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dotnet-new-sdk-templates - Man Page

.NET default templates for dotnet new


When you install the .NET SDK (https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download), you receive over a dozen built-in templates for creating projects and files, including console apps, class libraries, unit test projects, ASP.NET Core apps (including Angular (https://angular.io/) and React (https://reactjs.org/) projects), and configuration files. To list the built-in templates, run the dotnet new list command:

dotnet new list

The following table shows the templates that come pre-installed with the .NET SDK. The default language for the template is shown inside the brackets. Click on the short name link to see the specific template options.

TemplatesShort nameLanguageTagsIntroduced
Console Applicationconsole[C#], F#, VBCommon/Console1.0
Class libraryclasslib[C#], F#, VBCommon/Library1.0
WPF Applicationwpf[C#], VBCommon/WPF3.0 (5.0 for VB)
WPF Class librarywpflib[C#], VBCommon/WPF3.0 (5.0 for VB)
WPF Custom Control Librarywpfcustomcontrollib[C#], VBCommon/WPF3.0 (5.0 for VB)
WPF User Control Librarywpfusercontrollib[C#], VBCommon/WPF3.0 (5.0 for VB)
Windows Forms (WinForms) Applicationwinforms[C#], VBCommon/WinForms3.0 (5.0 for VB)
Windows Forms (WinForms) Class librarywinformslib[C#], VBCommon/WinForms3.0 (5.0 for VB)
Worker Serviceworker[C#]Common/Worker/Web3.0
Unit Test Projectmstest[C#], F#, VBTest/MSTest1.0
NUnit 3 Test Projectnunit[C#], F#, VBTest/NUnit2.1.400
NUnit 3 Test Itemnunit-test[C#], F#, VBTest/NUnit2.2
xUnit Test Projectxunit[C#], F#, VBTest/xUnit1.0
Razor Componentrazorcomponent[C#]Web/ASP.NET3.0
Razor Pagepage[C#]Web/ASP.NET2.0
MVC ViewImportsviewimports[C#]Web/ASP.NET2.0
MVC ViewStartviewstart[C#]Web/ASP.NET2.0
Blazor Server Appblazorserver[C#]Web/Blazor3.0
Blazor Server App Emptyblazorserver-empty[C#]Web/Blazor7.0
Blazor WebAssembly Appblazorwasm[C#]Web/Blazor/WebAssembly3.1.300
Blazor WebAssembly App Emptyblazorwasm-empty[C#]Web/Blazor/WebAssembly7.0
ASP.NET Core Emptyweb[C#], F#Web/Empty1.0
ASP.NET Core Web App (Model-View-Controller)mvc[C#], F#Web/MVC1.0
ASP.NET Core Web Appwebapp, razor[C#]Web/MVC/Razor Pages2.2, 2.0
ASP.NET Core with Angularangular[C#]Web/MVC/SPA2.0
ASP.NET Core with React.jsreact[C#]Web/MVC/SPA2.0
Razor Class Libraryrazorclasslib[C#]Web/Razor/Library/Razor Class Library2.1
ASP.NET Core Web APIwebapi[C#], F#Web/Web API/API/Service/WebAPI1.0
ASP.NET Core APIwebapiaot[C#]Web/Web API/API/Service8.0
ASP.NET Core gRPC Servicegrpc[C#]Web/gRPC3.0
dotnet gitignore filegitignoreConfig3.0
global.json fileglobaljsonConfig2.0
NuGet ConfignugetconfigConfig1.0
Dotnet local tool manifest filetool-manifestConfig3.0
Web ConfigwebconfigConfig1.0
Solution FileslnSolution1.0
Protocol Buffer FileprotoWeb/gRPC3.0
EditorConfig fileeditorconfig(#editorconfig)Config6.0

Template options

Each template may have additional options available. To show the additional options available for the template use the --help option with the template name argument, for example: dotnet new console --help. In case the template supports multiple languages, this command will show help for the template in the default language. By combining it with the --language option, you can see the help for other languages: dotnet new console --help --language F#. The templates that ship with the .NET SDK have the following additional options:


  • -f|--framework <FRAMEWORK>

    Specifies the framework to target. Available since .NET Core 3.0 SDK.

