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nodesave - Man Page

Saves NET/ROM routing information


nodesave [-p path] [-v] [filename]


Nodesave saves the contents of the /proc filesystem entries for the NET/ROM routing tables. The output of the program is in the form of a Bourne shell script that calls nrparms(8) to recreate the NET/ROM routing information. If no filename is given on the command line, the program writes the script to stdout.

Typically nodesave would be used when taking a system off-air so that the NET/ROM routing may be quickly restored when the system is brought back on-line.


-p path

Set the path to the nrparms binary. This only affects the output of the program. Default is /usr/sbin.


Display the version.



See Also

netrom(4), netromd(8), nrparms(8).


Tomi Manninen OH2BNS <oh2bns@sral.fi>

Referenced By


4 July 1999 Linux System Managers Manual