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Package alliance-devel

Alliance VLSI CAD System - Development libraries


Version: 5.1.1

See also: alliance, alliance-libs.

Library Functions

DPGEN_ADSB2F.3alc Adder/Substractor Macro-Generator
DPGEN_AND2.3alc AND2 Macro-Generator
DPGEN_AND3.3alc AND3 Macro-Generator
DPGEN_AND4.3alc AND4 Macro-Generator
DPGEN_BUFF.3alc Buffer Macro-Generator
DPGEN_BUSE.3alc tristate Macro-Generator
DPGEN_CONST.3alc Constant Macro-Generator
DPGEN_DFF.3alc Dynamic Flip-Flop Macro-Generator
DPGEN_DFFT.3alc Dynamic Flip-Flop with Scan-Path Macro-Generator
DPGEN_FIFO.3alc FIFO Macro-Generator
DPGEN_INV.3alc Inverter Macro-Generator
DPGEN_MUX2.3alc Multiplexer Macro-Generator
DPGEN_NAND2.3alc NAND2 Macro-Generator
DPGEN_NAND2MASK.3alc Programmable Mask Macro-Generator
DPGEN_NAND3.3alc NAND3 Macro-Generator
DPGEN_NAND4.3alc NAND4 Macro-Generator
DPGEN_NBUSE.3alc Tristate Macro-Generator
DPGEN_NMUX2.3alc Multiplexer Macro-Generator
DPGEN_NOR2.3alc NOR2 Macro-Generator
DPGEN_NOR2MASK.3alc Programmable Mask Macro-Generator
DPGEN_NOR3.3alc NOR3 Macro-Generator
DPGEN_NOR4.3alc NOR4 Macro-Generator
DPGEN_NUL.3alc Zero Detector Macro-Generator
DPGEN_OR2.3alc OR2 Macro-Generator
DPGEN_OR3.3alc OR3 Macro-Generator
DPGEN_OR4.3alc OR4 Macro-Generator
DPGEN_RF1.3alc Register File Macro-Generator
DPGEN_RF1D.3alc Register File with Decoder Macro-Generator
DPGEN_ROM2.3alc 2 words ROM Macro-Generator
DPGEN_ROM4.3alc 4 words ROM Macro-Generator
DPGEN_SFF.3alc Static Flip-Flop Macro-Generator
DPGEN_SFFT.3alc Static Flip-Flop with Scan-Path Macro-Generator
DPGEN_SHIFT.3alc Shifter Macro-Generator
DPGEN_XNOR2.3alc XNOR2 Macro-Generator
DPGEN_XNOR2MASK.3alc Programmable Mask Macro-Generator
DPGEN_XOR2.3alc XOR2 Macro-Generator
GENLIB_BUS.3alc Creates a bus name for netlist
GENLIB_COPY_UP_ALL_CON.3alc copy all physical connectors of an instance face in the current figure
GENLIB_COPY_UP_ALL_REF.3alc copy a several physical reference from an instance in the current figure
GENLIB_COPY_UP_CON.3alc copy a physical connector from an instance in the current figure
GENLIB_COPY_UP_CON_FACE.3alc copy a physical connector from an instance in the current figure
GENLIB_COPY_UP_REF.3alc copy a physical reference from an instance in the current figure
GENLIB_COPY_UP_SEG.3alc copy a physical segment from an instance in the current figure
GENLIB_DEF_AB.3alc define a new abutment box to the current layout cell
GENLIB_DEF_LOFIG.3alc open a netlist model as current figure
GENLIB_DEF_PHFIG.3alc open a layout model as current figure
GENLIB_DEF_PHINS.3alc define a new reference instance
GENLIB_DEF_PHSC.3alc load a netlist and open a layout model as current figure
GENLIB_ELM.3alc Creates a single element bus name for netlist
GENLIB_FLATTEN_ALL_LOINS.3alc flatten all instances in the current netlist figure
GENLIB_FLATTEN_ALL_PHINS.3alc flatten all instances in the current layout figure
GENLIB_FLATTEN_LOFIG.3alc flatten an instance in the current netlist figure
GENLIB_FLATTEN_PHFIG.3alc flatten an instance in the current layout figure
GENLIB_GET_CON_X.3alc retrieve the x coordinate of an instance connector
GENLIB_GET_CON_Y.3alc retrieve the x coordinate of an instance connector
GENLIB_GET_INS_X.3alc retrieve the x coordinate of an instance
GENLIB_GET_INS_Y.3alc retrieve the y coordinate of an instance
