clamav-unofficial-sigs - Man Page

Download, test, and install third-party ClamAV signature databases.


clamav-unofficial-sigs [options]


clamav-unofficial-sigs provides a simple way to download, test, and update third-party signature databases provided by Sanesecurity, FOXHOLE, OITC, Scamnailer, BOFHLAND, CRDF, Porcupine, Securiteinfo, MalwarePatrol, Yara-Rules Project, etc. It will also generate and install cron, logrotate, and man files.


Script updates can be found at:


This script follows the standard GNU command line syntax.


-c,  --config
Use a specific configuration file or directory   eg: '-c /your/dir' or ' -c /your/'    Note: If a directory is specified the directory must contain atleast:    master.conf, os.conf or user.conf   Default Directory: /etc/clamav-unofficial-sigs
-F,  --force
Force all databases to be downloaded, could cause ip to be blocked
-h,  --help
Display this script's help and usage information
-V,  --version
Output script version and date information
-v,  --verbose
Be verbose, enabled when not run under cron
-s,  --silence
Only output error messages, enabled when run under cron
-d,  --decode-sig
Decode a third-party signature either by signature name   (eg: Sanesecurity.Junk.15248) or hexadecimal string.   This flag will 'NOT' decode image signatures
-e,  --encode-string
Hexadecimal encode an entire input string that can   be used in any '*.ndb' signature database file
-f,  --encode-formatted
Hexadecimal encode a formatted input string containing   signature spacing fields '{}, (), *', without encoding   the spacing fields, so that the encoded signature   can be used in any '*.ndb' signature database file
-g,  --gpg-verify
GPG verify a specific Sanesecurity database file   eg: '-g filename.ext' (do not include file path)
-i,  --information
Output system and configuration information for   viewing or possible debugging purposes
-m,  --make-database
Make a signature database from an ascii file containing   data strings, with one data string per line.  Additional   information is provided when using this flag
-t,  --test-database
Clamscan integrity test a specific database file   eg: '-t filename.ext' (do not include file path)
-o,  --output-triggered
If HAM directory scanning is enabled in the script's   configuration file, then output names of any third-party   signatures that triggered during the HAM directory scan
-w,  --whitelist <signature-name>
Adds a signature whitelist entry in the newer ClamAV IGN2   format to 'my-whitelist.ign2' in order to temporarily resolve   a false-positive issue with a specific third-party signature.   Script added whitelist entries will automatically be removed   if the original signature is either modified or removed from   the third-party signature database
If ClamD status check is enabled and the socket path is correctly   specifiedthen test to see if clamd is running or not
Install and generate the cron, logroate and man files, autodetects the values   based on your config files
Install and generate the cron file, autodetects the values   based on your config files
Install and generate the logrotate file, autodetects the   values based on your config files
Install and generate the man file, autodetects the   values based on your config files
Remove the clamav-unofficial-sigs script and all of   its associated files and databases from the system

See Also

clamd(8), clamscan(1)


BSD (Berkeley Software Distribution)


Report bugs to


Adrian Jon Kriel :: Originially based on Script provide by Bill Landry


2019-09-02 Version: 6.1.1 SCRIPT COMMANDS