    The following table lists the default values according to the SDK version you’re using:

    SDK versionDefault value

    The ability to create a project for an earlier TFM depends on having that version of the SDK installed. For example, if you have only the .NET 7 SDK installed, then the only value available for --framework is net7.0. If you install the .NET 6 SDK the value net6.0 becomes available for --framework. If you install the .NET Core 3.1 SDK, netcoreapp3.1 becomes available, and so on. So by specifying --framework netcoreapp3.1 you can target .NET Core 3.1 even while running dotnet new in the .NET 6 SDK.

    Alternatively, to create a project that targets a framework earlier than the SDK that you’re using, you might be able to do it by installing the NuGet package for the template. Common (https://www.nuget.org/packages?q=Microsoft.DotNet.Common.ProjectTemplates), web (https://www.nuget.org/packages?q=Microsoft.DotNet.Web.ProjectTemplates), and SPA (https://www.nuget.org/packages?q=Microsoft.DotNet.Web.Spa.ProjectTemplates) project types use different packages per target framework moniker (TFM). For example, to create a console project that targets netcoreapp1.0, run dotnet new install on Microsoft.DotNet.Common.ProjectTemplates.1.x.

  • --langVersion <VERSION_NUMBER>

    Sets the LangVersion property in the created project file. For example, use --langVersion 7.3 to use C# 7.3. Not supported for F#. Available since .NET Core 2.2 SDK.

    For a list of default C# versions, see Defaults.

  • --no-restore

    If specified, doesn’t execute an implicit restore during project creation. Available since .NET Core 2.2 SDK.

  • --use-program-main

    If specified, an explicit Program class and Main method will be used instead of top-level statements. Available since .NET SDK 6.0.300. Default value: false. Available only for C#.

  *   *   *   *   *


  • -f|--framework <FRAMEWORK>

    Specifies the framework to target. Values: net7.0, net6.0, or netcoreapp3.1 to create a .NET Class Library or netstandard2.1 or netstandard2.0 to create a .NET Standard Class Library. The default value for .NET SDK 7.0.x is net7.0.

    To create a project that targets a framework earlier than the SDK that you’re using, see --framework for console projects earlier in this article.

  • --langVersion <VERSION_NUMBER>

    Sets the LangVersion property in the created project file. For example, use --langVersion 7.3 to use C# 7.3. Not supported for F#. Available since .NET Core 2.2 SDK.

    For a list of default C# versions, see Defaults.

  • --no-restore

    Doesn’t execute an implicit restore during project creation.

  *   *   *   *   *

wpf, wpflib, wpfcustomcontrollib, wpfusercontrollib

  • -f|--framework <FRAMEWORK>

    Specifies the framework to target. For the .NET 6 SDK, the default value is net6.0. Available since .NET Core 3.1 SDK.

  • --langVersion <VERSION_NUMBER>

    Sets the LangVersion property in the created project file. For example, use --langVersion 7.3 to use C# 7.3.

    For a list of default C# versions, see Defaults.

  • --no-restore

    Doesn’t execute an implicit restore during project creation.

  *   *   *   *   *

winforms, winformslib

  • --langVersion <VERSION_NUMBER>

    Sets the LangVersion property in the created project file. For example, use --langVersion 7.3 to use C# 7.3.

    For a list of default C# versions, see Defaults.

  • --no-restore

    Doesn’t execute an implicit restore during project creation.

  *   *   *   *   *

worker, grpc

  • -f|--framework <FRAMEWORK>

    Specifies the framework to target. The default value for .NET 7 SDK is net7.0. Available since .NET Core 3.1 SDK.

    To create a project that targets a framework earlier than the SDK that you’re using, see --framework for console projects earlier in this article.

  • --exclude-launch-settings

    Excludes launchSettings.json from the generated template.

  • --no-restore

    Doesn’t execute an implicit restore during project creation.