GENLIB_GET_REF_X.3alc retrieve the x coordinate of an instance reference
GENLIB_GET_REF_Y.3alc retrieve the y coordinate of an instance reference
GENLIB_HEIGHT.3alc compute the height of a model
GENLIB_LOAD_LOFIG.3alc loads a netlist form disk and opens it as current figure
GENLIB_LOAD_PHFIG.3alc loads a layout form disk and opens it as current figure
GENLIB_LOCAP.3alc add a logical capacitor to the current netlist figure
GENLIB_LOCON.3alc adds a logical connector to the current netlist figure
GENLIB_LOINS.3alc add a logical instance to the current figure
GENLIB_LOINSE.3alc add a logical instance to the current figure, with explicit connections
GENLIB_LORES.3alc add a logical resistor to the current netlist figure
GENLIB_LOSELF.3alc add a logical inductor to the current netlist figure
GENLIB_LOSIG.3alc declare an internal logical signal, or a vector of internal logical signals
GENLIB_LOSIGMERGE.3alc merge two logical signals
GENLIB_LOTRS.3alc adds a logical transistor to the current netlist figure
GENLIB_MACRO.3alc Interface with all MACRO generators.
GENLIB_OUTLINE.3alc build an outline from the current layout cell
GENLIB_PHCON.3alc place a physical connector in the current figure at absolute coordinates
GENLIB_PHREF.3alc place a physical reference in the current figure at absolute coordinates
GENLIB_PHSEG.3alc place a physical segment in the current figure at absolute coordinates
GENLIB_PHVIA.3alc place a physical via in the current figure at absolute coordinates
GENLIB_PLACE.3alc place a physical instance in the current figure at absolute coordinates
GENLIB_PLACE_BOTTOM.3alc place a physical instance in the current figure under the "reference instance"
GENLIB_PLACE_CON_REF.3alc put a connector on top of a reference belonging an instance in the current figure
GENLIB_PLACE_LEFT.3alc place a physical instance in the current figure at the left of the "reference instance"
GENLIB_PLACE_ON.3alc place a physical instance in the current figure matching connectors
GENLIB_PLACE_RIGHT.3alc place a physical instance in the current figure at the right of the "reference instance"
GENLIB_PLACE_SEG_REF.3alc put a segment on a reference belonging an instance in the current figure
GENLIB_PLACE_TOP.3alc place a physical instance in the current figure on the top of the "reference instance"
GENLIB_PLACE_VIA_REF.3alc put a via on top of a reference belonging to an instance in the current figure
GENLIB_REVERSE_PHCON.3alc reverse the order of physical connectors on a bus.
GENLIB_SAVE_LOFIG.3alc save a netlist on disk
GENLIB_SAVE_PHFIG.3alc save a layout on disk
GENLIB_SAVE_PHSC.3alc save a layout on disk
GENLIB_SC_BOTTOM.3alc place an instance in the current figure at the right of the "reference instance"
GENLIB_SC_LEFT.3alc place an instance in the current figure at the right of the "reference instance"
GENLIB_SC_PLACE.3alc place an instance in the current figure at absolute coordinates
GENLIB_SC_RIGHT.3alc place an instance in the current figure at the right of the "reference instance"
GENLIB_SC_TOP.3alc place an instance in the current figure at the right of the "reference instance"
GENLIB_SET_LOCAP.3alc set the capacitance value of a logical capacitor, after its creation.
GENLIB_SET_LORES.3alc set the resistance value of a logical resistor, after its creation.
GENLIB_SET_LOSELF.3alc set the inductance value of a logical inductor, after its creation.
