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ibcheckerrs - Man Page

validate IB port (or node) and report errors in counters above threshold


ibcheckerrs [-h] [-b] [-v] [-G] [-T <threshold_file>] [-s(how_thresholds)] [-N | -nocolor] [-C ca_name] [-P ca_port] [-t(imeout) timeout_ms] <lid|guid> <port>


Check specified port (or node) and report errors that surpassed their predefined threshold. Port address is lid unless -G option is used to specify a GUID address. The predefined thresholds can be dumped using the -s option, and a user defined threshold_file (using the same format as the dump) can be specified using the -t <file> option.


-G      use GUID address argument. In most cases, it is the Port GUID.


-s      show predefined thresholds

-T      use specified threshold file

-v      increase the verbosity level

-b      brief mode. Reduce the output to show only if errors are

present, not what they are.

-N | -nocolor use mono rather than color mode

-C <ca_name>    use the specified ca_name.

-P <ca_port>    use the specified ca_port.

-t <timeout_ms> override the default timeout for the solicited mads.


ibcheckerrs 2           # check aggregated node counter for lid 2

ibcheckerrs 2   4       # check port counters for lid 2 port 4

ibcheckerrs -T xxx 2    # check node using xxx threshold file

See Also

perfquery(8), ibaddr(8)


Hal Rosenstock


Referenced By

ibcheckerrors(8), ibchecknet(8).

May 30, 2007 OpenIB Diagnostics