ipmi-locate - Man Page

IPMI probing utility


ipmi-locate [OPTION...]


Ipmi-locate probes and displays information about a BMC device, such as device addresses or IPMI version support. Ipmi-locate is sometimes used to determine if IPMI can be found on your system. Users are cautioned though, the failure to discover IPMI via Ipmi-locate is not sufficient to disprove that IPMI exists on your system. Your system may not publish such information or may expect clients to communicate at default locations.


-?,  --help

Output a help list and exit.


Output a usage message and exit.

-V,  --version

Output the program version and exit.

Reporting Bugs

Report bugs to <freeipmi-users@gnu.org> or <freeipmi-devel@gnu.org>.

See Also



Referenced By

freeipmi(7), libfreeipmi(3).

2024-07-17 IPMI Locate version 1.6.14 System Commands