GENLIB_UNFLATTEN_LOFIG.3alc creates a hierarchy level from instances in the current logical figure
GENLIB_WIRE1.3alc place a physical segment in the current figure
GENLIB_WIRE2.3alc place two physical segments in the current figure
GENLIB_WIRE3.3alc place three physical segments in the current figure
INIT.3alc INIT, GENPAT Package
SAVE.3alc SAVE, GENPAT Package
ablToBddCct.3alc converts an ABL into a BDD within a circuit
addListBdd.3alc adds a BDD to a chained list of BDDs
addablhexpr.3alc adds a new argument in head of an expression.
addablqexpr.3alc adds a new argument in queue of an expression.
addbddassoc.3alc creates a new association variables.
addbddcircuitabl.3alc converts an abl expression to a bdd node.
addbddcircuitin.3alc adds an input in a bdd circuit.
addbddcircuitout.3alc adds an output in a bdd circuit.
addbddnode.3alc adds a new bdd node in the bdd system.
addbddnodeassoc.3alc adds a bdd node in a variable association.
addbddnodelist.3alc adds a node in a chain_list.
addbddvar.3alc adds a new variable in the bdd system.
addbddvarafter.3alc adds a new variable, after an existing one.
addbddvarbefore.3alc adds a new variable, before an existing one.
addbddvarfirst.3alc adds a new variable, before all others.
addbddvarlast.3alc adds a new variable, after all others.
addcapa.3alc add a capacitance to a signal
addchain.3alc create a chain and add it to a list
addht.3alc create an hash table
addhtitem.3alc adds a new item in a hash table.
addlocap.3alc create a logical capacitor
addlocon.3alc create a logical connector
addlofig.3alc create a new structural cell model
addloins.3alc create a logical instance
addlomodel.3alc create a tempotary logical model and add it to a list
addlores.3alc create a logical resistor
addloself.3alc create a logical inductor
addlosig.3alc create a logical signal
addlotrs.3alc create a logical transistor
addnum.3alc create a num and add it to a list
addphcon.3alc create a physical connector
addphfig.3alc create a new physical cell model
addphins.3alc create a physical instance
addphref.3alc create a physical reference
addphseg.3alc create a physical segment
addphvia.3alc create a physical via
addptype.3alc create a ptype and add it to a ptype_list
addrdsfig.3alc adds a figure
addrdsfigrec.3alc adds a rectangle to a figure
addrdsins.3alc adds an instance to a figure
addrdsinsrec.3alc adds a rectangle to an instance
addrdsrecwindow.3alc adds a rectangle in the windowing of rds structure.
alliancebanner.3alc display the standardized Alliance banner
allocrdsfig.3alc allocs memory for a figure
allocrdsins.3alc allocates memory for an instance
allocrdsrec.3alc allocates memory for a rectangle
allocrdsrecwin.3alc allocates a structure used to know windows which contains a rectangle.
allocrdswin.3alc allocates window's table
allocrdswindow.3alc allocates a window structure
allocrdswinrec.3alc allocates a structure used to create a list of tables of rectangles.
append.3alc append a chain_list to an other chain_list
applyBdd.3alc applies an operator to a list of BDD.
applyBinBdd.3alc applies an operator to two BDD.
applybddnode.3alc applies an operator on two bdd nodes.
applybddnodeite.3alc computes the IF-THEN-ELSE logical operation.
applybddnodelist.3alc applies an opertor to a bdd nodes list.
applybddnodenot.3alc complements a bdd.
applybddnodeterm.3alc applies an operator on two bdd nodes.
autallocblock.3alc memory allocator
autallocheap.3alc heap memory allocator
autfreeblock.3alc releases a memory block
autfreeheap.3alc releases a memory block, and put it on the heap.
auth2elem.3alc element in an hash table with two keys.
auth2table.3alc hash table structure
authelem.3alc element in an hash table
authtable.3alc hash table structure
autresizeblock.3alc resizes a memory block
bddToAblCct.3alc converts a BDD into an ABL within a circuit
beh.3alc Generic behavioural data structures
beh_debug.3alc BEH structures displayer-debugger
beh_depend.3alc compute forward dependencies in a description
beh_error.3alc beh_error
beh_makbdd.3alc create a BDD for each expression in a description
beh_makgex.3alc create a GEX for each expression in a description
beh_message.3alc beh_message
bigvia.3alc draws a non minimal via as a bunch of vias
buildrdswindow.3alc builds windowing of a figure
chain.3alc mbk lisp-like service structure
checkloconorder.3alc checks the consistency of a list of logical connectors
clearbddsystemref.3alc clears the references for all bdd nodes.
