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ipmiping - Man Page

send IPMI Get Authentication Capability request to network hosts


ipmiping [OPTION...] destination


ipmiping uses the IPMI Get Channel Authentication Capabilities request datagram to elicit an IPMI Get Channel Authentication Capabilitiesl response from a remote host. The utility can be used to verify if a remote host supports IPMI. The initial starting sequence number will be randomized. ipmiping will return 0 to the environment if it receives atleast 1 response from the remote host. Otherwise, it exists with a value of 1.


The following options are available


Output help menu.


Output version.

-c count

Stop after sending count packets.

-i interval

Wait interval seconds between sending each packet. The default is to wait for one second between each packet.

-I interface address

Set source address to specified interface address. Argument may be numeric IP address or name of device.

-t timeout

Time to wait for a response, in seconds. Default is five seconds.


Verbose output.

-s num

Specify an initial starting sequence number. The default is to use a random initial sequence number.


Turn on debugging.

-r version

Specify IPMI version. Available options are "1.5" and "2.0". Default is to use "1.5". Note that packets will always be sent with the IPMI 1.5 protocol, but IPMI 1.5 vs IPMI 2.0 relevant fields will be communicated in the Get Channel Authentication Capabilities datagram depending on user choice.

Known Issues

It has been observed that some remote BMCs can get "confused" and delay packet responses if duplicate packets (with duplicate sequence numbers) are sent in succession very quickly. There is no known way to cleanly deal with a "confused" BMC other than the wait awhile.

Unlike ping(8), local network devices (e.g. cannot be "pinged".

Reporting Bugs

Report bugs to <freeipmi-users@gnu.org> or <freeipmi-devel@gnu.org>.


Command and manpage based off ping(8).

See Also

freeipmi(7), ping(8), rmcpping(8)


Referenced By

freeipmi(7), libfreeipmi(3), rmcpping(8).

The man page ipmi-ping(8) is an alias of ipmiping(8).

2024-05-06 ipmiping 1.6.14 System Commands