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ethfabricanalysis - Man Page



Performs analysis of the fabric.


ethfabricanalysis [-b|-e] [-s] [-d  dir] [-c  file] [-E  file] [-p  planes] [-T  topology_inputs] [-f  host_files]



Produces full help text.


Specifies the baseline mode. Default is compare/check mode.


Evaluates health only. Default is compare/check mode.


Saves history of failures (errors/differences).

-d dir

Specifies the top-level directory for saving baseline and history of failed checks. Default is /var/usr/lib/eth-tools/analysis

-c file

Specifies the error thresholds config file. Default is /etc/eth-tools/ethmon.conf

-E file

Specifies Ethernet Mgt configuration file. The default is /etc/eth-tools/mgt_config.xml.

-p planes

Specifies Fabric planes separated by space. The default is the first enabled plane defined in config file. Value 'ALL' will use all enabled planes.

-f host_files

Hosts files separated by space. It overrides the HostsFiles defined in Mgt config file for the corresponding planes. Value 'DEFAULT' will use the HostFile defined in Mgt config file for the corresponding plane

-T topology_inputs

Specifies the name of topology input filenames separated by space. See Details and ethreport for more information.



ethfabricanalysis -p 'p1 p2' -f 'hosts1 DEFAULT'

The fabric analysis tool checks the following:

NOTE: The comparison includes components on the fabric. Therefore, operations such as shutting down a server cause the server to no longer appear on the fabric and are flagged as a fabric change or failure by ethfabricanalysis.

Environment Variables

The following environment variables are also used by this command:


Top-level directory for baselines and failed health checks.


You can specify the topology_input file to be used with one of the following methods:

If the specified file does not exist, no topology_input file is used.

For more information on topology_input, refer to ethreport

By default, the error analysis includes counters and slow links (that is, links running below enabled speeds). You can change this using the FF_FABRIC_HEALTH configuration parameter in ethfastfabric.conf. This parameter specifies the ethreport options and reports to be used for the health analysis.

When a topology_input file is used, it can also be useful to extend FF_FABRIC_HEALTH to include fabric topology verification options such as -o verifylinks.

The thresholds for counter analysis default to /etc/eth-tools/ethmon.conf. However, you can specify an alternate configuration file for thresholds using the -c option. The ethmon.si.conf file can also be used to check for any non-zero values for signal integrity counters.

All files generated by ethfabricanalysis start with fabric in their file name.

The ethfabricanalysis tool generates files such as the following within FF_ANALYSIS_DIR :

Health Check


During a baseline run, the following files are also created in FF_ANALYSIS_DIR/latest.

Full Analysis

The .diff and .changes files are only created if differences are detected.

If the -s option is used and failures are detected, files related to the checks that failed are also copied to the time-stamped directory name under FF_ANALYSIS_DIR.

Fabric Items Checked Against the Baseline

Based on ethreport -o links:

Based on ethreport -o comps:

Fabric Items Also Checked During Health Check

Based on ethreport -s -o errors -o slowlinks:


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