clearbddsystemrefext.3alc clears the external references for all bdd nodes.
clearbddsystemrefint.3alc clears the internal references for all bdd nodes.
cofactorbddnode.3alc computes the generalized cofactor.
composeBdd.3alc substitutes an index by a BDD in another BDD
composebddnode.3alc substitutes a variable by a bdd in another bdd.
concatname.3alc concatenate two names with user separator
conmbkrds.3alc converts MBK connector to RDS rectangle
constraintBdd.3alc restricts a BDD to another BDD
convertbddcircuitabl.3alc converts a bdd node to an abl expression.
convertbddcircuitsumabl.3alc converts a bdd node to an abl expression.
convertbddindexabl.3alc converts a bdd index to an abl expression.
convertbddmuxabl.3alc converts two bdd nodes to an abl multiplexor expression.
convertbddnodeabl.3alc converts a bdd node to an abl expression.
convertbddnodesumabl.3alc converts a bdd node to an abl expression.
createNodeTermBdd.3alc creates a terminal node of variable.
createablatom.3alc creates an atomic expression.
createablbinexpr.3alc creates a binary operator expression.
createablnotexpr.3alc complements an expression.
createabloper.3alc creates the head of an operator expression.
createablunaryexpr.3alc creates an unary operator expression.
createablxorbinexpr.3alc creates an 'xor' or 'xnor' operator expression.
createbddcircuit.3alc creates a bdd circuit.
createbddsystem.3alc creates a bdd system.
decbddrefext.3alc decrements the external reference of a bdd node.
decbddrefint.3alc decrements the internal reference of a bdd node.
defab.3alc defines the abutment box of a phfig
delablexpr.3alc deletes an expression.
delablexprnum.3alc deletes an operand in an expression.
delbddassoc.3alc deletes a variable association.
delbddcircuitout.3alc deletes an output in a bdd circuit.
delbddnode.3alc deletes an unused bdd node.
delbddnodeassoc.3alc deletes a bdd node in a variable association.
delbddnodelist.3alc deletes a list of bdd nodes.
delchain.3alc delete an element of a chain_list
delht.3alc removes an hash table
delhtitem.3alc removes an item in an hash table
dellocap.3alc delete a logical capacitor
dellocon.3alc delete a logical connector
dellofig.3alc delete and free a logical figure
delloins.3alc delete a logical instance
dellores.3alc delete a logical resistor
delloself.3alc delete a logical inductor
dellosig.3alc delete a logical signal
dellotrs.3alc delete a logical transistor
delnum.3alc delete an element of a num_list
delphcon.3alc delete a physical connector
delphfig.3alc delete and free a physical figure
delphins.3alc delete a physical instance
delphref.3alc delete a physical reference
delphseg.3alc delete a physical segment
delphvia.3alc delete a physical via
delptype.3alc delete an element of a ptype_list
delrdsfig.3alc deletes a figure
delrdsfigrec.3alc deletes a rectangle of a figure
delrdsins.3alc deletes an instance of a figure
delrdsinsrec.3alc deletes a rectangle of an instance
delrdsrecwindow.3alc deletes a rectangle from the windowing of rds structure.
destroyBdd.3alc removes the BDDs system
destroybddassoc.3alc frees all the variable associations.
destroybddcircuit.3alc destroys a bdd circuit.
destroybddsystem.3alc destroys a bdd system.
destroyrdswindow.3alc destroys windowing of a figure
devablxorexpr.3alc develops 'xor', 'nxor' in an expression.
devdupablxorexpr.3alc duplicates and develops 'xor', 'nxor'.
displayBdd.3alc displays a BDD
downstr.3alc convert a string to lower case
dupablexpr.3alc duplicates an expression.
existbddnodeassocoff.3alc computes an existential quantification.
existbddnodeassocon.3alc computes an existential quantification.
