secil2tree - Man Page

invoke the SELinux Common Intermediate Language (CIL) AST Writer


secil2tree [OPTION...] file


secil2tree invokes the CIL AST Writer with the specified arguments.


-o,  --output=<file>

Write AST to file (default: stdout)

-P,  --preserve-tunables

Treat tunables as booleans.

-Q,  --qualified-names

Allow names containing dots (qualified names). Blocks, blockinherits, blockabstracts, and in-statements will not be allowed.

-A,  --ast-phase=<phase>

Write AST of phase phase. Must be parse, build, or resolve. (default: resolve)

-v,  --verbose

Increment verbosity level.

-h,  --help

Display usage information.

See Also

secilc(8), secil2conf(8)

HTML documentation describing the CIL language statements is available starting with docs/html/index.html.

PDF documentation describing the CIL language statements is available at: docs/pdf/CIL_Reference_Guide.pdf.


James Carter


07/20/2024 SELinux CIL AST Writer