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x2goumount-session - Man Page

Unshare mounted Folders from X2Go Session


x2goumount-session <session_id> [<local_path_on_client>]


x2goumount-session is used to unshare client folders from X2Go session with session ID <session_id>. Shared folders have been previously mounted into the X2Go session by the x2gomountdirs command.

x2goumount-session is run with X2Go user privileges and normally issued by an X2Go client application.



Unmount shared folder(s) as registered for X2Go session ID <session_id> in the X2Go session database.


Optionally, you can name a local path name (path name as found on the client-side) here. If given, only the named folder is unshared from the X2Go session <session_id>.

If this optional argument is omitted, then ALL session folders will be unshared (including spool folders for printing and MIME box).

Return Values

Return Values

By x2goumount-session nothing is reported on stdout or stderr.

As exitcode x2goumount-session return 0 on successful an umount action. If there is a failure during unmounting a shared folder a non-zero exit code is returned.

See Also



This manual has been written by Mike Gabriel <mike.gabriel@das-netzwerkteam.de> for the X2Go project (https://www.x2go.org).

Referenced By

x2golistmounts(8), x2gomountdirs(8), x2goshowblocks(8).

Aug 2023 Version X2Go Server Tool