figmbkrds.3alc converts MBK figure to RDS figure
filepath.3alc return the whole search path of a file
flatablexpr.3alc merges the operators of an expression
flattenlofig.3alc flatten a instance in a logical figure
flattenphfig.3alc flatten a instance in a figure
freeablexpr.3alc frees an expression.
freechain.3alc free a chain_list
freelomodel.3alc free a lofig_list for temporary models
freenum.3alc free a num_list
freeptype.3alc free a ptype_list
freerdsfig.3alc frees memory associated to a figure
freerdsins.3alc frees memory associated to an instance
freerdsrec.3alc free memory associated to a rectangle
garbagebddsystem.3alc Forces a bdd garbage collection.
gcNodeBdd.3alc does a garbage collection
getablexprdepth.3alc gives the depth of an expression.
getablexprlength.3alc gives the length of an expression.
getablexprmax.3alc applies a function to all operands.
getablexprmin.3alc applies a function to all operands.
getablexprnum.3alc gives a specified operand of an expression.
getablexprnumatom.3alc gives the number of atom in an expression.
getablexprnumbinoper.3alc gives the number of binary operators in an expression.
getablexprnumocc.3alc how many times a name appears in an expression.
getablexprsupport.3alc gives the expression's support.
getbddnodenum.3alc gets the number of nodes in a bdd.
getbddnodesize.3alc gets the number of nodes in a bdd.
getbddnodesupport.3alc gives the variable support of a bdd node.
getbddvarbyindex.3alc converts bdd index to a variable number.
getbddvarindex.3alc converts a variable number in a bdd index.
getbddvarnode.3alc gives the bdd node of a variable.
getbddvarnodebyindex.3alc gives the bdd node of a variable.
gethtitem.3alc searches an item in a hash table
getlocap.3alc retrieve a logical capacitor
getlocon.3alc retrieve a logical connector
getlofig.3alc give back a pointer to a lofig
getloins.3alc retrieve a logical instance
getlomodel.3alc retrieve a model from a lofig_list
getlores.3alc retrieve a logical resistor
getloself.3alc retrieve a logical inductor
getlosig.3alc retrieve a logical signal
getphcon.3alc retrieve a physical connector
getphfig.3alc give back a pointer to a phfig
getphins.3alc retrieve a physical instance
getphref.3alc retrieve a physical reference
getptype.3alc retrieve a ptype from a ptype_list
getrdsmodellist.3alc gets model list of the instances of a figure
getsigname.3alc choose a signal name in alias list
givelosig.3alc give a logical signal
guessextdir.3alc guess external connectors directions from internal connectors directions
implybddnode.3alc computes a bdd that implies a conjonction of two bdd nodes.
incatalog.3alc test if cell belongs to the catalog file
incatalogdelete.3alc test if cell belongs to the catalog file
incatalogfeed.3alc test if cell belongs to the catalog file
incataloggds.3alc test if cell belongs to the catalog file
incbddrefext.3alc increments the external reference of a bdd node.
incbddrefint.3alc increments the internal reference of a bdd node.
initializeBdd.3alc initializes the BDDs system
insconmbkrds.3alc adds in RDS instance all the connectors of MBK instance
insmbkrds.3alc converts MBK figure to RDS figure
insrefmbkrds.3alc adds in RDS instance all the references of MBK instance.
inssegmbkrds.3alc adds in RDS instance all the segments of MBK instance
instanceface.3alc returns the face of a connector in a placed instance
instr.3alc find an occurrence of a string in a string, starting at a specified character.
insviambkrds.3alc adds to RDS instance all the contacts from MBK instance
intersectbddnode.3alc tests for an intersection between two bdd nodes.
isablbinaryoper.3alc tests if an operator is binary.
isablequalexpr.3alc tests if two expressions are strictly identicals.
isabloperinexpr.3alc tests if an operator appears in an expression.
isablsimilarexpr.3alc tests if two expressions have the same morphology.
isablunaryoper.3alc tests if an operator is unary.
isbddvarinsupport.3alc tests if a variable appears in a bdd.
