata to disk
gd_mfield_list alias for gd_entry_list
gd_mfield_list_by_type alias for gd_entry_list
gd_move move a Dirfile entry between format specification fragments
gd_mplex_lookback set the GetData lookback length for MPLEX fields.
gd_msarrays alias for gd_sarrays
gd_mstrings alias for gd_strings
gd_naliases report the number of aliases of a field in a Dirfile
gd_native_type returns the native data type of a field in a Dirfile
gd_nentries count field entries in a Dirfile
gd_nfields alias for gd_nentries
gd_nfields_by_type alias for gd_nentries
gd_nfragments retrieve the number of format specification fragments in a dirfile
gd_nframes report the size of a Dirfile
gd_nframes64 report the size of a Dirfile, with largefile support
gd_nmfields alias for gd_nentries
gd_nmfields_by_type alias for gd_nentries
gd_nmvectore alias for gd_entry_list
gd_nvectors alias for gd_nentries
gd_open open or create a Dirfile
gd_open_limit set a Dirfile's allowed number of open files
gd_parent_fragment retrieve the parent fragment of a fragment in a Dirfile
gd_parser_callback set the syntax error callback handler for a Dirfile
gd_protection report the protection level of a Dirfile fragment
gd_put_carray alias for gd_put_carray_slice
gd_put_carray_slice write CONST or CARRAY data to a dirfile database
gd_put_constant alias for gd_put_carray_slice
gd_put_sarray alias for gd_put_sarray_slice
gd_put_sarray_slice write STRING or SARRAY data to a Dirfile database
gd_put_string write a STRING or SARRAY element to a Dirfile database
gd_putdata write data to a Dirfile database
gd_putdata64 write data to a Dirfile database, with largefile support
gd_raw_close alias for gd_flush
gd_raw_filename retrieve the pathname of a binary file in a Dirfile
gd_reference retrieve or set the reference field for a Dirfile
gd_rename change the name of a Dirfile field or alias
gd_rewrite_fragment re-write a Dirfile format specification fragment
gd_sarrays retrieve a list of SARRAY values from a Dirfile
gd_seek reposition a Dirfile field pointer
gd_seek64 retrieve data from a Dirfile database, with largefile support
gd_spf returns the samples per frame for a field in a dirfile
gd_strings retrieve a list of string values from a Dirfile
gd_strtok tokenise a string using the GetData parser
gd_sync alias for gd_flush
gd_tell report the position of a Dirfile field I/O pointer
gd_tell64 retrieve data from a Dirfile database, with largefile support
gd_unhide alias for gd_hide
gd_uninclude remove a format specification fragment from a Dirfile
gd_validate check a Dirfile field code for validity
gd_vector_list alias for gd_entry_list
gd_verbose_prefix set the prefix on error messages printed by GetData