  • --use-program-main

    If specified, an explicit Program class and Main method will be used instead of top-level statements. Available since .NET SDK 6.0.300. Default value: false.

  *   *   *   *   *

mstest, xunit

  • -f|--framework <FRAMEWORK>

    Specifies the framework to target. Option available since .NET Core 3.0 SDK.

    The following table lists the default values according to the SDK version number you’re using:

    SDK versionDefault value

The ability to create a project for an earlier TFM depends on having that version of the SDK installed. For example, if you have only the .NET 6 SDK installed, then the only value available for --framework is net6.0. If you install the .NET 5 SDK, the value net5.0 becomes available for --framework. If you install the .NET Core 3.1 SDK, netcoreapp3.1 becomes available, and so on. So by specifying --framework netcoreapp3.1 you can target .NET Core 3.1 even while running dotnet new in the .NET 6 SDK.

  • -p|--enable-pack

    Enables packaging for the project using dotnet pack.

  • --no-restore

    Doesn’t execute an implicit restore during project creation.

  *   *   *   *   *


  • -f|--framework <FRAMEWORK>

    Specifies the framework to target.

    The following table lists the default values according to the SDK version number you’re using:

    SDK versionDefault value

The ability to create a project for an earlier TFM depends on having that version of the SDK installed. For example, if you have only the .NET 6 SDK installed, then the only value available for --framework is net6.0. If you install the .NET 5 SDK, the value net5.0 becomes available for --framework. If you install the .NET Core 3.1 SDK, netcoreapp3.1 becomes available, and so on. So by specifying --framework netcoreapp3.1 you can target .NET Core 3.1 even while running dotnet new in the .NET 6 SDK.

  • -p|--enable-pack

    Enables packaging for the project using dotnet pack.

  • --no-restore

    Doesn’t execute an implicit restore during project creation.

  *   *   *   *   *


  • -na|--namespace <NAMESPACE_NAME>

    Namespace for the generated code. The default value is MyApp.Namespace.

  • -np|--no-pagemodel

    Creates the page without a PageModel.

  *   *   *   *   *

viewimports, proto

  • -na|--namespace <NAMESPACE_NAME>

    Namespace for the generated code. The default value is MyApp.Namespace.

  *   *   *   *   *


  • -au|--auth <AUTHENTICATION_TYPE>

    The type of authentication to use. The possible values are:

    • None - No authentication (Default).
    • Individual - Individual authentication.
    • IndividualB2C - Individual authentication with Azure AD B2C.
    • SingleOrg - Organizational authentication for a single tenant.
    • MultiOrg - Organizational authentication for multiple tenants.
    • Windows - Windows authentication.
  • --aad-b2c-instance <INSTANCE>

    The Azure Active Directory B2C instance to connect to. Use with IndividualB2C authentication. The default value is https://login.microsoftonline.com/tfp/.

  • -ssp|--susi-policy-id <ID>

    The sign-in and sign-up policy ID for this project. Use with IndividualB2C authentication.

  • -rp|--reset-password-policy-id <ID>

    The reset password policy ID for this project. Use with IndividualB2C authentication.

  • -ep|--edit-profile-policy-id <ID>

    The edit profile policy ID for this project. Use with IndividualB2C authentication.

  • --aad-instance <INSTANCE>

    The Azure Active Directory instance to connect to. Use with SingleOrg or MultiOrg authentication. The default value is https://login.microsoftonline.com/.

  • --client-id <ID>

    The Client ID for this project. Use with IndividualB2C, SingleOrg, or MultiOrg authentication. The default value is 11111111-1111-1111-11111111111111111.

  • --domain <DOMAIN>

    The domain for the directory tenant. Use with SingleOrg or IndividualB2C authentication. The default value is qualified.domain.name.

  • --tenant-id <ID>

    The TenantId ID of the directory to connect to. Use with SingleOrg authentication. The default value is 22222222-2222-2222-2222-222222222222.

  • --callback-path <PATH>

    The request path within the application’s base path of the redirect URI. Use with SingleOrg or IndividualB2C authentication. The default value is /signin-oidc.

