libpipewire-module-raop-sink - Man Page
AirPlay Sink
Creates a new Sink to stream to an Airplay device.
Normally this sink is automatically created with RAOP Discover with the right parameters but it is possible to manually create a RAOP sink as well.
Module Name
Module Options
Options specific to the behavior of this module
- raop.ip: The ip address of the remote end.
- raop.port: The port of the remote end.
- The name of the remote end.
- raop.hostname: The hostname of the remote end.
- raop.transport: The data transport to use, one of "udp" or "tcp". Defaults to "udp".
- raop.encryption.type: The encryption type to use. One of "none", "RSA" or "auth_setup". Default is "none".
- The audio codec to use. Needs to be "PCM". Defaults to "PCM".
- raop.password: The password to use.
- stream.props = {}: properties to be passed to the sink stream
Options with well-known behavior.
- audio.format
- audio.rate
- audio.channels
- audio.position
- node.description
- node.latency
- node.virtual
- media.class
Example Configuration
# ~/.config/pipewire/pipewire.conf.d/my-raop-sink.conf context.modules = [ { name = libpipewire-module-raop-sink args = { # Set the remote address to tunnel to raop.ip = "" raop.port = 8190 = "my-raop-device" raop.hostname = "My Service" #raop.transport = "udp" raop.encryption.type = "RSA" = "PCM" #raop.password = "****" #audio.format = "S16" #audio.rate = 44100 #audio.channels = 2 #audio.position = [ FL FR ] stream.props = { # extra sink properties } } } ]
See Also
RAOP Discover
Referenced By
1.3.82 PipeWire