isck.3alc isck -tells if a name is the pattern defined by the user
isvdd.3alc isvdd -tells if a name contains the pattern defined by the user
isvss.3alc isvss -tells if a name contains the pattern defined by the user
libpat.3alc Generic pattern data structure
loadlofig.3alc load a new logical cell model from disk
loadphfig.3alc load a new physical cell model from disk
loadrdsfig.3alc give back a pointer to a figure
loadrdsparam.3alc load parameters from symbolic to real conversion.
locap.3alc mbk logical capacitor
locon.3alc mbk logical connector
lofig.3alc mbk logical figure
lofigchain.3alc creates a netlist in terms of connectors on signals
log.3alc logical representations for boolean functions and utilities.
loins.3alc mbk logical instance
lores.3alc mbk logical resistor
loself.3alc mbk logical inductor
losig.3alc mbk logical signal
lotrs.3alc mbk logical transistor
mapablanyexpr.3alc applies a function to all operands.
mapableveryexpr.3alc applies a function to all operands.
mapablexpr.3alc applies a function to all operands.
mapabloperexpr.3alc applies a function to all operands.
markAllBdd.3alc marks all the nodes of the BDDs system
markBdd.3alc marks all nodes of a BDD
markbddnode.3alc marks bdd node with a specified mask.
mbk.3alc Generic layout ,netlist and utility data structures
mbkalloc.3alc mbk memory allocator
mbkenv.3alc set user preferences
mbkfopen.3alc open a file with several search paths
mbkfree.3alc mbk memory allocator
mbkgetenv.3alc get an environment variable
mbkps.3alc mbk process state
mbkrealloc.3alc mbk memory reallocator
mbksetautoackchld.3alc Tells Alliance to automatically handle terminaison of child process.
mbkunlink.3alc delete a file in the WORK_LIBP.
mbkwaitpid.3alc wait for the end of a particular child process.
mlodebug.3alc logical data structure contents debug function
modelmbkrds.3alc gets all models of instances contained in a figure.
mphdebug.3alc physical data structure contents debug function
namealloc.3alc hash table for strings
namefind.3alc hash table for strings
nameindex.3alc concatenate a name and index with user separator
naturalstrcmp.3alc compare string in alphabetical order for letters and numerical for digits.
notBdd.3alc complements a BDD
numberNodeAllBdd.3alc count the number of nodes used in the BDD system
numberNodeBdd.3alc computes the number of nodes used in a BDD
phcon.3alc mbk physical connector
phfig.3alc mbk physical figure
phins.3alc mbk physical instance
phref.3alc mbk physical reference
phseg.3alc mbk physical segment
phvia.3alc mbk physical contact
polarablexpr.3alc moves inverters to the atomic level.
polardupablexpr.3alc duplicates an expression and moves down the inverters.
ptype.3alc mbk list of typed pointers
rdsalloc.3alc memory allocation function
rdsenv.3alc set user preference
rdsfree.3alc free memory place
refmbkrds.3alc adds to RDS figure a references from a MBK figure
relprodbddnodeassoc.3alc computes a relational product.
reorderbddsystemdynamic.3alc specifies the dynamic bdd reorder parameters.
reorderbddsystemsimple.3alc reorders the bdd nodes of a bdd system.
reorderbddsystemtop.3alc reorders the bdd nodes of a bdd system.
reorderbddsystemwindow.3alc reorders the bdd nodes of a bdd system.
resetBdd.3alc resets the BDDs system
resetbddcircuit.3alc resets a bdd circuit.
resetbddsystem.3alc resets a bdd system.
restorealldir.3alc restore all instances' connectors directions
restoredirvbe.3alc restore connectors directions from behavioral view
restrictbddnode.3alc substitutes a variable by a zero or one, in a bdd.
reverse.3alc reverse a list of chained elements
rflattenlofig.3alc recursivly flatten a figure
rflattenphfig.3alc recursivly flatten a figure
roundrdsrec.3alc adjusts a rectangle to lambda grid step
satisfybddnode.3alc finds a satisfying path for a bdd node.
savelofig.3alc save a logical figure on disk
savephfig.3alc save a physical figure on disk
saverdsfig.3alc save a physical figure on disk.
searchbddcircuitin.3alc searches an input in a bdd circuit.
searchbddcircuitout.3alc searches an output in a bdd circuit.
