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ncid_modules - Man Page

NCID client output modules overview


NCID output modules are used to extend the functionality of the client. They are mostly simple shell scripts.

Module names are of the format: ncid-<name>.

Modules are normally called by the client using the command line:

   ncid --no-gui --module ncid-<name>

The client can only call one module at a time, but multiple clients can each have a different output module.

Each module may have a configuration file called ncid-<name>.conf>.

The ncid-<name>.conf> file understands three line types:

blank line:


comment line:

begins with a '#' and is ignored

shell variable:

set to a value, for example: foo=bar

The current modules distributed with NCID are:

    Module sends NCID call or message desktop notifications.
    Its configuration file: ncid-alert.conf

Module reinitializes the modem when RING is received as the number. Does not have a configuration file.

IMPORTANT: Module should only be used if modem stops sending CID to ncidd but continues to send RING.


Module popups Caller ID using KDE.  Its configuration file:



Module stores NCID data in a MySQL or MariaDB Database.  Its configuration file: ncid-mysql.conf


Module displays Caller ID on MythTV.  Its configuration file:



Module displays Caller ID on a iOS device.  Its configuration file: ncid-notify.conf

IMPORTANT: Register at https://www.prowlapp.com for iOS key


Module sends Caller ID to a cell phone or pager.  Its configuration file: ncid-page.conf

IMPORTANT: sendmail.cf must hide user root when masquerading is used and root is sending the email


Module sends Caller ID to samba to get a popup.  Its configuration file: ncid-samba.conf


Module just echos the input.  Modify it and its configuration file to write new modules.  Its configuration file: ncid-skel.conf


Module sends Caller ID to a text-to-speech program.  Its configuration file: ncid-speak.cconf


Module wakes up a X-Window system that is using Gnome.  It is automatically called when the ncid option is set. Does not have a configuration file.


Module sends Caller ID to YAC clients.  Its configuration file: ncid-yac.conf




See Also

ncid(1), ncid.conf(5), ncid-initmodem(1), ncid-kpopup(1), ncid-mysql(1), ncid-mysql-setup(8), ncid-mythtv(1), ncid-notify(1), ncid-page(1), ncid-samba(1), ncid-skel(1), ncid-speak(1), ncid-wakeup(1), ncid-yac(1)

Referenced By

ncid(1), ncid-alert(1), ncid-initmodem(1), ncid-kpopup(1), ncid-mysql(1), ncid-mysql-setup(8), ncid-mythtv(1), ncid-notify(1), ncid-page(1), ncid-samba(1), ncid-skel(1), ncid-speak(1), ncid-wakeup(1), ncid-yac(1).

2022-11-cw8NCID NCID