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minidlnad - Man Page



minidlnad options


minidlna is a lightweight but very functional DLNA/UPnP-AV server allowing easy  sharing of your media files including pictures to any capable device or client on your local wired and wireless network. Common PC software like  totem is a good lightweight and fast choice for Linux/BSD; more fully featured software for Linux, Windows and MAC is XBMC, also Mediahouse  on Android, and any media sharing capable DVR/TV etc.


minidlna's options are normally set from the global /etc/minidlna.conf file.

But there may be times when you need to temporarily alter some of these options,
you can do this by running minidlna with the following command line switches.
-R Rescan

This forces minidlna to rescan all of the media_dir directories.

-f config_file

Run minidlna with a different configuration file than the global default.

-p port

Allows to run minidlna on a different port.

-w presentation_url

Change the default presentation url address.

-d debug

minidlna will run in the foreground with debug output.

-P pid_filename

Specify a location for the PID file.

-m model

Force minidlna to report a specific model number.

-s serial

Force minidlna to report a specific serial number.

-t notify_interval

Change the notify interval, in seconds. Defaults to 895 seconds.

-h help

Show basic switch options for running minidlna.

-V Version

Shows the program version number and exits.


This man page corresponds to minidlna version 1.1.0


minidlna developed by Justin Maggard  https://sourceforge.net/projects/minidlna/
man page written by Noel Butler <noelb@ausics.net>



See Also



October 2012