stratis - Man Page
Configure Stratis local storage pools
stratis [GLOBAL OPTIONS] pool <command> [args] [COMMAND OPTIONS] stratis [GLOBAL OPTIONS] filesystem|fs <command> [args] [COMMAND OPTIONS] stratis [GLOBAL OPTIONS] blockdev <command> [args] [COMMAND OPTIONS] stratis [GLOBAL OPTIONS] key <command> [args] [COMMAND OPTIONS] stratis [GLOBAL OPTIONS] report <report_name> stratis [GLOBAL OPTIONS] daemon <version>
stratis is a command-line tool to create, modify, and destroy Stratis pools, and the filesystems allocated from the pool.
Stratis creates a pool from one or more block devices (blockdevs), and then enables multiple filesystems to be created from the pool. The user can set keys for use with pool encryption.
Global Options
- --version
Show stratis-cli version.
- --help, -h
Show help on command.
- --propagate
(For debugging.) Allow exceptions raised during execution to propagate.
- --unhyphenated-uuids
(For listing.) Print pool and filesystem UUIDs without hyphens for list commands.
- pool create [--key-desc <key_desc>] [--clevis <(nbde|tang|tpm2)> [--tang-url <tang_url>] [<(--thumbprint <thp> | --trust-url)>] [--no-overprovision] <pool_name> <blockdev> [<blockdev>..]
Create a pool from one or more block devices, with the given pool name.
- pool stop <(--uuid <uuid> |--name <name>)>
Stop a pool, specifying the pool by its UUID or by its name. Tear down the storage stack but leave all metadata intact.
- pool start <(--uuid <uuid> |--name <name>)> --unlock-method <(keyring | clevis)>
Start a pool, specifying the pool by its UUID or by its name. Use the --unlock-method option to specify method of unlocking the pool if it is encrypted.
- pool list [--stopped] [(--uuid <uuid> |--name <name>)]
List pools. If the --stopped option is used, list only stopped pools. Otherwise, list only started pools. If a UUID or name is specified, print more detailed information about the pool corresponding to that UUID or name.
- pool rename <old_pool_name> <new_pool_name>
Rename a pool.
- pool destroy <pool_name>
Destroy a pool and all the filesystems created from it.
- pool add-data <pool_name> <blockdev> [<blockdev>..]
Add one or more blockdevs to an existing pool, to enlarge its storage capacity.
- pool init-cache <pool_name> <blockdev> [<blockdev>..]
Initialize a cache for an existing pool. Add one or more blockdevs to a pool, to be used as cache instead of additional storage. Typically, smaller and faster drives, such as SSDs, are used for this purpose.
- pool add-cache <pool_name> <blockdev> [<blockdev>..]
Add one or more blockdevs to an existing pool with an initialized cache.
- pool extend-data <pool_name> [--device-uuid <uuid>]
Increase the pool’s data capacity with additional storage space offered by its component data devices through, e.g., expansion of a component RAID device. Devices may be specified by their Stratis UUID. If no devices are specified, then stratisd will attempt to make use of all data devices belonging to the pool that appear to have been expanded.
- pool bind <(nbde|tang)> <pool name> <url> <(--thumbprint <thp> | --trust-url)>
Bind the devices in the specified pool to a supplementary encryption mechanism that uses NBDE (Network-Bound Disc Encryption). tang is an alias for nbde.
- pool bind tpm2 <pool name>
Bind the devices in the specified pool to a supplementary encryption mechanism that uses TPM 2.0 (Trusted Platform Module).
- pool bind keyring <pool name> <keydesc>
Bind the devices in the specified pool to a supplementary encryption mechanism using a key in the kernel keyring.
- pool rebind clevis <pool name>
Rebind the devices in the specified pool using the Clevis configuration with which the devices in the pool were previously bound.
- pool rebind keyring <pool_name> <keydesc>
Rebind the devices in the specified pool using the specified key description.
- pool unbind <(clevis|keyring)> <pool name>
Unbind the devices in the specified pool from the specified encryption mechanism.
- pool set-fs-limit <pool name> <amount>
Set the limit on the number of file systems allowed per-pool. This number may only be increased from its current value.
