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Package cyrus-imapd

A high-performance email, contacts and calendar server


The Cyrus IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol) server provides access to
personal mail, system-wide bulletin boards, news-feeds, calendar and contacts
through the IMAP, JMAP, NNTP, CalDAV and CardDAV protocols. The Cyrus IMAP
server is a scalable enterprise groupware system designed for use from small to
large enterprise environments using technologies based on well-established Open

A full Cyrus IMAP implementation allows a seamless mail and bulletin board
environment to be set up across one or more nodes. It differs from other IMAP
server implementations in that it is run on sealed nodes, where users are not
normally permitted to log in. The mailbox database is stored in parts of the
filesystem that are private to the Cyrus IMAP system. All user access to mail
is through software using the IMAP, IMAPS, JMAP, POP3, POP3S, KPOP, CalDAV
and/or CardDAV protocols.

The private mailbox database design gives the Cyrus IMAP server large
advantages in efficiency, scalability, and administratability. Multiple
concurrent read/write connections to the same mailbox are permitted. The server
supports access control lists on mailboxes and storage quotas on mailbox

Version: 3.8.3

See also: cyrus-imapd-devel, cyrus-imapd-utils, cyrus-imapd-virusscan.

General Commands

dav_reconstruct dav_reconstruct fixes up the dav internal sqlite database which is used for lots of the dav commands to make them more efficient.

File Formats

cyrus.conf cyrus.conf is the configuration file for the Cyrus master(8) process.
krb.equiv krb.equiv contains zero or more lines, each of which describes a mapping of a kerberos principal (userid@host) to a local user (userid or alias).

System Administration

arbitron arbitron collects and reports readership statistics for mailboxes on the server. It also optionally prunes the mailboxes of \Seen state for dormant users.
chk_cyrus chk_cyrus is used to perform a consistency check on the cyrus datastore, and output a list of files/directories that are expected to exist, but do not.
ctl_conversationsdb ctl_conversationsdb is used to perform various administrative operations on a conversations database and associated information in cyrus.index files.
ctl_cyrusdb ctl_cyrusdb is used to perform various administrative operations on the Cyrus IMAP databases.
ctl_deliver ctl_deliver is used to perform various administrative operations on the duplicate delivery database.
ctl_mboxlist ctl_mboxlist is used to perform various administrative operations on the mailbox list database.
ctl_zoneinfo ctl_zoneinfo is used to perform various administrative operations on the zoneinfo database.
cvt_cyrusdb cvt_cyrusdb is used to convert a cyrusdb file between different database backends. Note that you should not attempt to use the same file for input and output.
cvt_xlist_specialuse cvt_xlist_specialuse is a tool for converting xlist-flag settings from imapd.conf(5) to user special-use annotations.
cyr_buildinfo cyr_buildinfo is a tool to inspect the build configuration of a Cyrus release. The intent is to provide compilation settings during runtime and testing.
cyr_deny cyr_deny is used to deny individual users access to Cyrus services.
cyr_df cyr_df examines the Cyrus spool partitions and reports on their disk space usage.
cyr_fetchnews fetchnews retrieves news articles from a peer news server and feeds them to a Cyrus server.
cyr_info cyr_info is a tool for getting information from Cyrus. The intent is to extend this tool with useful commands to make managing and configuring Cyrus easier.
cyr_quota quota generates a report listing quota roots, giving their limits and usage.
cyr_synclog cyr_synclog is used to append a value to the log file. You can either specify the log type and value, or an entire log line.
cyr_userseen cyr_userseen will clear all user seen state for the mail store.
cyradm Cyrus IMAP documentation
deliver deliver reads a message from the standard input and delivers it to one or more IMAP mailboxes.
httpd.8cyrus httpd is an HTTP server. It accepts commands on its standard input and responds on its standard output.
idled idled is a long lived datagram daemon which receives notifications of mailbox changes and signals the appropriate imapd to report the changes to the client.
imapd.8cyrus imapd is an IMAP4rev1 server. It accepts commands on its standard input and responds on its standard output.
ipurge ipurge deletes messages from the mailbox(es) specified by Imailbox-pattern that are older or larger than specified by the -d, -b, -k or -m options.
lmtpd lmtpd is an LMTP server used to deliver mail to the IMAP mailstore. It accepts commands on its standard input and responds on its standard output.
lmtpproxyd lmtpd is an LMTP server used to deliver mail to the IMAP mailstore. It accepts commands on its standard input and responds on its standard output.
master.8cyrus master is the process that controls all of the Cyrus processes. This process is responsible for creating all imapd, pop3d, lmtpd and timsieved child processes.
mbexamine mbexamine will examine the header, index, and cache files of a cyrus format mailbox and dump the information contained therein.
mbpath Given a mailbox name or a space separated list of mailbox names, mbpath outputs the filesystem path(s) of the mailbox.
mbtool mbtool is a tool for performing various actions on the indexes of a list of mailboxes.
mupdate mupdate is the mailboxdb aggregation server. It accepts commands on its standard input and responds on its standard output.
nntpd nntpd is an NNTP server. It accepts commands on its standard input and responds on its standard output.
notifyd notifyd is a daemon started from master(8) that handles notification requests on behalf of lmtpd(8).
pop3d.8cyrus pop3d is an POP3 server. It accepts commands on its standard input and responds on its standard output.
pop3proxyd pop3d is an POP3 server. It accepts commands on its standard input and responds on its standard output.
promstatsd promstatsd is the Cyrus Prometheus statistics collating daemon.
proxyd imapd is an IMAP4rev1 server. It accepts commands on its standard input and responds on its standard output.
ptdump The ptdump program outputs a list of entries from the PTS DB.
ptexpire The ptexpire program sweeps the ptscache_db database, deleting entries older than the expiry duration, which defaults to 5400 seconds (3 hours).
ptloader ptloader interacts with the authorization service, either AFS or LDAP, providing group membership information to Cyrus.
reconstruct reconstruct rebuilds one or more IMAP mailboxes. It can be used to recover from almost any sort of data corruption.
sievec sievec compiles the given script at filename into bytecode, writing the file to the outputfile location.
sieved sieved decompiles the given bytecodefile, writing output to stdout.
smmapd smmapd is a Sendmail socket map daemon which is used to verify that a Cyrus mailbox exists, that it is postable and it is under quota.
sync_client sync_client is the client side of the replication system.
sync_reset sync_reset is a small utility program to destroy user accounts on a system. The only safeguard which is in place is the obligatory force option.
sync_server sync_server is the server side of the replication system.
timsieved timsieved is a server that allows users to remotely manage their sieve scripts kept on the server.
tls_prune CMD is used to prune expired sessions from the TLS sessions database.
unexpunge The unexpunge program is used to list or restore messages which have been deleted from a mailbox, but still reside in the Cyrus IMAP mail spool.