devlink-health - Man Page

devlink health reporting and recovery


devlink [ OPTIONS ] health { COMMAND | help }

OPTIONS := { -V[ersion] }

devlink health show [ { DEV | DEV/PORT_INDEX } reporter REPORTER ]

devlink health recover { DEV | DEV/PORT_INDEX } reporter REPORTER

devlink health diagnose { DEV | DEV/PORT_INDEX } reporter REPORTER

devlink health dump show { DEV | DEV/PORT_INDEX } reporter REPORTER

devlink health test { DEV | DEV/PORT_INDEX } reporter REPORTER

devlink health dump clear { DEV | DEV/PORT_INDEX } reporter REPORTER

devlink health set { DEV | DEV/PORT_INDEX } reporter REPORTER [ grace_period MSEC ] [ auto_recover { true | false } ] [ auto_dump { true | false } ]

devlink health help



devlink health show

List status and configuration of available reporters on devices and ports.

devlink health show pci/0000:00:09.0/1 reporter tx

List status and configuration of tx reporter registered on port on pci/0000:00:09.0/1

devlink health recover pci/0000:00:09.0 reporter fw_fatal

Initiate recovery on fw_fatal reporter registered on device on pci/0000:00:09.0.

devlink health recover pci/0000:00:09.0/1 reporter tx

Initiate recovery on tx reporter registered on port on pci/0000:00:09.0/1.

devlink health diagnose pci/0000:00:09.0 reporter fw

List diagnostics data on the specified device and reporter.

devlink health dump show pci/0000:00:09.0/1 reporter tx

Display the last saved dump on the specified port and reporter.

devlink health dump clear pci/0000:00:09.0/1 reporter tx

Delete saved dump on the specified port and reporter.

devlink health set pci/0000:00:09.0 reporter fw_fatal grace_period 3500

Set time interval between auto recoveries to minimum of 3500 msec on the specified device and reporter.

devlink health set pci/0000:00:09.0/1 reporter tx grace_period 3500

Set time interval between auto recoveries to minimum of 3500 msec on the specified port and reporter.

devlink health set pci/0000:00:09.0 reporter fw_fatal auto_recover false

Turn off auto recovery on the specified device and reporter.

See Also

devlink(8), devlink-dev(8), devlink-port(8), devlink-param(8), devlink-region(8),


Aya Levin <>

Referenced By

devlink(8), devlink-monitor(8), devlink-port(8).

20 Feb 2019 iproute2 Linux