- pool overprovision <pool name> <(yes|no)>
Set overprovisioning mode. If set to "yes", the pool may allow overprovisioning, i.e, the sum of the logical sizes of the Stratis filesystems supported by the pool may exceed the amount of data space available.
- pool explain <code>
Explain any code that might show up in the Alerts column when listing a pool. Codes may be prefixed with an "I" for "info", a "W" for "warning", or an "E" for "error".
- pool debug get-object-path <(--uuid <uuid> |--name <name>)>
Look up the D-Bus object path for a pool given the UUID or name.
- filesystem create <pool_name> <fs_name> [<fs_name>..] [--size <size>] [--size-limit <size_limit>]
Create one or more filesystems from the specified pool. If the --size option is specified, make each filesystem the specified size. Otherwise, accept the stratisd default. if the --size-limit option is specified, set the filesystem’s size limit on creation. If the size limit is not set, the filesystem will be grown, as needed, up to the maximum possible size. The filesystem size limit must be at least as large as the filesystem size. NOTE: There is a temporary restriction on the number of filesystems that can be specified with this command. Specifying more than one filesystem will result in an error.
- filesystem snapshot <pool_name> <fs_name> <snapshot_name>
Snapshot the filesystem in the specified pool.
- filesystem list [pool_name]
List all filesystems that exist in the specified pool, or all pools, if no pool name is given.
- filesystem destroy <pool_name> <fs_name> [<fs_name>..]
Destroy one or more filesystems that exist in the specified pool.
- filesystem rename <pool_name> <fs_name> <new_name>
Rename a filesystem.
- filesystem set-size-limit <pool_name> <fs_name> <size_limit>
Set the filesystem size limit. Must be at least as large as the filesystem’s current size. To set the size limit to the same value as the filesystem’s current size, use the keyword "current".
- filesystem unset-size-limit <pool_name> <fs_name>
Remove a filesystem size limit previously set.
- filesystem debug get-object-path <(--uuid <uuid> |--name <name>)>
Look up the D-Bus object path for a filesystem given the UUID or name.
- blockdev list [pool_name]
List all blockdevs that make up the specified pool, or all pools, if no pool name is given.
- blockdev debug get-object-path <(--uuid <uuid>)>
Look up the D-Bus object path for a blockdev given the UUID.
- key list
List all key-descriptions in the kernel keyring that can be used for encryption.
- key set <(--keyfile-path <path> | --capture-key)> <key_desc>
Set a key in the kernel keyring for use with encryption.
- key reset <(--keyfile-path <path> | --capture-key)> <key_desc>
Reset the key data of an existing key in the kernel keyring.
- key unset <key_desc>
Unset a key in the kernel keyring so it is no longer available for encryption operations.
- report <report_name>
Get a report from the daemon regarding its internal state. The engine_state_report name will be supported in future releases. Any other report name should be considered unstable and may be removed in a future release. The JSON schema of any report must always be considered unstable.
- daemon version
Show the Stratis service’s version.
- debug refresh
For all pools that are not stopped, rebuild their storage stacks from the pool-level metadata stored on each pool’s devices. This is not a standard administrative command; it is intended for trouble-shooting and repair only.
- --key-desc
The key description of the key that should be used to encrypt the created pool. The key description must correspond to a key set in the kernel keyring with the key command.
- --keyfile-path <path> | --capture-key
These mutually exclusive options allow a user to specify a key used for encryption in one of two ways. The --keyfile-path option requires an argument, the path to a file containing the key. If the --capture-key option is selected instead, the user must enter the key at the ensuing prompt. The key value is terminated at the first newline character that the user enters, and does not include the newline character. On the other hand, if the file specified as an argument for the --keyfile-path option contains a newline character anywhere, the newline character will be included in the key value.
- --thumbprint <thp> | --trust-url
These mutually exclusive options allow a user to specify that a tang server’s URL should be trusted and the server’s credentials accepted without verification, or to supply a previously provided thumbprint for verification.
- --tang-url <url>
If creating a pool encrypted via NBDE using a tang server, specifies the URL of the server.
- --clevis <(nbde | tang | tpm2)>
The clevis method that should be used to encrypt the created pool.
- --no-overprovision
Do not allow the pool to allocate more logical space for its filesystems than it has physical space available.
- --size <size spec>
Used to specify the size of, e.g., a filesystem. The specification format must follow the standard size specification format for input (see below).