  • -r|--org-read-access

    Allows this application read-access to the directory. Only applies to SingleOrg or MultiOrg authentication.

  • --exclude-launch-settings

    Excludes launchSettings.json from the generated template.

  • --no-https

    Turns off HTTPS. This option only applies if Individual, IndividualB2C, SingleOrg, or MultiOrg aren’t being used for --auth.

  • -uld|--use-local-db

    Specifies LocalDB should be used instead of SQLite. Only applies to Individual or IndividualB2C authentication.

  • --no-restore

    Doesn’t execute an implicit restore during project creation.

  • --kestrelHttpPort

    Port number to use for the HTTP endpoint in launchSettings.json.

  • --kestrelHttpsPort

    Port number to use for the HTTPS endpoint in launchSettings.json. This option is not applicable when the parameter no-https is used (but no-https is ignored when an individual or organizational authentication setting is chosen for --auth).

  • --use-program-main

    If specified, an explicit Program class and Main method will be used instead of top-level statements. Available since .NET SDK 6.0.300. Default value: false.

  *   *   *   *   *


  • -f|--framework <FRAMEWORK>

    Specifies the framework to target.

    The following table lists the default values according to the SDK version number you’re using:

    SDK versionDefault value

    To create a project that targets a framework earlier than the SDK that you’re using, see --framework for console projects earlier in this article.

  • --no-restore

    Doesn’t execute an implicit restore during project creation.

  • -ho|--hosted

    Includes an ASP.NET Core host for the Blazor WebAssembly app.

  • -au|--auth <AUTHENTICATION_TYPE>

    The type of authentication to use. The possible values are:

    • None - No authentication (Default).
    • Individual - Individual authentication.
    • IndividualB2C - Individual authentication with Azure AD B2C.
    • SingleOrg - Organizational authentication for a single tenant.
  • --authority <AUTHORITY>

    The authority of the OIDC provider. Use with Individual authentication. The default value is https://login.microsoftonline.com/.

  • --aad-b2c-instance <INSTANCE>

    The Azure Active Directory B2C instance to connect to. Use with IndividualB2C authentication. The default value is https://aadB2CInstance.b2clogin.com/.

  • -ssp|--susi-policy-id <ID>

    The sign-in and sign-up policy ID for this project. Use with IndividualB2C authentication.

  • --aad-instance <INSTANCE>

    The Azure Active Directory instance to connect to. Use with SingleOrg authentication. The default value is https://login.microsoftonline.com/.

  • --client-id <ID>

    The Client ID for this project. Use with IndividualB2C, SingleOrg, or Individual authentication in standalone scenarios. The default value is 33333333-3333-3333-33333333333333333.

  • --domain <DOMAIN>

    The domain for the directory tenant. Use with SingleOrg or IndividualB2C authentication. The default value is qualified.domain.name.

  • --app-id-uri <URI>

    The App ID Uri for the server API you want to call. Use with SingleOrg or IndividualB2C authentication. The default value is api.id.uri.

  • --api-client-id <ID>

    The Client ID for the API that the server hosts. Use with SingleOrg or IndividualB2C authentication. The default value is 11111111-1111-1111-11111111111111111.

  • -s|--default-scope <SCOPE>

    The API scope the client needs to request to provision an access token. Use with SingleOrg or IndividualB2C authentication. The default value is user_impersonation.

  • --tenant-id <ID>

    The TenantId ID of the directory to connect to. Use with SingleOrg authentication. The default value is 22222222-2222-2222-2222-222222222222.

  • -r|--org-read-access

    Allows this application read-access to the directory. Only applies to SingleOrg authentication.

  • --exclude-launch-settings

    Excludes launchSettings.json from the generated template.

  • -p|--pwa

    produces a Progressive Web Application (PWA) supporting installation and offline use.

  • --no-https

    Turns off HTTPS. This option only applies if Individual, IndividualB2C, or SingleOrg aren’t being used for --auth.

  • -uld|--use-local-db

    Specifies LocalDB should be used instead of SQLite. Only applies to Individual or IndividualB2C authentication.

