udiskie - Man Page

automounter for removable media


udiskie [OPTIONS]

udiskie-mount [OPTIONS] (-a | DEVICE...)

udiskie-umount [OPTIONS] (-a | PATH...)


udiskie is an udisks2 front-end written in python. Its main purpose is automatically mounting removable media, such as CDs or flash drives. It has optional mount notifications, a GTK tray icon and user level CLIs for manual mount and unmount operations. The media will be mounted in a new directory under /media or /run/media/USER/, using the device name if possible.

Common Options

-h,  --help

Show help message and exit.

-V,  --version

Show help message and exit.

-v,  --verbose

Verbose output.

-q,  --quiet

Quiet output.

-c FILE, --config=FILE

Specify config file.

-C,  --no-config

Don’t use any config file.

Shared Mount and Daemon Options

-p COMMAND, --password-prompt=COMMAND

Password retrieval command. The string is formatted with the device attributes as keyword arguments, e.g.:

-p "zenity --entry --hide-text --text 'Enter password for {device_presentation}:'"
-P,  --no-password-prompt

Disable unlocking of LUKS devices.

Daemon Options

-a,  --automount

Enable automounting new devices (default).

-A,  --no-automount

Disable automounting new devices.

-n,  --notify

Enable pop-up notifications (default).

-N,  --no-notify

Disable pop-up notifications.

-t,  --tray

Show tray icon.

-s,  --smart-tray

Show tray icon that automatically hides when there is no action available.

-T,  --no-tray

Disable tray icon (default).

-f PROGRAM, --file-manager=PROGRAM

Set program to open mounted directories. Default is 'xdg-open'. Pass an empty string to disable this feature.

-F,  --no-file-manager

Disable browsing.


Set terminal command line to open mounted directories. Default is none! Pass an empty string to disable this feature.


Disable terminal action.


Use AppIndicator3 for the status icon. Use this on Ubuntu/Unity if no icon is shown.


Use Gtk.StatusIcon for the status icon (default).

--password-cache MINUTES

Cache passwords for LUKS partitions and set the timeout.


Never cache passwords (default).

--event-hook COMMAND

Command to execute on device events. Command string be formatted using the event name and the list of device attributes (see below), e.g.:

--event-hook "zenity --info --text '{event}: {device_presentation}'"

No notify command (default).

Mount Options

-a, --all

Mount all handled devices.

-r, --recursive

Recursively mount cleartext partitions after unlocking a LUKS device. This will happen by default when running the udiskie daemon.

-R, --no-recursive

Disable recursive mounting (default).

-o OPTIONS, --options=OPTIONS

Set mount options.

Unmount Options

-a, --all

Unmount all handled devices.

-d, --detach

Detach drive by e.g. powering down its physical port.

-D, --no-detach

Don’t detach drive (default).

-e, --eject

Eject media from the drive, e.g CDROM.

-E, --no-eject

Don’t eject media (default).

-f, --force

Force removal (recursive unmounting).

-F, --no-force

Don’t force removal (default).

-l, --lock

Lock device after unmounting (default).

-L, --no-lock

Don’t lock device.

Example Usage

Start udiskie in ~/.xinitrc:

udiskie &

Unmount media and power down USB device:

udiskie-umount --detach /media/Sticky

Mount all media:

udiskie-mount -a

Mount /dev/sdb1:

udiskie-mount /dev/sdb1


The file .config/udiskie/config.yml can be used to configure defaults for command line parameters and customize further settings. The actual path may differ depending on $XDG_CONFIG_HOME. The file format is YAML, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/YAML. If you don’t want to install PyYAML, it is possible to use an equivalent JSON file with the name config.json instead.

# This is an example (nonsense) configuration file for udiskie.

  # Configure defaults for command line options

  tray:             auto    # [bool] Enable the tray icon. "auto"
                            # means auto-hide the tray icon when
                            # there are no handled devices.

  menu:             flat    # ["flat" | "nested"] Set the
                            # systray menu behaviour.

  automount:        false   # [bool] Enable automatic mounting.

  notify:           true    # [bool] Enable notifications.

  password_cache:   30      # [int] Password cache in minutes. Caching is
                            # disabled by default. It can be disabled
                            # explicitly by setting it to false

  file_manager:     xdg-open
    # [string] Set program to open directories. It will be invoked
    # with the folder path as its last command line argument.

  terminal:         'termite -d'
    # [string] Set terminal command line to open directories. It will be
    # invoked with the folder path as its last command line argument.

  password_prompt: ["gnome-keyring-query", "get", "{id_uuid}"]
    # [string|list] Set command to retrieve passwords. If specified
    # as a list it defines the ARGV array for the program call. If
    # specified as a string, it will be expanded in a shell-like
    # manner. Each string will be formatted using `str.format`. For a
    # list of device attributes, see below. The two special string values
    # "builtin:gui" and "builtin:tty" signify to use udiskie's
    # builtin password prompt.

  event_hook: "zenity --info --text '{event}: {device_presentation}'"
    # [string|list] Set command to be executed on any device event.
    # This is specified like `password_prompt`.