Size Specification Format for Input
The format of a size specification is '<magnitude><unit specifier>' where the magnitude must be a decimal integer and the unit specifier may be any of 'B', 'KiB', 'MiB', 'GiB', 'TiB'. or 'PiB'.
Environment Variables
Sets a timeout for any Stratis D-Bus call. If this environment variable is not set, a default value of 120 seconds is used for the timeout. The accepted STRATIS_DBUS_TIMEOUT environment variable values are:
- an integer between 0 (inclusive) and 1073741823 (inclusive), which represents the timeout length in milliseconds
- -1, which represents the libdbus default timeout
List Output Fields
FIELDS for stratis pool list
- Name
The name of the pool.
- Total / Used / Free
The physical usage statistics for the pool.
- Properties
Boolean valued properties that the pool may have. Each property has a two-letter camel-case code. If the pool does not have the property, a ~, for negation, is prepended to the property code. If the engine experienced an error when obtaining the property, a "?", representing "unknown", is prepended to the property code. The property codes are: Ca - indicates the pool has a cache, Cr - indicates the pool is encrypted, Op - indicates the pool allows overprovisioning.
The UUID of the pool.
- Alerts
Any unusual or urgent information about the pool of which the user should be made aware.
FIELDS for stratis pool list --stopped
- Name
The name of the pool.
The UUID of the pool.
- # Devices
The number of devices used by the pool.
- Key Description
The kernel key description used by the pool.
- Clevis
The status of Clevis encryption ("present" or "N/A").
FIELDS for stratis filesystem list
- Pool
The name of the pool containing the filesystem.
- Filesystem
The name of the filesystem.
- Total / Used / Free
The size of the filesystem.
- Created
The time the filesystem was created.
- Device
The device path to use for mounting the filesystem.
The UUID of the filesystem.
FIELDS for stratis blockdev list
- Pool Name
The name of the pool using the block device.
- Device Node
The device node of the block device. A second device node will be displayed in parentheses if the block device is encrypted. This device node is the device node of the associated dm-crypt device.
- Physical Size
The total size of the device on which stratisd places Stratis metadata. If the device is encrypted, this size will be slightly smaller than the total size of the device specified by the user; it will be the size of the associated dm-crypt device. A second size will be displayed in parentheses if stratisd has observed that the device has a size that is different from the size that stratisd is making use of. This can happen if, e.g., a RAID device was previously added to a pool and has since been expanded.
- Tier
The data tier type ("Data" or "Cache")
The UUID of the block device.
FIELDS for stratis key list
Key Description
The key description corresponding to a key in the kernel keyring that that can be used for encryption.
Encryption and a cache are mutually exclusive choices. If a pool is encrypted, an attempt to initialize a cache will result in an error.
There is a restriction on the total size of the cache device of 32 TiB. Adding devices to the cache so that the cumulative size of all the devices in the cache exceeds 32 TiB will result in an error.
If a block device appears to be already in use, stratisd will refuse to claim it. To allow use with stratisd, any signature on the device must first be erased. Please carefully verify the identity and availability of the device before taking such a step.
Example 1. Creating a Stratis pool
stratis pool create mypool /dev/sdb /dev/sdc
Example 2. Creating an encrypted pool
stratis key set --capture-key someKeyDescription
stratis pool create --key-desc someKeyDescription mypool /dev/sdb /dev/sdc
Example 3. Creating a filesystem from a pool
stratis filesystem create mypool data1
Example 4. Binding a pool’s devices to use an NBDE policy for decryption
stratis pool bind nbde --trust-url mypool someTangServerUrl
See Also
Reporting Bugs & Development
- GitHub for issues and development
- Mailing list for general development discussion
- Unknown values
If the stratisd D-Bus API returns values that stratis-cli cannot interpret, stratis-cli will substitute "???". If encountered, upgrading to the latest version of stratis-cli, or filing an issue, is recommended.
- Unobtainable values
If the stratisd D-Bus API indicates that a value is unobtainable, stratis-cli will substitute "FAILURE". This may indicate something wrong with the pool, blockdev, or filesystem. In some cases, restarting stratisd may resolve the issue.
stratis-cli is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. Software distributed under this license is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either expressed or implied.
Referenced By
stratisd(8), stratis-dumpmetadata(8).