  • --called-api-url <URL>

    URL of the API to call from the web app. Only applies to SingleOrg or IndividualB2C authentication without an ASP.NET Core host specified. The default value is https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/me.

  • --calls-graph

    Specifies if the web app calls Microsoft Graph. Only applies to SingleOrg authentication.

  • --called-api-scopes <SCOPES>

    Scopes to request to call the API from the web app. Only applies to SingleOrg or IndividualB2C authentication without an ASP.NET Core host specified. The default is user.read.

  • --kestrelHttpPort

    Port number to use for the HTTP endpoint in launchSettings.json.

  • --kestrelHttpsPort

    Port number to use for the HTTPS endpoint in launchSettings.json. This option is not applicable when the parameter no-https is used (but no-https is ignored when an individual or organizational authentication setting is chosen for --auth).

  • --use-program-main

    If specified, an explicit Program class and Main method will be used instead of top-level statements. Available since .NET SDK 6.0.300. Default value: false.

  *   *   *   *   *


  • --exclude-launch-settings

    Excludes launchSettings.json from the generated template.

  • -f|--framework <FRAMEWORK>

    Specifies the framework to target. Option not available in .NET Core 2.2 SDK.

    The following table lists the default values according to the SDK version number you’re using:

    SDK versionDefault value

    To create a project that targets a framework earlier than the SDK that you’re using, see --framework for console projects earlier in this article.

  • --no-restore

    Doesn’t execute an implicit restore during project creation.

  • --no-https

    Turns off HTTPS.

  • --kestrelHttpPort

    Port number to use for the HTTP endpoint in launchSettings.json.

  • --kestrelHttpsPort

    Port number to use for the HTTPS endpoint in launchSettings.json. This option is not applicable when the parameter no-https is used (but no-https is ignored when an individual or organizational authentication setting is chosen for --auth).

  • --use-program-main

    If specified, an explicit Program class and Main method will be used instead of top-level statements. Available since .NET SDK 6.0.300. Default value: false.

  *   *   *   *   *

mvc, webapp

  • -au|--auth <AUTHENTICATION_TYPE>

    The type of authentication to use. The possible values are:

    • None - No authentication (Default).
    • Individual - Individual authentication.
    • IndividualB2C - Individual authentication with Azure AD B2C.
    • SingleOrg - Organizational authentication for a single tenant.
    • MultiOrg - Organizational authentication for multiple tenants.
    • Windows - Windows authentication.
  • --aad-b2c-instance <INSTANCE>

    The Azure Active Directory B2C instance to connect to. Use with IndividualB2C authentication. The default value is https://login.microsoftonline.com/tfp/.

  • -ssp|--susi-policy-id <ID>

    The sign-in and sign-up policy ID for this project. Use with IndividualB2C authentication.

  • -rp|--reset-password-policy-id <ID>

    The reset password policy ID for this project. Use with IndividualB2C authentication.

  • -ep|--edit-profile-policy-id <ID>

    The edit profile policy ID for this project. Use with IndividualB2C authentication.

  • --aad-instance <INSTANCE>

    The Azure Active Directory instance to connect to. Use with SingleOrg or MultiOrg authentication. The default value is https://login.microsoftonline.com/.

  • --client-id <ID>

    The Client ID for this project. Use with IndividualB2C, SingleOrg, or MultiOrg authentication. The default value is 11111111-1111-1111-11111111111111111.

  • --domain <DOMAIN>

    The domain for the directory tenant. Use with SingleOrg or IndividualB2C authentication. The default value is qualified.domain.name.

  • --tenant-id <ID>

    The TenantId ID of the directory to connect to. Use with SingleOrg authentication. The default value is 22222222-2222-2222-2222-222222222222.

  • --callback-path <PATH>

    The request path within the application’s base path of the redirect URI. Use with SingleOrg or IndividualB2C authentication. The default value is /signin-oidc.

  • -r|--org-read-access

    Allows this application read-access to the directory. Only applies to SingleOrg or MultiOrg authentication.