searchrdsfig.3alc searches by name a figure in the list of figures
segmbkrds.3alc adds to RDS figure a segment from a MBK figure
setbddrefext.3alc increments the external reference, and decrements the internal reference of a bdd node.
sethtitem.3alc test and set an item in an hash table.
setlocap.3alc set the capacitance value of a logical capacitor
setlores.3alc set the resistance value of a logical resistor
setloself.3alc set the inductance value of a logical inductor
simpablexpr.3alc simplies an expression.
simpbddnodedcoff.3alc simplifies a bdd with don't cares on its off-set part.
simpbddnodedcon.3alc simplifies a bdd with don't cares on its on-set part.
simpdupablexpr.3alc duplicates and simplies an expression.
simplifDcOneBdd.3alc simplifies a BDD with don't cares on its on-set part
simplifDcZeroBdd.3alc simplifies a BDD with don't cares on its off-set part
sortlocon.3alc sort the logical connectors of a figure by name
sortlosig.3alc sort the logical signals of a figure by name
substablexpr.3alc substitutes a given atom by an expression.
substbddnodeassoc.3alc substitutes a set of variables with a set of bdd node.
substdupablexpr.3alc substitutes a given atom by an expression.
supportChain_listBdd.3alc returns a chained list of nodes that are used in a given BDD.
swapbddvar.3alc swaps two contiguous variables.
testbddcircuit.3alc debugs a bdd circuit.
unflatablexpr.3alc unflats the operators of an expression
unflattenlofig.3alc creates a hierarchy level from instances of a figure
unmarkbddnode.3alc unmarks bdd node with a specified mask.
unsetbddrefext.3alc increments the internal reference, and decrements the external reference of a bdd node.
upVarBdd.3alc brings up an index in a BDD
upstr.3alc convert a string to upper case
vhdlablname.3alc returns a compatible VHDL name.
vhdlablvector.3alc gives the index and the name of a vectorized name.
viambkrds.3alc adds to RDS figure a contact from a MBK figure
viewablexpr.3alc displays an expression.
viewablexprfile.3alc displays an expression in a file.
viewablexprstr.3alc displays an expression in a str.
viewbddcircuit.3alc displays a bdd circuit.
viewbddnode.3alc displays a bdd node.
viewbddsystem.3alc displays a bdd system.
viewbddsysteminfo.3alc displays statistical information.
viewht.3alc displays a hash table contents
viewlo.3alc scan all lofig_lists and display their elements
viewlocap.3alc display elements of a locap_list
viewlofig.3alc display elements of a lofig_list
viewlofigcon.3alc display elements of a locon_list attached to a figure
viewloins.3alc display elements of a loins_list
viewloinscon.3alc display elements of a locon_list attached to an instance
viewlores.3alc display elements of a lores_list
viewloself.3alc display elements of a loself_list
viewlosig.3alc display elements of a losig_list
viewlotrs.3alc display elements of a lotrs_list
viewph.3alc display all the phfig_lists and their elements
viewphcon.3alc display elements of a phcon_list
viewphfig.3alc display elements of a phfig_list
viewphins.3alc display elements of a phins_list
viewphref.3alc display elements of a phref_list
viewphseg.3alc display elements of a phseg_list
viewphvia.3alc display elements of a phvia_list
viewrdsfig.3alc view caracteristics of a figure
viewrdsins.3alc Displays caracteristics of an instance
viewrdsparam.3alc displays tables in memory filled by loadrdsparam function.
viewrdsrec.3alc Displays caracteristics of a rectangle
viewrdswindow.3alc displays caracteristics of the windowing.
viewrfmcon.3alc displays connector caracteristics in MBK and RDS format.
viewrfmfig.3alc displays figure caracteristics in MBK and RDS format.
viewrfmins.3alc displays instance caracteristics in MBK and RDS format.
viewrfmrec.3alc displays rectangle caracteristics in RDS format.
viewrfmref.3alc displays reference caracteristics in MBK and RDS format.
viewrfmseg.3alc displays segment caracteristics in MBK and RDS format.
viewrfmvia.3alc displays contact caracteristics in MBK and RDS format.
xyflat.3alc compute hierarchical coordinates