tiff2fax.8c - Man Page

convert TIFF for facsimile transmission by HylaFAX


/var/spool/hylafax/bin/tiff2fax [ options ] file


bin/tiff2fax takes TIFF input and generates a TIFF Class F image file suitable for facsimile transmission. It is usually invoked by the HylaFAX scheduler process, faxq(8C). The default implementation uses the tiffcheck(8C) program and tools from the freely available TIFF software distribution to implement the conversion operations.

This script can modify outgoing facsimile, such as watermarking, To do this create a shell script etc/FaxModify in the spooling area that alters the document.


The following operations are recognized:


Write Group 3 1D-encoded data to the output file.


Write Group 3 2D-encoded data to the output file.


Write Group 4 MMR-encoded data to the output file.


Write color data to an output file (possibly a separate file if Group 3 or Group 4 data is also being output).

-i jobid

How the server references the associated Job ID number

-m pages

Set the maximum number of pages that are permitted in the output file. If more pages are present in the input document then abort processing.

-o file

Write output to the specified file instead of the default foo.tif filename.

-w width

Set the output page width, in pixels. By default, pages are 1728 pixels wide.

-l length

Set the output page length in millimeters. By default, pages are 297 millimeters long.

-r vres

Set the vertical resolution, in lines/inch, at which to image the POSTSCRIPT.


Simple mode.  Serves as a format conversion interface for RTFCC in faxsend to utilize /usr/bin/tiffcp.


/usr/sbin/tiffcheckTIFF file conversion examiner
/var/spool/hylafax/bin/ps2faxPOSTSCRIPT RIP for doing complicated conversions
/usr/bin/tiffcpfor converting compression schemes
/usr/bin/tiff2psfor colorspace and/or image size conversions


Conversions that require re-imaging and resizing may result in images that are poorly placed on the page.

There is no way to control how images are treated when they are resized; e.g. the original aspect ratio is not always maintained.

See Also

sendfax(1), faxq(8C), hylafax-server(5F)


May 12, 1996