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Package argus-clients

Client tools for argus network audit


Clients to the argus probe which process and display information.


See also: argus.

General Commands

ra read argus(8) data.
rabins process argus(8) data within specified bins.
racluster aggregate argus(8) data files.
raconvert convert comma-separated ASCII argus(8) data, to binary argus(8) data.
racount count things from an argus(8) data file/stream.
radecode tshark-like decode of argus(1) user data
radump tcpdump processing of the user data buffers from an argus(8) data file/stream.
raevent read argus(8) event data.
rafilteraddr select argus(8) data based on an IANA IP address file.
ragraph graph argus(8) data.
ragrep grep argus(8) user captured data.
rahisto print histogram of metrics from argus(8) data.
ralabel inserts fixed form or free form metadata labels into argus(8). ralabel supports a number of strategies for labeling including 1) address based, providing free…
ranonymize anonymize argus(8) data fields.
rapath print traceroute path information from argus(8) data.
rapolicy compare a argus(8) data file/stream against a Cisco Access Control List.
rasort sort argus(8) data file.
rasplit split argus(8) data.
rasql read argus(8) data from mysql database.
rasqlinsert write argus(8) data into mysql database tables.
rasqltimeindex read argus(8) data from mysql database.
rastream stream block processor for argus(8) data.
rastrip strip argus(8) data file.
ratop display and update sorted network flow data

File Formats

racluster racluster flow model definitions.
racolor.conf racolor resource file.
radium.conf radium resource file.
ralabel.conf ralabel resource file.
ranonymize ranonymize(1) configuration file.
rarc ra client resource file.

System Administration

radium argus record multiplexor