swaybar-protocol - Man Page

JSON status line protocol for swaybar


swaybar defines the following JSON protocol to specify what information is displayed in the status line on the right side of swaybar. The protocol comprises a header, that is a JSON object, followed by a newline (0x0A), followed by an infinite JSON array that represents the information to display. All communication is done by writing the status line to standard output and reading events from standard input.


The body is an infinite array, where each element of the array is a representation of the status line at the time that the element was written. Each element of the array is itself an array of JSON objects, where each object represents a block in the status line. Each block can have the following properties (only full_text is required):

full_textstringThe text that will be displayed. If missing, the block will be skipped.
short_textstringIf given and the text needs to be shortened due to space, this will be displayed instead of full_text
colorstringThe text color to use in #RRGGBBAA or #RRGGBB notation
backgroundstringThe background color for the block in #RRGGBBAA or #RRGGBB notation
borderstringThe border color for the block in #RRGGBBAA or #RRGGBB notation
border_topintegerThe height in pixels of the top border. The default is 1
border_bottomintegerThe height in pixels of the bottom border. The default is 1
border_leftintegerThe width in pixels of the left border. The default is 1
border_rightintegerThe width in pixels of the right border. The default is 1
min_widthinteger or stringThe minimum width to use for the block. This can either be given in pixels or a string can be given to allow for it to be calculated based on the width of the string.
alignstringIf the text does not span the full width of the block, this specifies how the text should be aligned inside of the block. This can be left (default), right, or center.
namestringA name for the block. This is only used to identify the block for click events. If set, each block should have a unique name and instance pair.
instancestringThe instance of the name for the block. This is only used to identify the block for click events. If set, each block should have a unique name and instance pair.
urgentbooleanWhether the block should be displayed as urgent. Currently swaybar utilizes the colors set in the sway config for urgent workspace buttons. See sway-bar(5) for more information on bar color configuration.
separatorbooleanWhether the bar separator should be drawn after the block. See sway-bar(5) for more information on how to set the separator text.
separator_block_widthintegerThe amount of pixels to leave blank after the block. The separator text will be displayed centered in this gap. The default is 9 pixels.
markupstringThe type of markup to use when parsing the text for the block. This can either be pango or none (default).

Other properties may be given and swaybar will ignore any property that it does not know. It is recommended to prefix any custom properties with an underscore to make it easier to distinguish them from protocol properties.

Body Example

  			"full_text": "25%",
  			"min_width": "100%",
  			"urgent": false
  			"full_text": "Thu 30 May 2019 02:15:15"
  			"full_text": "20%",
  			"min_width": "100%",
  			"urgent": false
  			"full_text": "Thu 30 May 2019 02:20:52"
  			"full_text": "15%",
  			"min_width": "100%",
  			"urgent": true
  			"full_text": "Thu 30 May 2019 02:25:41"

Full Block Example

  	"full_text": "Thu 30 May 2019 02:09:15",
  	"short_text": "02:09",
  	"color": "#ccccccff",
  	"background": "#111111ff",
  	"border": "#222222ff",
  	"border_top": 1,
  	"border_bottom": 1,
  	"border_left": 1,
  	"border_right": 1,
  	"min_width": 100,
  	"align": "center",
  	"name": "clock",
  	"instance": "edt",
  	"urgent": false,
  	"separator": true,
  	"separator_block_width": 5,
  	"markup": "none"

Click Events

If requested in the header, swaybar will write a JSON object, that can be read from standard in, when the user clicks on a block. The event object will have the following properties:

namestringThe name of the block, if set
instancestringThe instance of the block, if set
xintegerThe x location that the click occurred at
yintegerThe y location that the click occurred at
buttonintegerThe x11 button number for the click. If the button does not have an x11 button mapping, this will be 0.
eventintegerThe event code that corresponds to the button for the click
relative_xintegerThe x location of the click relative to the top-left of the block
relative_yintegerThe y location of the click relative to the top-left of the block
widthintegerThe width of the block in pixels
heightintegerThe height of the block in pixels

Differences from i3bar's protocol:


  	"name": "clock",
  	"instance": "edt",
  	"x": 1900,
  	"y": 10,
  	"button": 1,
  	"event": 274,
  	"relative_x": 100,
  	"relative_y": 8,
  	"width": 120,
  	"height": 18

See Also


Referenced By

