ip-ioam - Man Page

IPv6 In-situ OAM (IOAM)


ip ioam { COMMAND | help }

ip ioam namespace show

ip ioam namespace add ID [ data DATA32 ] [ wide DATA64 ]

ip ioam namespace del ID

ip ioam schema show

ip ioam schema add ID DATA

ip ioam schema del ID

ip ioam namespace set ID schema { ID | none }

ip ioam monitor


The ip ioam command is used to configure IPv6 In-situ OAM (IOAM6) internal parameters, namely IOAM namespaces and schemas.

Those parameters also include the mapping between an IOAM namespace and an IOAM schema.

The ip ioam monitor command displays IOAM data received.


Configure an IOAM namespace (ID = 1) with both data (32 bits) and wide data (64 bits)

# ip ioam namespace add 1 data 0xdeadbeef wide 0xcafec0caf00dc0de

See Also



Justin Iurman <justin.iurman@uliege.be>

Referenced By

ip(8), ip-route(8).

05 Jul 2021 iproute2 Linux