  • --exclude-launch-settings

    Excludes launchSettings.json from the generated template.

  • --no-https

    Turns off HTTPS. This option only applies if Individual, IndividualB2C, SingleOrg, or MultiOrg aren’t being used.

  • -uld|--use-local-db

    Specifies LocalDB should be used instead of SQLite. Only applies to Individual or IndividualB2C authentication.

  • -f|--framework <FRAMEWORK>

    Specifies the framework to target. Option available since .NET Core 3.0 SDK.

    The following table lists the default values according to the SDK version number you’re using:

    SDK versionDefault value

    To create a project that targets a framework earlier than the SDK that you’re using, see --framework for console projects earlier in this article.

  • --no-restore

    Doesn’t execute an implicit restore during project creation.

  • --use-browserlink

    Includes BrowserLink in the project. Option not available in .NET Core 2.2 and 3.1 SDK.

  • -rrc|--razor-runtime-compilation

    Determines if the project is configured to use Razor runtime compilation in Debug builds. Option available since .NET Core 3.1.201 SDK.

  • --kestrelHttpPort

    Port number to use for the HTTP endpoint in launchSettings.json.

  • --kestrelHttpsPort

    Port number to use for the HTTPS endpoint in launchSettings.json. This option is not applicable when the parameter no-https is used (but no-https is ignored when an individual or organizational authentication setting is chosen for --auth).

  • --use-program-main

    If specified, an explicit Program class and Main method will be used instead of top-level statements. Available since .NET SDK 6.0.300. Default value: false.

  *   *   *   *   *

angular, react

  • -au|--auth <AUTHENTICATION_TYPE>

    The type of authentication to use. Available since .NET Core 3.0 SDK.

    The possible values are:

    • None - No authentication (Default).
    • Individual - Individual authentication.
  • --exclude-launch-settings

    Excludes launchSettings.json from the generated template.

  • --no-restore

    Doesn’t execute an implicit restore during project creation.

  • --no-https

    Turns off HTTPS. This option only applies if authentication is None.

  • -uld|--use-local-db

    Specifies LocalDB should be used instead of SQLite. Only applies to Individual or IndividualB2C authentication. Available since .NET Core 3.0 SDK.

  • -f|--framework <FRAMEWORK>

    Specifies the framework to target. Option not available in .NET Core 2.2 SDK.

    The following table lists the default values according to the SDK version number you’re using:

    SDK versionDefault value

    To create a project that targets a framework earlier than the SDK that you’re using, see --framework for console projects earlier in this article.

  • --kestrelHttpPort

    Port number to use for the HTTP endpoint in launchSettings.json.

  • --kestrelHttpsPort

    Port number to use for the HTTPS endpoint in launchSettings.json. This option is not applicable when the parameter no-https is used (but no-https is ignored when an individual or organizational authentication setting is chosen for --auth).

  • --use-program-main

    If specified, an explicit Program class and Main method will be used instead of top-level statements. Available since .NET SDK 6.0.300. Default value: false.

  *   *   *   *   *


  • --exclude-launch-settings

    Excludes launchSettings.json from the generated template.

  • -f|--framework <FRAMEWORK>

    Specifies the framework to target. Option not available in .NET Core 2.2 SDK.

    The following table lists the default values according to the SDK version number you’re using:

    SDK versionDefault value

    To create a project that targets a framework earlier than the SDK that you’re using, see --framework for console projects earlier in this article.

  • --no-restore

    Doesn’t execute an implicit restore during project creation.

  • --no-https

    Turns off HTTPS.

  • --kestrelHttpPort

    Port number to use for the HTTP endpoint in launchSettings.json.

  • --kestrelHttpsPort

    Port number to use for the HTTPS endpoint in launchSettings.json. This option is not applicable when the parameter no-https is used (but no-https is ignored when an individual or organizational authentication setting is chosen for --auth).

  *   *   *   *   *


  • --no-restore

    Doesn’t execute an implicit restore during project creation.

