tb_polgen - Man Page

manage tboot verified launch policy


tb_polgen COMMAND [OPTION]


tb_polgen is used to manage tboot verified launch policy.



Create an empty tboot verified launch policy file.

--type nonfatal | continue | halt

Nonfatal means ignoring all non-fatal errors and continuing. Continue means ignoring verification errors and halting otherwise. Halt means halting on any errors.

[--ctrl policy-control-value]

The default value 1 is to extend policy into PCR 17.

[--alg sha1 | sha256 | sha384 | sha512]

Policy hashing algorithm.



Add a module hash entry into a policy file.

--num module-number | any

The module-number is the 0-based module number corresponding to modules loaded by the bootloader.

--pcr TPM-PCR-number | none

The TPM-PCR-number is the PCR to extend the module's measurement into.

--hash any | image
[--cmdline command-line]

The command line is from grub.conf, and it should not include the module name (e.g. "/xen.gz").

[--image image-file-name]



Delete a module hash entry from a policy file.

--num module-number | any

The module-number is the 0-based module number corresponding to modules loaded by the bootloader.

[--pos hash-number]

The hash-number is the 0-based index of the hash, within the list of hashes for the specified module.



Extract the tboot verified launch policy from a TXT LCP element file.

--elt elt-file


--show policy-file

Show the policy information in a policy file.


Print out the help message.


Enable verbose output; can be specified with any command.


tb_polgen --create --type nonfatal vl.pol

tb_polgen --add --num 0 --pcr none --hash image --cmdline "cmdline" --image /boot/xen.gz vl.pol

tb_polgen --add --num 1 --pcr 19 --hash image --cmdline "cmdline" --image /boot/vmlinuz- vl.pol

tb_polgen --add --num 2 --pcr 19 --hash image --cmdline "" --image /boot/initrd- vl.pol

tb_polgen --del --num 1 vl.pol

tb_polgen --show --verbose vl.pol


It is not necessary to specify a PCR for module 0, since this module's measurement will always be extended to PCR 18.  If a PCR is specified, then the measurement will be extended to that PCR in addition to PCR 18.


--unwrap is not implemented correctly. There should be a defined UUID for this and that should be checked before copying the data. There should be a wrap or similar command to generates an element file for a policy.

See Also

lcp_crtpol(8), lcp_crtpol2(8), lcp_crtpolelt(8).

Referenced By


2011-12-31 tboot User Manuals