  # List of device option rules. Each item can match any combination of device
  # attributes. Additionally, it defines the resulting action (see below).
  # Any rule can contain multiple filters (AND) and multiple actions.
  # Only the first matching rule that defines a given action is used.
  # The rules defined here are simply prepended to the builtin device rules,
  # so that it is possible to completely overwrite the defaults by specifying
  # a catch-all rule (i.e. a rule without device attributes).
  # Filter rules can be passed a list of values, in which case the rule is matched
  # if the attribute matches any of the values in the list.

- device_file: /dev/dm-5    # [filter]
  ignore:      false        # [action] never ignore this device
- id_uuid:                  # [filter] match by device UUID
  - 9d53-13ba               # This rule matches on either of these uids
  - 8675-309a
  options: [noexec, nodev]  # [action] mount options can be given as list
  ignore:  false            # [action] never ignore this device (even if fs=FAT)
  automount: false          # [action] do not automount this device
- id_type: vfat             # [filter] match file system type
  ignore:  true             # [action] ignore all FAT devices

- id_type: ntfs             # [filter] (optional)
  skip: true                # [action] skip all further (even builtin) rules
                            # for all matched devices, and resolve action result
                            # on parent device

- ignore:    True           # never mount/unmount or even show this in the GUI
  automount: False          # show but do not automount this device
  options: []               # additional options to be passed when mounting

mount_options:              # [deprecated] do not use
ignore_device:              # [deprecated] do not use

  # Customize which notifications are shown for how long. Possible
  # values are:
  #   positive number         timeout in seconds
  #   false                   disable
  #   -1                      use the libnotify default timeout

  timeout:          1.5     # set the default for all notifications

  # Specify only if you want to overwrite the default:
  device_mounted:   5       # mount notification
  device_unmounted: false   # unmount notification
  device_added:     false   # device has appeared
  device_removed:   false   # device has disappeared
  device_unlocked:  -1      # encrypted device was unlocked
  device_locked:    -1      # encrypted device was locked
  job_failed:       -1      # mount/unlock/.. has failed

quickmenu_actions: [mount, unmount, unlock, terminal, detach, delete]
  # List of actions to be shown in the quickmenu or the special value 'all'.
  # The quickmenu is shown on left-click if using flat menu type.

  # Define which actions should be shown on notifications. Note that there
  # are currently only a limited set of actions available for each
  # notification. Events that are not explicitly specified show the default
  # set of actions. Specify an empty list if you don't want to see any
  # notification for the specified event:

  device_mounted:   [browse]
  device_added:     [mount]

  # Customize the icon set used by the tray widget. Each entry
  # specifies a list of icon names. The first installed icon from
  # that list will be used.

  media:   [drive-removable-media, media-optical]
  browse:  [document-open, folder-open]
  terminal: [terminal, terminator, xfce-terminal]
  mount:   [udiskie-mount]
  unmount: [udiskie-unmount]
  unlock:  [udiskie-unlock]
  lock:    [udiskie-lock]
  eject:   [udiskie-eject, media-eject]
  detach:  [udiskie-detach]
  delete:  [udiskie-eject]
  quit:    [application-exit]

All keys are optional. Reasonable defaults are used if you leave them unspecified.

Device Attributes

Some of the config entries make use of Device attributes. The following list of attributes is currently available, but there is no guarantee that they will remain available:

Attribute               Hint/Example
device_file             block device path, e.g. "/dev/sdb1"
device_presentation     display string, e.g. "/dev/sdb1"
device_size             block device size
device_id               unique, persistent device identifier
id_usage                E.g. "filesystem" or "crypto"
id_type                 E.g. "ext4" or "crypto_LUKS"
id_label                device label
id_uuid                 device UUID
is_external             udisks flag HintSystem=false
is_systeminternal       udisks flag HintSystem=true
mount_paths             list of mount paths
mount_path              any mount path
in_use                  device or any of its children mounted
loop_file               file backing the loop device
setup_by_uid            user that setup the loop device
autoclear               automatically delete loop device after use

See Also




You can use the github issues to report any issues you encounter, ask general questions or suggest new features. If you don’t have or like github, you can contact me by email:



Referenced By

The man pages udiskie-info(8), udiskie-mount(8) and udiskie-umount(8) are aliases of udiskie(8).