  • -s|--support-pages-and-views

    Supports adding traditional Razor pages and Views in addition to components to this library. Available since .NET Core 3.0 SDK.

  *   *   *   *   *


Creates a web API project with AOT publish enabled. For more information, see Native AOT deployment and The Web API (Native AOT) template.

  • --exclude-launch-settings

    Excludes launchSettings.json from the generated template.

  • -f|--framework <FRAMEWORK>

    Specifies the framework to target.

    The following table lists the default values according to the SDK version number you’re using:

    SDK versionDefault value
  • --no-restore

    Doesn’t execute an implicit restore during project creation.

  • --use-program-main

    If specified, an explicit Program class and Main method will be used instead of top-level statements. Available since .NET SDK 6.0.300. Default value: false.

  *   *   *   *   *


  • -au|--auth <AUTHENTICATION_TYPE>

    The type of authentication to use. The possible values are:

    • None - No authentication (Default).
    • IndividualB2C - Individual authentication with Azure AD B2C.
    • SingleOrg - Organizational authentication for a single tenant.
    • Windows - Windows authentication.
  • --aad-b2c-instance <INSTANCE>

    The Azure Active Directory B2C instance to connect to. Use with IndividualB2C authentication. The default value is https://login.microsoftonline.com/tfp/.

  • -minimal|--use-minimal-apis

    Create a project that uses the ASP.NET Core minimal API. Default is false, but this option is overridden by --controllers. Since the default for --controllers is false, entering dotnet new webapi without specifying either option creates a minimal API project.

  • -ssp|--susi-policy-id <ID>

    The sign-in and sign-up policy ID for this project. Use with IndividualB2C authentication.

  • --aad-instance <INSTANCE>

    The Azure Active Directory instance to connect to. Use with SingleOrg authentication. The default value is https://login.microsoftonline.com/.

  • --client-id <ID>

    The Client ID for this project. Use with IndividualB2C or SingleOrg authentication. The default value is 11111111-1111-1111-11111111111111111.

  • --controllers, --use-controllers

    Whether to use controllers instead of minimal APIs. If both this option and -minimal are specified, this option overrides the value specified by -minimal. Default is false.

  • --domain <DOMAIN>

    The domain for the directory tenant. Use with IndividualB2C or SingleOrg authentication. The default value is qualified.domain.name.

  • --tenant-id <ID>

    The TenantId ID of the directory to connect to. Use with SingleOrg authentication. The default value is 22222222-2222-2222-2222-222222222222.

  • -r|--org-read-access

    Allows this application read-access to the directory. Only applies to SingleOrg authentication.

  • --exclude-launch-settings

    Excludes launchSettings.json from the generated template.

  • --no-openapi

    Turns off OpenAPI (Swagger) support. AddSwaggerGen, UseSwagger, and UseSwaggerUI aren’t called.

  • --no-https

    Turns off HTTPS. No https launch profile is created in launchSettings.json. app.UseHsts and app.UseHttpsRedirection aren’t called in Program.cs/Startup.cs. This option only applies if IndividualB2C or SingleOrg aren’t being used for authentication.

  • -uld|--use-local-db

    Specifies LocalDB should be used instead of SQLite. Only applies to IndividualB2C authentication.

  • -f|--framework <FRAMEWORK>

    Specifies the framework to target. Option not available in .NET Core 2.2 SDK.

    The following table lists the default values according to the SDK version number you’re using:

    SDK versionDefault value

    To create a project that targets a framework earlier than the SDK that you’re using, see --framework for console projects earlier in this article.

  • --no-restore

    Doesn’t execute an implicit restore during project creation.

  • --use-program-main

    If specified, an explicit Program class and Main method will be used instead of top-level statements. Available since .NET SDK 6.0.300. Default value: false.

  *   *   *   *   *


  • --sdk-version <VERSION_NUMBER>

    Specifies the version of the .NET SDK to use in the global.json file.


Creates an .editorconfig file for configuring code style preferences.

  • --empty

    Creates an empty .editorconfig instead of the defaults for .NET.

See Also


2023-10-25 .NET Documentation