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lcp2_crtpol - Man Page

create an Intel TXT Launch Control Policy


lcp2_crtpol <--create|--show|--help> [--brief] [--verbose] --alg alg --type <any|list> [LISTFILES] [--minver <ver>] [--rev <counter1>[,counterN]] [--ctrl <pol_ctrl>] --pol <POLICY FILE> [--data <POLICY DATA FILE>] [--mask mask] [--auxalg alg] --sign alg [--polver version]


lcp2_crtpol is used to create a TXT LCP policy (and optionally policy data), which can later  be written to the TPM. This tool allows creating policies for TPM 1.2 and TPM 2.0.  Policy format is specified by the --polver option.



Create a policy.


Show contents of a policy file, policy data file or both. If you specify one  file it must be either a policy file or a policy data file.  If you specify two files, one must be a policy file and the other a policy data file.


Show help text.


Show tool version.



Use brief format for output.


Use verbose format for output.

--alg alg

Specify algorithm for the LCP. Supported values are sha1, sha256 or sm3.

--type <any|list>

Specify type of the policy. If --type is list, specify a comma-separated list  of up to 8 policy list files (created with the lcp2_crtpollist command).

--minver version

Specify minimum allowed SINIT module version number (SINITMinVersion).

--max_sinit_min version

Specify maximum allowed value of the minimal SINIT module version number (MaxSinitMinVersion).

--rev <counter1>[,counterN]

Specify a comma-separated list of revocation counters.

--ctrl <pol ctrl>

Specify PolicyControl value. The default is 0 (LCP_DEFAULT_POLICY_CONTROL).


Specify output file for the policy.


Specify output file for the policy data.

--mask mask

Specify the policy hash algorithm mask. Supported values are sha1, sha256, sha384, sha512 or sm3.  This option can be used multiple times to specify several allowed algorithms. Policy  versions 2.0-2.4 only support SHA1.

--auxalg alg

Specify the AUX hash algorithm. Supported values are sha1, sha256, sha384, sha512 or sm3.  You can also specify a raw value in hex (the value must start with "0x"). This option  is only valid for policy versions 3.0 or 3.1.

--sign alg

Specify the allowed LCP signature algorithm mask. Supported values are:  rsa-2048-sha1, rsa-2048-sha256, rsa-3072-sha256, rsa-3072-sha384, ecdsa-p256,  ecdsa-p384 sm3. This option can be used multiple times to specify several allowed  algorithms.

--polver version

Specify LCP policy version. Supported values are 2.0-2.4 (for TPM 1.2) and 3.0-3.2  (for TPM 2.0). If not specified, this option defaults to 3.0.


lcp2_crtpol --create --type list --pol list.pol --alg sha256 --data list.data --sign 0x8 list.lst

See Also

Full documentation of MLE, Intel(R) TXT and LCP is available in Intel(R) TXT Measured Launch Environment Deleveloper's Guide, available at:  http://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/software-developers/intel-txt-software-development-guide.html

lcp2_crtpollist(8), lcp2_crtpolelt(8), lcp2_mlehash(8),

Referenced By

lcp2_crtpolelt(8), lcp2_crtpollist(8), lcp2_mlehash(8).

2020-05-10 tboot User Manuals